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Oboromaru is a strong, balanced character in combat. His varied selection of both physical and elemental abilities with a variety of ranges allows him to stand on his own in most battles. During The Infiltrator, Oboromaru can acquire great quantities of experience and equipment in preparation for the Dominion of Hate, though he will have an easier time getting these if he chooses to kill for them. Secret items such as the Lacquered Medicine Box and Suijin Scale can help if transferred into the final chapter.

Although Oboromaru starts out somewhat fragile during The Infiltrator, his offense, speed, and range from the start make up for it, allowing him to use hit-and-run tactics against even the strongest of guards. Despite having decent growths for HP and defenses, he also has surprisingly underwhelming growths for physical attack. His excellent growths for special attack and speed, and his access to a wide variety of equipment including the strongest weapons in the game, compensate for this weakness. His vast amount of balances while having little to no weaknesses makes him potentially one of the best choices for the protagonist in the final chapter.

In the Super Famicom version, Oboromaru has the ability to run twice as fast on the field when he is the party leader. This trait carries over into the Dominion of Hate, if he is chosen as the protagonist. With the removal of the run feature in the remake, Oboromaru no longer has this ability.


Name Info Description Name Info Description
Shadow Slash
(Shinobi Slash)
Default Cut an enemy with a single swift stroke. Cross Flare
(Cross Slice)
Default Wound and disorient surrounding enemies with a blinding slash.
Fireflies' Wake
(Blazing Firefly)
Level 2 Wield shinobi fire arts to transform the ground into a fiery inferno. Waterspout
(Water Arts)
Level 3 Wield shinobi water arts to call forth geysers of water to drown enemies and flood the ground beneath them.
(Flame Arts)
Level 4 Wield shinobi fire arts to bathe surrounding enemies in flame. Poison Mist
(Poison Mist)
Level 5 Release a burst of choking mist to poison surrounding enemies.
Shuriken Barrage
(Shuriken Storm)
Level 6 Hurl multiple bladed stars at an enemy. Phantom Butterflies
(Strength of Ninja)
Level 7 Wield shinobi wind arts to conjure a host of poisonous butterflies to lull enemies to sleep.
(Sand Arts)
Level 8 Wield shinobi earth arts to conjure swirling vortexes to bind and weaken enemies. Winter's Chill
(Chill Wind)
Level 9 Wield shinobi water arts to bombard an enemy with freezing shards.
Wind Slash
(Blade of Wind)
Level 10 Wield shinobi wind arts to propel a blade of concentrated air towards an enemy. Bloodlust
(Shura's Yin)
Level 11 Drain the vitality of an enemy and claim it for your own with a forbidden art.
Phoenix Call
(Phoenix Fire)
Level 12 Wield shinobi fire arts to summon a host of raging phoenix to torment enemies. Demented Spin
(Top Spin)
Level 13 Set an enemy whirling and whirling without end with the technique of a lecherous magistrate.
Deepest Dark
(Shadow Mirror)
Level 14 (Bizarre Pot, 6 koban) Attempt to instantly kill an enemy by striking at their most vital parts. Death Blossom
(Bronze Leaf)
Level 16 (Bizarre Pot, 10 koban) Wield the ultimate shinobi art to charge towards enemies and overwhelm them with a whirlwind of violence.

Base Stats

2022 1994
  • Level: 2
  • HP: 120 (+16-20 per level)
  • Physical Attack: 22 (+2 per level)
  • Physical Defense: 12 (+3 per level)
  • Special Attack: 17 (+4-6 per level)
  • Special Defense: 13 (+2-5 per level)
  • Speed: 28 (+3-6 per level)
  • Accuracy: 12 (+1 per level)
  • Evasion: 13 (+1 per level)
  • Status Immunities: None
  • Damage Resistance: Spirit
  • Level: 2
  • HP: 99 (+18-26 per level)
  • Power: 22  (+2 per level)
  • Speed: 27 (+3-5 per level)
  • Vitality: 12 (+0-3 per level)
  • IQ: 15 (+3-6 per level)
  • Immunities: None
  • Evades: Mind