Demented Spin

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Demented Spin (Top Spin) is a move that is learned by Oboromaru and the Mimic Mammet at Level 13.


Set an enemy whirling and whirling without end with the technique of a lecherous magistrate.


Oboromaru uses his arms to quickly spin and spin the target around.

In Battle

It is a low damage short range technique. The move causes the target to spin in place when used for some turns but the use is quite limited.



  • There is a secret way to learn this move, although it forfeits both the Mutsunokami and Lacquered Medicine Box, as well as the opportunity for 100 kills. Kill the Maid who the Minister is spinning around, and then have the minister spin Oboromaru ten times, and the minister will die (without counting as a kill) and Oboromaru will learn Demented Spin.