Crystal Saloon

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The Crystal Saloon, known as the Crystal Bar in the Super Famicom version, is a tavern in the Wild West chapter, The Wanderer.


Located smack dab in the center of town, the Crystal Saloon is the only source of entertainment in Success, and as such, it is often used as a gathering place by the townsfolk. The saloon is run by the Barkeep, along with his sister Annie, who works as the barmaid. The layout consists of the ground floor bar, a second floor with the staff's personal chambers, and a storage room in the back.

The saloon serves as the central hub for the Sundown Kid during his time in Success. During the trap-setting phase, the Kid must return to the Saloon to give supplies to the townsfolk so that they may construct the traps. The Kid may also speak to the Barkeep in the saloon to pass the time.

The Wild West: The Wanderer
The Sundown KidMad DogAnnieBillySheriffThe Crazy BunchO. Dio
Success (Crystal Saloon)
Pike • Pike Brother • Dutton Brother • Duo Salvajo
WandererUnder the FakeThe WildsSancho de Los Panchos
2022 (English) • 1994 (English, Japanese)