Mimic Mammet

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“<chuckle> (Pronounced as "Nyanyanyanya”
—The Mimic Mammet, on activation.

The Mimic Mammet is an optional party member in the Twilight of Edo Japan chapter, The Infiltrator. It is a mechanical puppet created by Puppetmaster Gennai. It takes on the appearance of Oboromaru after he gives it the Mainspring.



In its default form, the Mimic Mammet resembles a plain wooden mannequin. After inserting the Mainspring, it transforms into a near-perfect duplicate of Oboromaru, but with distinct color differences. Its hair is green instead of purple, and its outfit is light gray with an orange scarf. A mask covers half of it's face, only allowing it's eyes to be seen. It has a sky blue katana strapped to his back, which it uses as his main weapon. It wears blue socks with sandals.


Due to being a puppet, the Mimic Mammet doesn't have much of a personality. While it is very good at impersonating its target, on its own it has a clear frantic streak, something that serves as its fatal flaw. It is very afraid of mice; coming into contact with one causes it to fly into a panic and malfunction.


Twilight of Edo Japan: The Infiltrator

The Mimic Mammet is an incomplete puppet which was meant to be finished the morning after the Prisoner's abduction. According to Gennai, it's likely intended use was to impersonate the Prisoner, and was soon to be outfitted with his skin.

Oboromaru may discover the inert Mimic Mammet after defeating Puppetmaster Gennai, in a secret room only discovered after inserting three Koban coins into a nearby slot. To bring the puppet to life, Oboromaru must install in it the Mainspring, obtained by defeating Gennai's six Electrodes during his battle. Once activated, the Mimic Mammet takes on Oboromaru's form and attacks him, cackling madly. After being defeated, the Mammet begins to follow Oboromaru around, joining his party. Oboromaru must insert a fourth Koban into the slot to successfully escape the room with it.

Despite being a mysterious and powerful ally, the Mimic Mammet is a very fragile machine. It will break down beyond repair if it falls from a great height, becomes submerged in water, or if Oboromaru comes into contact with a mouse. Should the Mammet break down, it is removed from the party for the remainder of the chapter, taking its equipment with it.

If Oboromaru takes the Mimic Mammet to the fifth floor of the Castle Keep, a mouse suddenly appears and leaps onto it. Flying into a panic, the Mammet charges into the monks guarding Ode Iou's room and explodes. eliminating them without incrementing Oboromaru's kill count. Thus, recruiting the Mimic Mammet is essential for obtaining 0 kills.



The Mimic Mammet is a very unusual character when it comes to combat. Like Oboromaru, the Mammet has access to a large variety of both physical and special abilities. Being a duplicate of Oboromaru, the Mammet shares half of its techniques with him. The other half are exclusive to it, taken from enemy attacks and even items.

The Mimic Mammet's stats are also very atypical. Its base physical-related and speed stats are phenomenally high for its low level, lending its physical attacks incredible power, particularly its long-range Fuma Shuriken. Its special attack, however, is completely impotent. Its growths are also incredibly poor across the board, meaning it won't gain significant strength from level ups, but its very high base stats prevent this from being a major issue. Overall, the Mimic Mammet is a strong support for Oboromaru, especially when it focuses on its physical attacks.


Name Info Description Name Info Description
Shadow Slash
(Shinobi Slash)
Default Cut an enemy with a single swift stroke. Cross Flare
(Cross Slice)
Default Wound and disorient surrounding enemies with a blinding slash.
Fireflies' Wake
(Blazing Firefly)
Default Wield shinobi fire arts to transform the ground into a fiery inferno. Firefall
(Flame Arts)
Level 3 Wield shinobi fire arts to bathe surrounding enemies in flame.
(Water Arts)
Level 4 Wield shinobi water arts to call forth geysers of water to drown enemies and flood the ground beneath them. Bloodlust
(Shura's Yin)
Level 5 Drain the vitality of an enemy and claim it for your own with a forbidden art.
Overhead Slash
(Downward Slash)
Level 6 Bring your blade down upon an enemy's head. Shuriken Barrage
(Shuriken Storm)
Level 7 Hurl multiple bladed stars at an enemy.
Fuma Shuriken
(Fuma Shuriken)
Level 8 Throw a barrage of massive blades at enemies. Electrical Discharge
(Electric Discharge)
Level 9 Release a targeted burst of energy to shock and stun enemies in an area.
Flame Jet
(Flamethrower (Bakumatsu))
Level 10 Wield shinobi arts to spew flaming liquid at enemies. Spinning Doom
(Top Spin (Enemy))
Level 11 Wield shinobi wind arts to whirl in place with tremendous force and push enemies away.
Ode Shuriken
(Shuriken Tail Flick)
Level 12 Toss bladed stars that strike only their intended target. Demented Spin
(Top Spin)
Level 13 Set an enemy whirling and whirling without end with the technique of a lecherous magistrate.
Smothering Kisses
(Beguiling Kiss)
Level 14 Drain the vitality of an enemy and claim it for your own with a forbidden art. Worldbreaker's Wrath
(Earth-Rending Fury)
Level 16 Strike the earth with unbridled rage to bring a barrage of boulders down upon enemies.

Base Stats

2022 1994
  • Level: 2
  • HP: 160 (+4-5 per level)
  • Physical Attack: 80 (+0-2 per level)
  • Physical Defense: 99 (+0 per level)
  • Special Attack: 1 (+0-1 per level)
  • Special Defense: 1 (+0-1 per level)
  • Speed: 82 (+ 0-2 per level)
  • Accuracy: 12 (+1 per level)
  • Evasion: 12 (+1 per level)
  • Damage Resistances: Spirit
  • Status Immunities: Petrification,
    Intoxication, Sleep, Paralysis, Poison
  • Level: 2
  • HP: 160 (4-5 per level)
  • Power: 80 (0-2 per level)
  • Speed: 82 (0-2 per level)
  • Vitality: 82 (0 per level)
  • IQ: 1 (0-1 per level)
  • Immunities: Stoned, Drunk,
    Sleep, Numb, Poison
  • Evades: Mind



  • If one were to remove the hyphen its name in the Aeon Genesis fan translation, "O-Robo", is "Oboro" spelled backwards.
  • The Mammet's ultimate move, Worldbreaker's Wrath, is shared with Masaru Takahara.
  • A halo doesn't appear above the Mimic Mammet's body if knocked out in battle.
Twilight of Edo Japan: The Infiltrator
OboromaruThe PrisonerMimic MammetAmakusa ShiroPuppetmaster GennaiYodogimiMiyamoto MusashiOde Iou
Ode Castle
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