Crazy Bunch

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The Crazy Bunch is a gang of outlaws from The Wanderer chapter.


Before The Wanderer

The gang was formed by O. Dio (really a legion of vengeful spirits possessing a horse), who recruited 17 people into the gang to terrorize towns and steal their supplies. It is known that they have been raiding Success Town for a long time as the members of the town were fed up with them getting away with their crimes.

During The Wanderer

The gang had set a raid just after Sundown's arrival at Frontier Town. A member of the gang, Pike, was already there and planned to go to the bar where he tried to hit on Annie and heckled Sundown by giving him a glass of milk. Pike was later killed by Sundown. Shortly after, a duel between Sundown and Mad Dog occurred, but they noticed two gang of outlaws spying on them and quickly killed them.

The gang appeared the next day to raid the town, but their numbers are dwinled according to how many traps were set up. The gang later became defunct with the combined efforts of Sundown, Mad Dog and the townsfolk, who defeated and killed all members except O. Dio, who reverted into a feral horse and fled.




  • The name of this group was probably inspired by Butch Cassidy's Wild Bunch, the most successful train-robbing gang of the wild west.
    • Coincidentally, a member of this gang was the Sundance Kid, which obviously inspired the Sundown Kid.

The Wild West: The Wanderer
The Sundown KidMad DogAnnieBillySheriffThe Crazy BunchO. Dio
Success (Crystal Saloon)
Pike • Pike Brother • Dutton Brother • Duo Salvajo
WandererUnder the FakeThe WildsSancho de Los Panchos
2022 (English) • 1994 (English, Japanese)