O. Dio

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“And so I will repay you in our common currency... In blood and lead and death!”
—O. Dio

O. Dio is the main antagonist of the Wild West chapter, The Wanderer. The incarnation of Odio of the American wild west, he is the leader of the Crazy Bunch, a gang of outlaws that terrorizes the town of Success.



O. Dio is a burly, muscular man in a U.S. cavalry uniform with torn sleeves and is armed with a large Gatling gun. His hair is unkempt, he had a broad, vicious grin, and he chews a cigar.

His true form is a purple horse with some reddish-brown highlights.


O. Dio is a cocky, arrogant, and ruthless man who lives to intimidate and pillage towns through violence. His deranged charisma has allowed him to gather a loyal band of followers; together, they wreak havoc wherever they please. When confronted by the Sundown Kid and Mad Dog, he takes on their challenge with bravado.


The Wild West: The Wanderer

While it is known to many that O. Dio was the sole survivor of George Custer's 7th Cavalry, famously wiped out at the Battle of Little Bighorn, Dio is not actually a human being, but a union horse. This horse was the lone survivor of Custer's unit, and though it miraculously survived the battles, the vengeful spirits of the men killed manifested themselves within it. It would not sleep, it would not die, and eventually, it adopted a human form, calling itself "O. Dio".

Driven by insatiable wrath, this man brought a wave of terror across the West, attracting many outlaws under his vile name. These outlaws would form a gang, the Crazy Bunch, with Dio himself as leader. They would roam the American frontier terrorizing every town in their wake, particularly the former Gold Rush boomtown of Success.

Despite having endured the torment of Dio's Crazy Bunch for so long, the people of Success remained largely afraid of the gang's wrath, particularly of Dio's. When gang member Pike is chased from Success by a wandering traveler known as the Sundown Kid, Pike reports this transgression directly to O. Dio. In response, Dio rounds up his entire gang and prepares to storm Success at the light of dawn the next day. Aware of his plan, the people of Success finally work up the nerve to fight back. By the long night's end, as Dio's gang rides into town, they are ensnared by several traps set up throughout the night and their numbers falter, though Dio himself is able to make it to the saloon.

Both Sundown and bounty hunter Mad Dog step out to personally confront O. Dio as he demands surrender. Cocksure, Dio pulls out his Gatling gun and attempts to mow the pair down, but the gunslingers' aim proves truer, and O. Dio's reign of terror is put to an end. In a burst of red smoke, the defeated Dio returns to his original equine form in front of the townspeople, and runs off to parts unknown.

If Mad Dog is spared during his duel with Sundown, O. Dio reappears in his horse form as Mad Dog's new steed, the two having bonded through their kindred spirits. As Sundown bests Mad Dog yet again, Sundown scares Dio off by shooting the ground at his feet, prompting Mad Dog to chase after him.

Final Chapter: The Dominion of Hate

A statue of O. Dio's human form is found in the chamber of statues inside the Archon's Roost, alongside the other incarnations of Odio. He is fought once more with only Sundown in the true ending route, as part of a gauntlet of every incarnation. If Oersted is selected as the protagonist, Dio is briefly playable in an alternate outcome of his shootout with Sundown and Mad Dog.

Dio appears a final time as a horse in the true ending. He is ridden by Mad Dog side by side with the Sundown Kid, now completely docile.


The strategy of engaging O. Dio will vary depending on the player's actions. The more traps that Sundown and Mad Dog are able to assist the townspeople with setting, the fewer of the Crazy Bunch will assist O. Dio in the fight. If the player is able to gather supplies fast enough and distribute them to the most appropriate townsfolk with time to spare, it is possible to face off against O. Dio on his own. If no traps are set before the time limit expires, the player will have to contend with the entirety of the Crazy Bunch.

All traps (O. Dio alone)

First of all, don't stand directly diagonal of him, or Dio will use a Gatling Gun attack that will easily deal 999 damage. Move Sundown and Mad Dog right up next to Dio (but not diagonal from him) and use Double Shot and Ride the Lightning on him. Dio's melee attacks are pathetic, so standing next to him makes this fight so easy it's silly. Let Mad Dog fall if it comes to that; Sundown is more worthy of your healing items. As long as you stand next to Dio, though, you probably won't have to heal.

No traps (O. Dio, Duo Salvaje x2, Dutton Brother x6, Pike Brother x6)

Use Through and Through with Sundown to take down the left side of the battlefield, use Mad Dog's Ride the Lightning or use items such as Dynamite or Bottled Fire to clear part of the battlefield. You can also use Sundown's Double Shot to take care of the Duo Salvaje and Brothers nearby. Dio won't be able to move that freely, but still keep out of his Gatling Barrage range. In the original version, save the Cigars for Sundown, as him being intoxication wastes some turns. Make Mad Dog use the Miracle Tonic (or Tequila for SFC version) when injured and near Sundown. After the battlefield has been cleared out, proceed to attack as mentioned on the All traps section above.




Dio is italian for "God". The "O" could stand for Officer or Outlaw. Also, Dio could be his surname while O. is his abbreviated name. Just like all incarnations of Odio, his name comes from the word "Odio".

Possible Encounters


  • He is likely based off of George Armstrong Custer, the 7th Cavalry division leader of the Battle of Little Bighorn in which he died along with 5 out of 12 divisions.
    • His horse form is based off of Comanche, the only verified survivor of the previously mentioned battle.
  • He is one of the only incarnations of Odio that does not die to the heroes in his battle with them, he just reverts back to his true form and runs off. If Mad Dog is alive, he becomes his horse. The other to survive is OD-10.
  • He is and OD-10 are the only incarnations that are fought alongside normal enemies from the respective chapters.
    • Coincidentally enough, both end up either redeemed or at least surviving to the end of the chapter.
  • He is one of the animal incarnations of Odio, the other being Odo.
The Wild West: The Wanderer
The Sundown KidMad DogAnnieBillySheriffThe Crazy BunchO. Dio
Success (Crystal Saloon)
Pike • Pike Brother • Dutton Brother • Duo Salvajo
WandererUnder the FakeThe WildsSancho de Los Panchos
2022 (English) • 1994 (English, Japanese)