The Wanderer/Script (2022)

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(In the arid frontier town of Success, a sheriff exits his office and moseys over to the Crystal Saloon.)

Main Character Design
Osamu Ishiwata

(Inside the saloon, the Sheriff heads to the bar.)

Barkeep: Howdy, Sheriff. Something to drink?

Sheriff: Nope, but I got something for you to post up.

Barkeep: More trouble in these parts, huh? I swear... Thought it couldn't get any worse after that last bunch rode in.

(The barkeep takes the poster from the sheriff, and heads to the wall to pin it up.)

Barkeep: Okay, what's your clever moniker...

(Default name: Sundown)

Barkeep: Kid, huh... The Sundown Kid... Don't look all that young to me.

Trouble with the audio sample?

(In the Western wastes, the Sundown Kid rides alone on horseback, wherever the wind takes him.)

???: Fancy meeting you here, partner!

(Sundown is stopped in his tracks by another horseman.)

Man in Black: Aww, why the long face? Reckoned you'd be relieved to finally put this life on the lam behind you! Honestly, a little gratitude would be appreciated.

(The man gets off his horse.)

Man in Black: Come on, let's do this proper. Can't have people casting aspersions on the great bounty hunter Mad Dog. No sir, never let it be said he shot an unarmed man in cold blood. How many times we done danced this dance now?

(Sundown also dismounts his steed.)

Mad Dog: <chuckle> It's almost like saying goodbye to a lover. The bard had it right... "Parting is such sweet sorrow!"

(Mad Dog draws his gun. The two men duel, and Sundown easily disarms his foe.)

Mad Dog: You son of a bitch! Finish me, god damnit! Don't you dare walk away from me again!

(Sundown hops back on his horse.)

Mad Dog: Finish me!

(Mad Dog follows suit, but Sundown shoots the ground under his steed's hooves.)

Mad Dog: Whoa!

(Mad Dog is thrown off his horse, which bolts off.)

Mad Dog: How dare you! Shooting at my Goldie- killing a man is one thing, but you leave his horse out of it!

(Sundown rears to leave.)

Mad Dog: I ain't done talking!

(Sundown speeds off, leaving Mad Dog in the dust. Eventually, he comes to a stop.)

The Sundown Kid: (thinking) Another town...

The Wild West
The Wanderer

(Sundown pulls into the town of Success. He dismounts his horse.)

The Sundown Kid: What are you thinking? Hell of a place... Real popular, too.

(Sundown heads for the Crystal Saloon, leaving the doors swinging behind him.)

(Inside the saloon, the town's sparse population drink and chat, while a mariachi band provides music. Upon Sundown's entrance, the entire room goes quiet. The maraca player picks up again, however.)

Mariachi: "Soy comandante de las yeguas... Yo y yo solo~♪
(I am the commander of the mares... I and I alone~♪)"
(Shut up!)"

(The two other mariachis grab their clueless comrade and sit him down. )

Townsfolk: "Ah, um, er..."
"C...can I help you?"

(One townsperson merely shakes in his stool.)

Mariachi:"G-greetings, my friend! We are all friends here!"
"You a vaquero? ...Ah, maybe not..."
"Tequila, yes! Tequila! That's what you need, yes?"

(Before sitting down, Sundown may run upstairs, where he catches the barmaid writing in a book.)

Barmaid: Hey! You have no right to just barge into my room like that! Get out!

(Sundown takes a seat at the bar.)

Barkeep: Howdy, stranger. Thirsty? Or you got a hankering for something more substantial? Free of charge, of course.

(Suddenly, another man bursts into the saloon.)

???: Goddamn is it hot out there! Barkeep! The usual! Hm?

(He approaches Sundown.)

Outlaw: Hey. Stranger. Seems you're sitting on my favorite stool.

(Sundown doesn't respond.)

Outlaw: Hey! You deaf or just stupid!?

???: That's enough!

(The barmaid shouts up from the second floor.)

Barmaid: Your name on it? Huh!? 'Cause I don't see it. Do you!? Waltzing in here, acting like you own the place, without spending a dime- we don't need that kind of customer, no thank you!

Outlaw: Now Annie, darlin' there's no need to make a scene...

(Annie descends the stairs.)

Barkeep: Annie!

Townsfolk: Settle down now!

Annie: Don't you talk to me like that! Big, strong men, striding around like you own the place 'cause of what you got dangling 'tween your legs! Wayne! James! Clint! Cesar! You got "cojones," well don't you? So use 'em!

Outlaw: <chuckle> Oh, Annie... Full of fire and fury- a real hellraiser! I love it!

(He takes her.)

Outlaw: I mean it, darlin'. Be my woman!

Annie: Get away from me!

(She slaps him.)

Outlaw: Annie, darlin'... I know you didn't just raise a hand to me... 'Cause there's some things a man cannot abide!

???: Leave her alone!

(A young boy runs into the saloon and shoves the outlaw away.)

Annie: Billy!

Outlaw: If it isn't the "brave" sheriff's little brat. Here to save the day, huh? Hate to break it to you, kiddo...

(The outlaw picks up the boy.)

Outlaw: But I ain't got time for your shit!

(The outlaw throws Billy across the room... where he lands against the Sundown Kid. Suddenly, all eyes in the room are on him.)

Outlaw: Whoops! Sorry about that, stranger. The boy was out of line, but I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive him. Tell you what- lemme buy you a drink to smooth things over. Barkeep! Milk for my new friend!

(The barkeep prepares a glass of milk, and places it on the counter.)

Outlaw: Heads up!

(The outlaw slides the milk down the counter.)

Outlaw: Figure that ought to suit a delicate flower such as yourself.

(Sundown decides to...)

Outlaw: Would you look at that! Downed it like a man dying of thirst! I think my new friend needs another. Barkeep!

(The barkeep prepares another a glass of milk, and places it on the counter.)

Outlaw: Heads up!

(The outlaw slides the milk down the counter.)

Outlaw: Figure that ought to suit a delicate flower such as yourself.

(Return to choices.)

(Sundown slides the milk back down.) (Continues to "What's this?...")

Outlaw: What's this? You spitting on my generosity? How else am I to interpret the return of this milk I see before me? And to top it off, this hangover... But that's what I get for drinking the cheap piss they serve here...

(The outlaw approaches Sundown.)

Outlaw: Lemme guess: it's not that you hate milk, but that you can't stomach it 'less it's fresh from your mother's tits!

The Sundown Kid:

Outlaw: Hey! Hey! I'm talking to you!

(Return to choices.)

Outlaw: Huh...? Huh!? (Countinues to "The outlaw pulls a gun...")

The Wilds
Trouble with the audio sample?

(The outlaw pulls a gun on Sundown.)

Outlaw: You got a deathwish? That it!?

(The outlaw, Pike, attempts to engage Sundown, but Sundown drives him off with a single shot.)

Pike: This isn't over, you hear me!? You'll get yours. You just wait and see!

(Pike runs out of the saloon.)

Barkeep: So then... You ain't riding with the Crazy Bunch...

Billy: That was amazing!

Annie: You gave Pike a hiding he won't never forget!

Billy: With him on our side, I just know we can beat them!

???: What's all the ruckus?

(The sheriff enters the saloon.)

Barkeep: Sheriff, this fella here, see, he just rode into town...

Billy: Oh now you show up! In the nick of time, as always! My father, the sheriff! The coward!

Sheriff: <sigh> Billy, son, try to understand. If we so much as look at these people the wrong way, there's gonna be hell to pay.

Annie: But if we don't take a stand then nothing will ever change!

Barkeep: Annie, please-

Annie: I don't want to hear it! Our sheriff, my brother... Every last man in this town is a coward! This boy here's got more courage than all of you put together!

Barkeep: Sheriff, listen! This fella here, see- he just might be the answer...

???: Alas, good people, I fear you have misjudged the content of that villain's character.

(Mad Dog traipses into the saloon.)

Mad Dog: A man's name is his story, and that one's speaks volumes. You deserve to know, so I'll tell you. The Sundown Kid. Yeah, that's right. That there's the devil himself!

Sheriff: <gasp>

Barkeep: Wait a minute! It's him! On the wanted poster!

(Mad Dog sits down on a stool.)

Mad Dog: Five thousand dollars- dead or alive! And the one who's gonna bring him in... Is me! Mad Dog!

Billy: Liar!

Mad Dog: I am many things, boy, but I am no liar.

(Billy runs to Sundown.)

Billy: You're a good guy, right, mister?

The Sundown Kid:

Billy: You came here to help us- I know you did! Tell us he's a liar! Tell us you're a good guy!

(Return to choices.)

Billy: No... No! I don't believe it! (Continues to "<chuckle>")

Mad Dog: <chuckle> Always were lousy with the little ones, weren't you, Kid?

(Mad Dog gets up.)

Mad Dog: Goldie's still out there, you know. Lost or dead in the desert... But you'll answer for that and everything else soon enough. Outside! Now!

Clint: It's... It's a showdown...

Townsfolk: A showdown!

Mad Dog: Don't even think about running.

(Mad Dog exits the saloon.)

Sheriff: What a day... It's all gone to hell in a handbasket.

Annie: ...Do it or don't, but if you're gonna do it, do it outside.

Billy: You'll win, right!?

Barkeep: Th-that's really you up on the wall, isn't it...

Clint: I, uh, ah...


James: Not sure if I can do anything for you...

(Cesar shudders where he stands.)

Cesar: ...

Sancho: I wish you luck, stranger!

Delos: Surely there is no need for this? Why can't we all be friends?

Pancho: I would not want to face that pistolero...

(At last, Sundown exits the saloon.)

(Sundown and Mad Dog stand opposite one another on the street, while the townsfolk watch from outside the saloon. A tumbleweed rolls by.)

Mad Dog: ...Now there's a look I've never seen on you before. Ah. A pang of sadness for the end of our extended association? I understand. I truly do. But all good things must come to an end. And end it we will, Kid! From ten paces. Each man takes five- I'll count it off. On the fifth, we turn and fire. Agreed?

(Sundown silently steps forward.)

Mad Dog: Right, then.

(Both men turn around.)

Mad Dog: One!

(Both men take a step.)

Mad Dog: Two!

(Another step.)

Mad Dog: Three!

(Another step. Cesar looks away in fear.)

Mad Dog: Four!

(Another step.)

Mad Dog: Five!

(Both men turn and fire their guns... to the side.)

???: Gaaah!

(From a nearby straw wagon and pile of hay bales, the bodies of two men slump out, shot. The townsfolk crowd around them.)

Clint: He's one of the Crazy Bunch!

Wayne: Those two gunslingers...

James: How'd they know!?

Mad Dog: Just my luck, these simpletons ruining a perfectly good duel.

Billy: Wow... You both are incredible!

Annie: With them backing us up... Maybe, just maybe... we can take on the Crazy Bunch! Listen! I guarantee there's a whole lot more on the way- and they'll be out for blood now.

Mad Dog: Well, when you put it like that... Not that I could ever muster the strength to turn a woman down. Sorry, Kid, but it seems our duel will have to wait. But only until after we've dealt with the Crazy Bunch!

Sancho de Los Panchos
Trouble with the audio sample?

(By night, the town has gathered inside the Crystal Saloon. The mariachi band plays a tune.)

Mad Dog: The Crazy Bunch ain't exactly short on shooters. Doubt we'll have a chance of beating 'em in a straight-up fight. I tell you what, dying heroically during a valiant last stand does not appeal to me one bit, no sir. Let's see what these folks can tell us about our would-be killers.

Sheriff: You know who leads 'em, don't you? The only survivor of Custer's 7th. A devil who by all rights should be dead and dust. O. Dio, the outlaws call him. They flock to the man, their shepherd with a heart of stone. He'll have broken camp the moment he heard what you two did. He can't let it go unanswered.

Annie: If you manage to get rid of those bastards, I promise we'll make it worth your while. We've got a little gold squirreled away. It's yours if we survive.

Billy: You're both so fast! I just know we can get rid of those outlaws with your help!

Barkeep: Reckon you think the man who named this town "Success" must've had a sense of humor, but you're wrong. Back in the day the streets were filled with prospectors hoping to strike it rich in the gold rush. That's why the gang's come calling- to strip the carcass clean of the last few bits of meat on the bone...

Clint: If I'm being honest, none of us are all that good with guns. Just as likely to shoot each other as one of the Crazy Bunch...

Wayne: That was some fine shooting, and that ain't no lie, but there's at least fifteen more of those boys left...

James: Hey, um... if you're serious about staying to fight, then it's only right that we fight too!

(Cesar shudders.)

Cesar: There's got to be something we can do to help? Isn't there?

Sancho: Solo somos humildes mariachi~♪
(We are but humble mariachi~♪)

Delos: Atrapados en la red del destino~♪
(Caught in destiny's design~♪)

Pancho: Sin poder escapar de esta pueblo~♪ Donde la sangre fluye como el vino~♪
(Unable to escape this town~♪ Where the blood flows like wine~♪)

(If Sundown attempts to skip town on his horse...)

The Sundown Kid: What are you thinking? <sigh> Don't you dare. Gonna give him the satisfaction of running? The past'll always be a step behind...

Mad Dog: Heh, so be it! If they've got us outnumbered, then we'll just have to even the odds before the big soirée. We ambush them, Kid- we've got to prepare traps and whatnot to whittle down the gang when they ride in. That's how we'll win! Having said that...

(Mad Dog gets up and moseys to the center of the room.)

Mad Dog: Feels a bit improper for us to do all the work, given that this is as much your fight as it is ours- if not more.

(The music stops.)

Annie: I'll help!

Billy: Me too!

Barkeep: I suppose I'll do what I can...

???: Count me in!

(A woman enters the saloon. She is Dallas, Wayne's wife.)

Wayne: Honey!

Dallas: We already know nothing will change if we keep our heads down and stay quiet. I say enough is enough! Better to take a stand, come what may!

Wayne: But honey, it's... it's not...

James: She's right!

Clint: Yeah! I'm sick and tired of them pushing us around. What about you, Cesar?

(Cesar shudders.)

Cesar: W-well... yeah! I've had it up to here with them too!

Sancho: It's happening.

Delos: I knew they would!

Pancho: Then, my friends, the time has come...

Sancho de Los Panchos
Trouble with the audio sample?

(The mariachi band begins to play again.)

Mariachi: Por la libertad y justicia, los mariachis se unirán la revolución~♪
(For freedom and justice, the mariachis will join the revolution~♪)

Mad Dog: <chuckle> Like something out of a fairy tale, isn't it? I believe the only one who has yet to declare their intentions is you, Sheriff.

Sheriff: Uh... I... Um...

(Billy runs up to his father, and snatches his badge right off of his vest.)

Barkeep: Billy! What are you doing with your father's badge!?

(Billy runs to the Sundown Kid.)

Billy: Here, mister. You deserve it. My pa... My pa ain't fit to wear that badge!

Sheriff: Uh... um... <sigh> I've been living in fear for the longest time. Terrified of what might happen if I dared to do the right thing. But now I see... Sometimes you've got to brave the fire to forge a better future. They may call you the Sundown Kid... But to me here and now, you're a good man- the right man for the job. So hold on to that badge, and when the dust has settled... I pray I'll've done my part to earn it back.

Mad Dog: Not much left to discuss then, I reckon. Me and the Kid'll scrounge up supplies for the ambush. No point in asking you all for help. I wager we've a bit more experience with this sort of work. Time is of the essence, Kid! Can't spend too long rummaging around either, or we'll run out of time to prepare!

Sheriff: They'll strike at dawn. That's their way. Soon after the sun crests the horizon, they'll come riding into town from both sides. That means you've got until the eighth bell to make your preparations. We'll only have the one chance. If we're not ready by the time they arrive... Anyway, when you've got everything you need, come back here. We're all ready and willing to do our part. Just say the word.

Mad Dog: A word of advice, Kid... Remember this moment- "save" the memory, if you take my meaning. 'Case it all goes sideways.

Annie: They'll be here before you know it! But don't spend too long gathering materials or you'll run out of time to make your preparations!

Billy: Hey mister, think you could use this?

(Billy gives Sundown his slingshot.)

Billy: I may not know how to use a gun, but I'm a deadeye with my slingshot!

Barkeep: There's a storehouse to the west of the bar. You've my blessing to take whatever you need.

Clint: If you rely too much on the same kinds of traps, they might learn to recognize and avoid them, no?

Wayne: We own the inn across the way. You can look around inside for supplies if you like.

Dallas: Maybe you'll find something in one of the rooms you can use for your ambush?

James: This may be a small town, but if you spend too much time searching for supplies, dawn'll break 'fore you know it.

Cesar: I'm no expert, but it just seems like common sense that a wide variety of traps would be most effective.

Sancho: No seremos guerreros, pero de nos armas, y nos levantaremos~♪
(Though we may not be fighters, arm us well and we will rise~♪)

Delos: Yo da amor, no dolor~♪ Pero por ti, me armaré de valor~♪
(I deal in love, not in pain~♪ But for you, I'll summon up my courage~♪)

Pancho: Agarren sus tiliches, y prepárense para los problemas~♪
(Gather your supplies and prepare for the chaos to come~♪)

(Sundown and Mad Dog begin their search for supplies. They start their search in the saloon. As they make to check Annie's closet, she barges into the room.)

Annie: Hey! Anything but that! You hear me!?

Mad Dog: Well then. Best get a move on, Kid.

(As they enter the Barkeep's room, they find a dollar-sign sack.)

Barkeep: Wait, please! Anything but that! That's this week's earnings! You can't possibly need it! I'm begging you!

(In the Barkeep's closet, they find another item of interest.)

Barkeep: That's, uh, well... How to explain... That there's one of my most prized possessions... Poster of this dancing girl I fancy- Jennifer's her name. She's got this grace and power about her, you know? Sexy, but a little intimidating- but in a way that makes her even more appealing... It breaks my heart to part with it, but if you really need it, then so be it...

(The bell tolls.)

Mad Dog: The first bell.

Under the Fake
Trouble with the audio sample?

(Sundown and Mad Dog exit the saloon. In the shroud of night, the pair dash across town, rummaging through the people's homes, collecting anything that might be of use.)

Mad Dog: Mighty fine horse you got there, Kid. A real beauty. <sigh> After I collect your bounty, I'll have to buy a new one. Maybe I'll name it after you. Honor the dead.

(The bell tolls.)

Mad Dog: Second bell.

(Sundown comes across an empty bottle and a pouch of oil.)

Mad Dog: Oil in a bottle makes for a quick and easy way to start a fire. It'll take a moment to prepare. Reckon it's worth doing?

The Sundown Kid:

Mad Dog: Okay. Let me show you how it's done.

(Working fast, Mad Dog fashions a Molotov cocktail.)

Mad Dog: There you go- bottled fire. Just light her up and toss quick.

(The pair continue on their business.)

(The bell tolls.)

Mad Dog: Third bell.

(With everything they need, the pair return to the Crystal Saloon.)

Sheriff: Got everything you need for your ambush?

The Sundown Kid:

Sheriff: I take it that means no? Then you'd best get a move on and finish up.

Sheriff: Good. Then it's time to distribute your supplies to the folks here. Goes without saying that some'll take longer than others to get things ready. So hurry! Time's a-wasting!

(Sundown begins distributing supplies.)

Sheriff: So. Want some help with your ambush?

The Sundown Kid:

(Sundown leaves him be.)

Mad Dog: What kind of trap you thinking?

Mad Dog: That there dynamite's his, isn't it?

Mad Dog: Say what you will about the man now, but he's been in fights, and he's still breathing.

Sheriff: All right, I'll see to it!

Annie: Don't even think about leaving me out of it 'cause I'm a woman. What can I do to help?

Mad Dog: Might seem presumptuous to offer a woman a frying pan, but in the hands of one like that, watch out...

Mad Dog: A born fighter, and no mistake. Quick and hardworking too, I expect.

Annie: I'll be back before you know it!

Billy: Hope you haven't forgotten about me, mister! I'm ready to chip in!

Mad Dog: How about the little devil's own weapon?

Mad Dog: Kid's got more fight in him than men three times his size.

Billy: I won't let you down, mister!

Barkeep: Need me to do something for you, Kid?

Mad Dog: Who better to make the most of a certain priceless treasure than its owner?

Mad Dog: Heh, someone's eager to do their bit. Question is, what would suit him?

Barkeep: Past time for me to do my part!

Clint: Listen, I doubt I'm cut out for whatever you're planning, but if you're short on people, come to me before Cesar.

Mad Dog: Doesn't strike me as a man of any particular talent, but hell, gotta be good for something.

Clint: I've got it covered.

Wayne: Whatever you've got in mind, I can probably handle it better than Clint.

Mad Dog: Doesn't that bundle of rope belong to him?

Mad Dog: Our innkeeper may not wear the pants at home, but I wouldn't count him out just yet...

Wayne: You got it, boss!

Dallas: I wouldn't put too much stock in my husband's claims. I handle most of the work at the boarding house.

Mad Dog: If ever there was someone I'd entrust with bottled fire, it'd be her.

Mad Dog: Reckon she's the one who keeps the inn running. The kind of woman who'll rise to the occasion...

Dallas: Of course!

James: Wayne's not a bad guy, but if you've got an important job, leave it to me. I'll get it done faster.

Mad Dog: Give a motivated man a shovel, and he won't let you down, I'll tell you what.

Mad Dog: Not short on confidence, is he? May as well take the man up on his generous offer...

James: Fine by me!

Cesar: You, uh... you ain't gonna ask me to pitch in, are you? I mean, I'll do it if I gotta, but...

Mad Dog: Call me crazy, but he might could make something of that horse shit stinking up your pack.

Mad Dog: What you see is what you get, and frankly, I ain't seein' much. But maybe he'll surprise us both.

Cesar: Really? Well, uh, if you insist...

Sancho: Somos tres mariachi~♪ Habilidoso soy, más útil que Pancho soy~♪
(Among we three mariachi~♪ Most skillful soul I am, more useful than our Pancho~♪)

Mad Dog: Here's an idea: give the man a carrot? I ain't kidding neither.

Mad Dog: Reckon he's the most reliable of this particular trio...

Sancho: Por la vida, el honor y el amor, esta trampa iré a preparar~♪
(For life, honor, and love, I shall go set this trap~♪)

Delos: Somos tres mariachi~♪ Aveces algo de soy, pero mucho no esperen de mi hoy~♪
(Among we three mariachi~♪ Sometimes I'm somewhat useful, but don't expect much from me today~♪)

Mad Dog: I'll not deny we need all the help we can get, but I'd temper my expectations if I were you.

Delos: Que la verdad, de verdad es que no quiero, esta trampa iré a preparar~♪
(Though I would really, really rather not, I shall go set this trap~♪)

Pancho: Somos tres mariachi~♪ No soy el mejor ni el peor, pero comparado con Delos, soy un campeón~♪
(Among we three mariachi~♪ I am neither the best nor the worst, but compared to Delos, I am a champion.)

Mad Dog: Now there's a man who might do some good with a bottle of coal tar...

Mad Dog: Credit where it's due- he hasn't run for it, and I half-expected him to.

Pancho: Desafiando a la muerte y el peligro~♪ Esta trampa iré a preparar~♪
(In defiance of death and danger~♪ I shall go set this trap~♪)

(If Sundown tries to give an inappropriate item...)

Mad Dog: Don't see how we could make use of that in an ambush.

(Further, if he tries to use another of the same trap...)

Mad Dog: Pretty sure we already had someone prepare that kind of trap, Kid.

(Fully prepared, the townsfolk run outside to prepare their traps. As they work, Sundown heads upstairs and returns to Annie's dresser.)

Mad Dog: It's all coming together...

(He fishes out Annie's diary.)

(The bell tolls.)

Mad Dog: Fourth bell, Kid!

(The pair head outside to observe the working townsfolk.)

Sheriff: I'll get it done in time- no need to worry about me!

Annie: This look good to you?

Billy: A man's gotta protect his home, doesn't he?

Barkeep: I may not be as strong as I used to be, but I'll manage.

Clint: No need to check on me. I've got this under control.

Wayne: Easy does it...

Dallas: Been a while since we had a big project to bring everyone together like this!

James: We may not be gunslingers, but we can make a difference in our own way. Just you wait!

Cesar: Am I doing it right? I think I'm doing it right...

Sancho: It's strange... This is the first time in a long time I've handled something other than a guitar.

Delos: Worry not, my friend! I am attending to this task, as you requested!

Pancho: This is not at all how I expected to spend my evening.

(The bell tolls.)

Mad Dog: Fifth bell.

(Finished working, the townsfolk head back in.)

Sheriff (outside the saloon): That should do it.

Sheriff (inside the saloon): Okay then!

Annie (outside the saloon): It’s perfect!

Annie (inside the saloon): I've finished!

Billy (outside the saloon): I did it!

Billy (inside the saloon): That was fun!

Barkeep (outside the saloon): All taken care of.

Barkeep (inside the saloon): Wasn't too tough!

Clint (outside the saloon): Right. Think I got it sorted.

Clint (inside the saloon): Trap's taken care of!

Wayne (outside the saloon): Okay, that’s that!

Wayne (inside the saloon): That was kinda fun!

Dallas (outside the saloon): That was easy!

Dallas (inside the saloon): They're not gonna like that one bit!

James (outside the saloon): They won’t know what hit ‘em.

James (inside the saloon): Never thought I'd have to do a thing like that!

Cesar (outside the saloon): It’s done. Thank god…

Cesar (inside the saloon): I think I got it right!

Sancho (outside the saloon): And that, my friends, is that!

Sancho (inside the saloon): Done and done!

Delos (outside the saloon): Far from my finest work, but so be it!

Delos (inside the saloon): Harder than I thought!

Pancho (outside the saloon): A job done and done well, I should say!

Pancho (inside the saloon): The trap is set!

(The bell tolls.)

Mad Dog: Sixth bell..

Barkeep: If we're just killing time here, I suppose I could pour you a drink...

The Sundown Kid:

Barkeep: Want a drink, Kid? Long as we're waiting for folks to finish setting their traps.

(The barkeep pours Sundown a drink, and passes the time with conversation.) (Continues to "Wasn't always like this...")

Barkeep: "Wasn't always like this... Oh, if you'd seen this place at its peak..."
"Hmm, well, where was I? I lost my train of thought there..."
"Ah, right. <chuckle> The good ol' days! Not just for the town, but for yours truly."
"Oh but don't misunderstand me. I was never the type to, uh, "get attached..."
"Though, heh, come to think of it... Jane was a sweet little thing, wasn't she? <chuckle>"
"Not that you ever realize it at the time... But life rarely turns out the way you hope or expect."
"Hah hah hah hah hah! Nothing revelatory there, I suppose. Every young'un starts out a hopeful idiot."
"Tell you what, though. If there's one thing that'll cure a man of blind optimism, it's a woman."

(If a trap is completed as the barkeep speaks...)

Barkeep: Okay, trap's ready! Least it's gotta be, if the look on their face is any indication.

(The bell tolls.)

Mad Dog: Seventh bell!

(Taking to Annie, she informs Sundown of the hour.)

Annie: "That's the first bell! We've only got seven hours left!"
"Second bell!"
"That was the third bell just now!"
"Fourth bell! Tell me you got everything you need for the ambush."
"Fifth bell, everyone! They'll be here in a few hours!"
"Sixth bell! We're almost ready, right?"
"Seventh bell! Won't be much longer now. Oh god..."

(Sundown presents her with her diary.)

Annie: Hey! This ain't no library! You're on thin ice, you two!

(She slaps him.)

(The bell tolls.)

Mad Dog: Hey, Kid... that's the eighth bell...

(Against the dusty sunrise, the Crazy Bunch ascend the horizon.)

(A boy and his father make their way to the outskirts of Success.)

Hopeful Father: Thank god, finally. After three days and three nights of walking through the desert... Civilization, at long last. See, Watt? The good lord hasn't forsaken us.

(The father is shot by an approaching outlaw.)

Watt: Father? Father!

(Crying ludicrous tears, Watt drags his father's corpse away from the stampeding horses.)

(The first group of outlaws breach the town's west walls.)

(If the Shovel was set, two outlaws fall into a pit trap. If the Horse Shit was set, they are stuck; otherwise, an outlaw leaps out of the pit and continues.)

(If the Frying Pan was set, Annie throws it out an outlaw, striking him off his horse.)

(If the Carrot was set, an outlaw is thrown off his horse as the horse stops to munch.)

(Another band of outlaws ride in from the east side.)

(If the Bottled Fire was set, two men are taken out from the blaze.)

(If the Slingshot was set, Billy takes a potshot at an outlaw, knocking him off.)

(If the Barkeep's Special Poster is set, an outlaw is distracted by it.)

Crazy Bunch Bandit: Huh? Why in the hell'd someone put this here, of all places? That's just... that's just weird.

(Four more outlaws cruise in from the west.)

(If the Dynamite was set, all four men are caught in the explosion.)

(Finally, two more outlaws, followed by O. Dio, enter from the east.)

(If the Bundle of Rope was set, the rope goes taut and trips the two outlaws' horses. Dio leaps over it and continues chase, making it to the Crystal Saloon.)

???: You will come outside and present yourselves to me at once! Refuse, and we will treat you as we would any other pests and smoke you out of your burrow!

Billy: Mister?

The Sundown Kid:

Billy: Mister?

(Return to choices.)

Mad Dog: You got that right. I've been waiting to look this devil in the eye. (Continues to "I'm coming too!")

Sheriff: I'm coming too!

Mad Dog: Today's not the day for you to find your courage. Should the worst come to worst... Should the two of us be killed, it falls to you to protect these people.

Billy: But you won't be killed, right, Kid?

The Sundown Kid:

Mad Dog: No need to worry. He's got me watching his back, remember?

Billy: Go get 'em!

(Sundown exits the Crystal Saloon to face O. Dio, and the members of his gang, if any.)

O. Dio: It is you, then. You who educated Pike and his brothers so deftly in the ways of war.

(Sundown notices that Mad Dog is not with him.)

The Sundown Kid:

O. Dio: You have been addressed, and you will respond!

(Return to choices.)

O. Dio: Ahaha! I see! Abandoned by your comrade in your hour of need! How cruel, fate! (Continues to "Wait!")

Sheriff: Wait!

(The Sheriff exits the saloon.)

Sheriff: I'll fight with you, Kid!

Billy: Pa, no!

Sheriff: Get back inside!

Annie: Come on, Billy!

(Annie pulls the boy back.)

O. Dio: Well, well. The yellow-bellied sheriff. You are not fit to stand with these warriors.

Sheriff: I'm through running, Kid. I'll fight, god help me, for as long as I can manage...

Mad Dog: A lovely sentiment, to be sure... But I can do without your death on my conscience.

(Mad Dog strolls out from behind the saloon.)

Mad Dog: Besides, if they kill the Kid, then they get the bounty, never mind the glory. So these fellows have forced my hand, since the Kid can only die once... And Mad Dog always gets his man. Go be with your boy, sheriff.

Sheriff: I... Thank you. Give 'em hell!

(The Sheriff returns inside.)

O. Dio: Are you finished?

(The Crazy Bunch that made it through all train their guns on the pair.)

O. Dio: Two or one, it makes no difference. Another dog, another bullet.

(O. Dio whips out his arm-mounted Gatling gun.)

Trouble with the audio sample?
O. Dio: And I have so, so many to spare!

Billy: Go get 'em! (Sundown and Mad Dog exit the Crystal Saloon to face O. Dio and the members of his gang, if any.) O. Dio: It is you, then. You who educated Pike and his brothers so deftly in the ways of war. I owe you a debt for the generosity you showed my disciples. We are men of violence, yes, but we are nevertheless men. (The Crazy Bunch that made it through all train their guns on the pair.) O. Dio: And so I will repay you in our common currency... (O. Dio whips out his arm-mounted Gatling gun.)

Trouble with the audio sample?
O. Dio: In blood and lead and death!

Battle Quotes: O. Dio
  • Don't ask for mercy. I've none to give.
  • You, and your town, will be dust in the wind come tomorrow!
Using Gatling Barrage:
  • There'll be nothing left to bury!
  • I think you need a few more holes!
  • Death is nothing to fear.
  • Nwa ha ha ha ha ha ha!
Using Wolfsbane:
  • Hm hm ha ha ha ha!
  • You've not tasted true fear yet!
  • Dance for me!
  • I owe you.
Using Flaming Cocktail:
  • The sweet smell of burning flesh...!
  • Hm hm ha, adios.
  • Aha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
  • Writhe and burn!
Using Bugle Charge:
  • Go on! Run!
  • Hraah!
  • Just try and stand your ground!
  • Ugh!
  • That's your best?
  • Rrraagh!
  • Gaah!
  • Hwa-augh!
  • Uah!
  • D'aargh!
  • Eargh!
  • Ha!
  • Uaaagh!
  • Ugh!
  • You think your tricks will save you!?
  • Hu ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
  • Consider this a new beginning!
25% 50% 75%
  • Not even a scratch!
  • I was quick to judge you. I apologize!
  • Ho ho ho, you've more violence in you than I thought!
  • You were no match for me and my warriors.
  • No true disciples of war. No more than pretenders.
  • My warriors... my children...
  • I'll never sleep... I'll never die...

(O. Dio lies on the floor, defeated. A plume of red smoke escapes his body.)

Billy: Are you all right, mister?

(Billy, the four cowboys, and Dallas exit the saloon.)

Annie: They won! They won!

(Annie, the Sheriff, the Barkeep, and the mariachi follow. Everyone watches as Dio's body is replaced by that of a horse.)

Mad Dog: As I live and breathe... did he just turn into a horse!?

Sheriff: Lord have mercy, it's true... Until O. Dio came along, story was that the Sioux and Cheyenne had massacred Custer's 7th. Not a man survived... But a single union horse did.

(Dio the horse dashes out of sight.)

Annie: They said he was death itself, and maybe they were right. Born of those fallen soldiers- something cruel and primal...

Barkeep: He never slept, they said. Never slept and would never die...

Sheriff: I don't know how to thank you, Kid. Or maybe I do... stranger.

Mad Dog: That's all well and good for you, but not for me. You neither, Kid. We've got unfinished business, you and I.

The Sundown Kid:

Mad Dog: Don't get sentimental on me, now. This partnership of ours was only ever gonna last until we killed O. Dio. Was only ever gonna end one way.

(Return to choices.)

(Sundown and Mad Dog step into the street.) (Continues to "Stop it! Please!")

Annie: Stop it! Please!

Billy: You beat O. Dio together, didn't you!?

Mad Dog: Stay out of it! This is between me and him. Ain't that right, Kid?

The Sundown Kid:

Mad Dog: Ain't that right, Kid?

(Return to choices.)

(The others step back.) (Continues to "Okay, then...")

Mad Dog: Okay, then.

(Both men turn around.)

Mad Dog: One.

(Both men take a step.)

Mad Dog: Two.

(Another step.)

Mad Dog: Three.

(Another step.)

Mad Dog: Four.

(Another step. Cesar looks away in fear.)

Mad Dog: Five!

(Mad Dog draws his gun and turns to fire. Sundown...)

Mad Dog: <chuckle> Goddamn you're fast. Goddamn...

(Mad Dog falls, dead.)

Trouble with the audio sample?

(On the outskirts of town, the people of Success gather to see Sundown off.)

Annie: Do you have to go so soon?

The Sundown Kid:

(Return to choices).

(Continues to "I'm not sure what to say...")

Sheriff: I'm not sure what to say at times like this, but I suppose I ought to thank you.

Billy: Oh, I'll do it! Thank you for everything, mister! Oh! Actually, if I can ask you for something...

Sheriff: If it's about the badge, it's okay. I don't need it anymore. Just a piece of cheap tin, in the end. I reckon I can serve these people as their sheriff well enough without it.

Annie: One more thing! We can't leave you with just words. There's something else we ought to give you. I'm afraid we don't have a lot to offer. Just a few bits of gold... but if you want it, it's yours. Will you take it?

The Sundown Kid:

Annie: Did I say something to upset you? I'm sorry...

(Return to choices.)

Annie: Huh? Really? (Continues to "It's been a long, long time...")

The Sundown Kid: It's been a long, long time... Since I had the chance to do something good and decent. That's reward enough.

(Sundown hops on his horse.)

Annie: Oh, Kid...

Sancho de Los Panchos
Trouble with the audio sample?

(Sundown gestures to the mariachi band. As they play, Sundown rides off into the distance.)

Sheriff: Well I'll be! It's him! It's got to be him! That man there once made a name for himself as the fastest lawman in the west. But as his legend grew, more and more gunslingers hoping to make their own came calling. Came to a head when a gang of outlaws rode through his town, leaving all manner of tragedy in their wake... Not long after he vanished... and then a bounty was put up for a theretofore unheard of renegade. A fortune to tempt the greedy to follow him into the desert. A means to make amends or earn a final reprieve. The Kid...

(Billy runs out, calling into the distance.)

Billy: Hey mister! Kid! We'll never forget you!

Trouble with the audio sample?

(The credits roll, as Sundown continues his wandering.)

(On another day, Billy heads outside, stopping to see his father, and Wayne and Dallas at their inn. He watches the horizon on the outskirts of town, before heading into the Crystal Saloon, where he gazes at Sundown's wanted poster.)

Mad Dog: <chuckle> See you soon, Kid. (Mad Dog turns and leaves.)

Trouble with the audio sample?

(On the outskirts of town, the people of Success gather to see Sundown off.)

Annie: Do you have to go so soon?

The Sundown Kid:

(Return to choices).

(Continues to "I'm not sure what to say...")

Sheriff: I'm not sure what to say at times like this, but I suppose I ought to thank you.

Billy: Oh, I'll do it! Thank you for everything, mister! Oh! Actually, if I can ask you for something...

Sheriff: If it's about the badge, it's okay. I don't need it anymore. Just a piece of cheap tin, in the end. I reckon I can serve these people as their sheriff well enough without it.

Annie: One more thing! We can't leave you with just words. There's something else we ought to give you. I'm afraid we don't have a lot to offer. Just a few bits of gold... but if you want it, it's yours. Will you take it?

The Sundown Kid:

Annie: Did I say something to upset you? I'm sorry...

(Return to choices.)

Annie: Huh? Really? (Continues to "It's been a long, long time...")

The Sundown Kid: It's been a long, long time... Since I had the chance to do something good and decent. That's reward enough.

(Sundown hops on his horse.)

Annie: Oh, Kid...

Sancho de Los Panchos
Trouble with the audio sample?

(Sundown gestures to the mariachi band. As they play, Sundown rides off into the distance.)

Sheriff: Well I'll be! It's him! It's got to be him! That man there once made a name for himself as the fastest lawman in the west. But as his legend grew, more and more gunslingers hoping to make their own came calling. Came to a head when a gang of outlaws rode through his town, leaving all manner of tragedy in their wake... Not long after he vanished... and then a bounty was put up for a theretofore unheard of renegade. A fortune to tempt the greedy to follow him into the desert. A means to make amends or earn a final reprieve. The Kid...

(Billy runs out, calling into the distance.)

Billy: Hey mister! Kid! We'll never forget you!

Trouble with the audio sample?

(The credits roll, as Sundown continues his wandering.)

(On another day, Billy heads outside, stopping to see his father, and Wayne and Dallas at their inn. He watches the horizon on the outskirts of town, before heading into the Crystal Saloon, where he gazes at Sundown's wanted poster.)

(As Sundown rides, he is stopped in his tracks.)

Mad Dog: Yoo-hoo. Didn't think we'd meet again so soon, did you?

(Mad Dog approaches, with a new horse.)

Mad Dog: It's like something out of Greek Myth, don't you think? This bond, this never-ending story of ours.

(He gets off his horse.)

Mad Dog: Except an ending's exactly what we're gonna write today. Hmm? Horse looks familiar, does it?

(Sundown also hops off his steed,)

Mad Dog: Well it should. It's O. Dio, or what's left of him. He's a wild bastard, untamable at heart. Not unlike myself, really. I daresay we're a match made in heaven. Or hell. Draw!

(Mad Dog draws his gun. The two men duel, and Sundown easily disarms his foe.)

Mad Dog: Goddamnit! Don't you leave me here in the dirt with my shame again!

(Sundown hops back on his horse.)

Mad Dog: Wait, damn you!

(Mad Dog follows suit, but Sundown shoots the ground under his steed's hooves.)

Mad Dog: Whoa, boy!

(Mad Dog is thrown off O. Dio, which bolts off.)

Mad Dog: Again!? You shot my horse out from under me again!?

(Sundown rears to leave.)

Mad Dog: Get back here!

(Mad Dog almost starts to chase Sundown, but pauses.)

Mad Dog: O. Dio!

(Mad Dog instead runs after his horse.)

(The Sundown Kid continues to roam, wherever the wind takes him.)


The Wild West: The Wanderer
The Sundown KidMad DogAnnieBillySheriffThe Crazy BunchO. Dio
Success (Crystal Saloon)
Pike • Pike Brother • Dutton Brother • Duo Salvajo
WandererUnder the FakeThe WildsSancho de Los Panchos
2022 (English) • 1994 (English, Japanese)