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“Fools... I do not take rejection kindly... You'll be begging for forgiveness when I've finished with you! ”

Yodogimi is an antagonist from the Twilight of Edo Japan chapter, The Infiltrator. She is a temptress spirit that tries to trick Oboromaru by passing as Ode Iou's daughter.



Yodogimi is dressed in simple green and red robes that reveal most of her chest. She also has very long black hair which covers most of her body. She is ensconced at her feet by wispy blue flames.


Yodogimi is a deceptive seductress, able to convince multiple trained ninja that she is the daughter of the castle's lord. She is devoted to her master, serving him loyally and without question.


Twilight of Edo Japan: The Infiltrator

Yodogimi is a malicious spirit that was summoned by Ode Iou to serve as a guardian of his castle. She first appears on the castle's third floor from the fourth in her personal chambers. Disguised as Ode Iou's daughter, she pleads with four Ode ninja not to kill her. Oboromaru may enter her chambers and kill the enemy ninja, saving her.

Claiming to be enamored by Oboromaru, Yodogimi offers him her hand in marriage, while sealing the doors so he cannot escape. Should Oboromaru accept her proposal alone, Yodogimi will consume his soul, leading to an instant Game Over. If accompanied by the Prisoner, however, he will warn the ninja that Ode Iou has no daughters. Yodogimi then reveals her true form to the pair, and attacks them. Alternatively, Oboromaru may reject her proposal and attack her while she is in disguise. Doing this will add one point to his kill count.

If Yodogimi was thwarted in her disguise, or if she was avoided entirely, she is later encountered in the passage to the castle's roof. She fights Oboromaru and the Prisoner in her true form while Ode Iou retreats to his chambers. If Oboromaru had previously attacked her while disguised, he realizes at this point that she is not truly human, and subtracts the earlier point from his kill count. No matter how she is beaten, she vanishes from the mortal world calling out for her master.

Yodogimi does not count as an innocent woman, and thus killing her will not impede Oboromaru from receiving the Lacquered Medicine Box.


Try to stay away from her Sexiness attack range, as she can inflict the Intoxication status effect. She also has many strong attacks that inflict debuffs. Keep your distance and attack with Water techniques such as Waterspout or Winter's Chill. You can also use Demented Spin to lock her in the Rotation status.


Possible Encounters



  • In Japanese history, Yodogimi was a prominent figure known for participating in the restoration of the Toyotomi clan, and founding the temple of Yogen-in. She was often perceived in her time by members of the Tokugawa clan as a schemer and manipulator.
Twilight of Edo Japan: The Infiltrator
OboromaruThe PrisonerMimic MammetAmakusa ShiroPuppetmaster GennaiYodogimiMiyamoto MusashiOde Iou
Ode Castle
Manservant • Retainer (Purple) • Retainer (Orange) • Eight Blades Samurai • Shinobi • Go-Nin-Ja • Go-Nin-Ja (Clone) • Goemon • Enma Tracker • Hayate • Ronin • Hannya Maru • Kyoshiro • Minister • Merchant • Maid • Kunoichi • Foreigner • Monk• Relentless Maid • Young Monk • Folding Screen Tiger • Lost Soul • Okyou • Nekomata • Trap Master • Flame Contraption • Ice Contraption • Gas Contraption • Icon of War • Icon of Flame • Icon of Water • Electrode • Wood Post • Candlestand • Paper Partition • Lord Iwama • Majin Ryunosuke • Gamahebi
Shadowed DutyThe Sound of SilenceTo Arms!