The Outsider/Script (1994, Fan Translation)

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Script (1994, Fan Translation)


(A pair of eyes appear from the shadows.)

So tell me

???: Are you... happy?

???: Well, that’s nice for you, isn’t it? But you know, there are plenty of people who aren’t…

???: That’s too bad, I guess. But your life is yours to do with what you will…

  • Regardless:

???: Whoops, I was preaching a bit, wasn’t I? Well, listen to my story. Maybe you’ll understand...

(A teenager is seen, napping on a bench in the public park.)

Traumatic Childhood

Boy: Daaaad!

(A child roams through the city docks at dusk.)

Boy: Where are you?!

(A gunshot rings out.)

Boy: !!

(The boy runs forward to find his father, collapsed and bleeding out. A man in a skull mask flees the scene.)

Boy: Dad! Dad, wake up!! Daaaad!

???: By then… He’d already passed away. As a captain of the riot police, he was involved in a skirmish with a violent gang known as the Crusaders… He couldn’t have known…

Welcome to the Orphanage

(In a classroom, the boy and his sister stand at the front of the class.)

Taeko: And so, we have new friends today. Please tell everyone your name!

(Default name: Akira.)

Taeko: This is Akira and his sister Kaori. Everyone be nice to them, okay?

Children: Okaaaaaay!!

(One child remains silent.)

Taeko: I didn't hear you, Watanabe...

Watanabe: Okay, I guess...

A Lesson on Mind-Reading

(Scene shifts back to Akira's eyes glowing in the dark)
???: Once I started living with my sister Kaori at Chibikko House, I've... well, I've started to acquire strange powers. Like, I can read minds, and move objects without touching them... Try pressing the Y button to read people's minds...

  • If the player presses anything else

???: You don't get it, do you?

  • Once the player presses the Y button

???: Good, you've got it.
If you had similar powers, how would you use them? In my case…

Near Future Chapter

In the park

"Wait for Truth" SFC Ver.
Trouble with the audio sample?

(The teenager in the park, a grown Akira, wakes up from his nap.)

Idle Businessman: Man, do I ever love parks!
Man, do I ever love ditching work!

Old Man: H-hey, what are you doing? I'm just an old fogey! I've got nothing to do with you!
I'll bet this kid's one of those blasted skull punks!

Hungry Boy: I ain’t a kid, you know!
The taiyaki guy hasn’t come today...

Hopeful Man: Your eyes are as blue as window cleaner!
I’m sure that’s what the Dating Strategy Guide said! Man, I’m smooooooth!

Nervous Woman: What?! How dare you!
...I am SUCH an airhead!!

Old Man: Kids these days! Sheesh! I wish these two’d get a room already!
This reminds me of my younger days with the missus… Sigh…

Hungry Boy: Stop following me around! I'll call the cops!
He might be one of the kidnappers Mom warned me about!

(As Akira prepares to leave the park, he is ambushed by four men in skull masks.)

Helmeted Thugs: Ha ha!

Akira: (thinking) Wonder what these punks are thinking…?

Helmeted Thugs: What a weirdo…
If we can haul this kid in, our work'll be done for today!

Akira: I ain't gonna help you with your "work!"

Helmeted Thug: What?!

(Suddenly, a man on a motorcycle cruises into the park.)

Harley Guy: Hands offa the runt, guys.

Helmeted Thug: What’re you gonna do about it?!

Harley Guy: ...
I’m jes passin’ through…
(He confronts the thugs.)

A Painful Death at the Hands of a Psycho" SFC Ver.
Trouble with the audio sample?

Badass Biker: I'm the taiyaki guy!

(The biker, Matsu, with Akira's help, pummel the thugs and send them packing.)

Akira: ... Hehe… Thanks, Matsu!

Matsu: You oughta be more careful, Akira… They been pullin’ some weird stuff lately.

Akira: Don’t they know that I ain’t ‘xactly worth any ransom?

Matsu: How’s your sis doing?

Akira: Kaori’s gotten a little better, thanks. Oww, that stings...

Matsu: Scraped yourself up a bit, huh? Here, I’ll give you a lift.

Akira: What are they planning?

(Matsu doesn't respond, and hops back on his bike.)

Matsu: ...
I wouldn't put it past the Crusaders to be involved in the recent kidnappings...

(Akira climbs onto Matsu's bike, and the two drive out of the park.)

Theme Song!!

Kazuhiko Shimamoto

"Go! Go! Buriki Daioh!" SFC Ver.
Trouble with the audio sample?

Go! Go! Buriki Daioh!

Ima wa mukashi no BABIRONIA
Hagane no kobushiga ten wo tsuku
Igyo no mashin wo taosu tame
Ikari de hi wo tomose
Atsui kokoro ga yobisamasu
BURIKI! DAIOH! ware to ari

Orphanage Life

Chasing the Crusaders

Infiltrating the Laboratory

Countdown to Destruction

(Attempt to mind read at this point)

Moving the Robot

Akira: Right, Matsu!


The Near Future: The Outsider
AkiraThe Steel TitanLawlessTaroimoKaoriDoc TobeiTaekoTadashiThe CrusadersConspiratorsOdeo
Bright Sparks OrphanageTimeless Wonders AntiquesPublic ParkCity DocksTsukuba Research FacilityMatango ParadiseOdeo Temple
Crusader Thug • Crusader Enforcer • Crusader Road Captain • M-1 RC Car • M-1 Lariat Unit • M-2 RC Car • M-1 Kyokushin Unit • M-1 Komatsu Bulldozer • M-3 Lariat Unit • M-1 Hebel Slab • M-1 Psycher • M-2 Kyokushin Unit • Tense Suit • Dobermann Alpha • Private Security • Commander • M-93 MBT • Roaring Thunder • LH Combat Unit W1 • Vengeful Dragon • The Great Inko
Go! Go! Steel Titan!Wait for TruthPlaying with PsychosPlaying with Psychos on Matango
2022 (English) • 1994 (English, Japanese)