Amakusa Shiro

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“Very well... Then I, Amakusa Shiro... Shall deliver you from this mortal realm under god's grace! ”
—Amakusa Shiro

Amakusa Shiro is an antagonist from the Twilight of Edo Japan chapter, The Infiltrator. He is a ghostly priest who commands all the spirits in Ode Castle.



Amakusa Shiro wears simple cyan and teal robes along with a purple vest with a red interior. He has long, flowing blond hair which he keeps tied in a ponytail. A Rosary rests around his neck.


Amakusa Shiro is a smug and haughty spirit. He has utmost pride in his spiritual immortality, taken with the delusion that he is nigh untouchable. Somewhat unusually for the time period, he is implied to be a devout Christian.


Twilight of Edo Japan: The Infiltrator

Amakusa Shiro was summoned by Ode Iou to serve as a guardian of his estate, controlling all the spirits within his fortress. At the orders of his master, he also rendered the abduction of the prisoner, keeping him in the castle dungeon.

Oboromaru may encounter Amakusa Shiro by breaking into the prisoner's cell; caught in a trap, he falls into the castle's charnel pit. Amakusa manifests before Oboromaru as he attempts to escape, blocking the exit. He taunts the shinobi, boasting his immortality. If Oboromaru bests him in battle, Amakusa will simply absorb the plentiful Lost Souls in the pit, restoring himself to full vitality. To properly exorcise Amakusa, Oboromaru must defeat of all the Lost Souls in the pit before striking him down. Unable to revitalize himself without the Souls, Amakusa wails in disbelief before vanishing, leaving behind the Saint's Bell. After his defeat, the prisoner too trips into the pit, where he is rescued by Oboromaru.

Shiro's boss fight is completely optional, as Oboromaru need not visit the charnel pit to complete the chapter. If Puppetmaster Gennai is killed before Amakusa, the trap in the prisoner's cell will no longer function, preventing Oboromaru from reaching him.


In order to truly defeat Amakusa Shiro, every Lost Soul in the pit must be cut down beforehand. The Souls will respawn over time, so they must be dealt with quickly. Oboromaru can take advantage of the harmless spirits to level up before the big fight

Amakusa Shiro is not very threatening by himself. His strongest attacks are long range, so try to stay near him as he can only use Gorgotha's Thorns. Avoid getting near his back, as he can use his strongest attack Shadow of the Dead.



  • In Japanese history, Amakusa Shirō was a Catholic samurai who participated in the failed Shimabara Rebellion against the Shogunate. He was executed at only 17 years old.
Twilight of Edo Japan: The Infiltrator
OboromaruThe PrisonerMimic MammetAmakusa ShiroPuppetmaster GennaiYodogimiMiyamoto MusashiOde Iou
Ode Castle
Manservant • Retainer (Purple) • Retainer (Orange) • Eight Blades Samurai • Shinobi • Go-Nin-Ja • Go-Nin-Ja (Clone) • Goemon • Enma Tracker • Hayate • Ronin • Hannya Maru • Kyoshiro • Minister • Merchant • Maid • Kunoichi • Foreigner • Monk• Relentless Maid • Young Monk • Folding Screen Tiger • Lost Soul • Okyou • Nekomata • Trap Master • Flame Contraption • Ice Contraption • Gas Contraption • Icon of War • Icon of Flame • Icon of Water • Electrode • Wood Post • Candlestand • Paper Partition • Lord Iwama • Majin Ryunosuke • Gamahebi
Shadowed DutyThe Sound of SilenceTo Arms!
  • The Star of David appears as his spirit in the Super Famicom version, but was changed to trefoil cross-like symbol in the localized remake.