Primitive "Contact"

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The First (1994)

Contact is Pogo's chapter in Live A Live and takes place in prehistory.

It's cursor is a haunch of meat.

Chapter Description

The Stone Age. The day a free spirited boy and his friend Gori come of age has arrived. In a time before spoken communication, man possessed a keen nose indeed. Through his sense of smell, man could find any beast or avoid lurking danger.

Chapter Mechanics

This chapter plays out much like a traditional RPG with the key difference being that enemies can be found or skipped by using the special feature of Pogo's tracking smell. When used, things show up on the map in the shape of a cloud that moves around. When walked into, they reveal what was causing the smell, if an enemy is found, a fight will happen.

The chapter also contains a special Tribe Artisan and Wild Lands Artisans who allows the player to trade two items into a new one. Items such as fangs, horns, bones and pelts can be traded, all of these can be found around the overworld or as drops from the various enemies in the chapter.

Another thing that sets this chapter apart from the others is the fact that it contains no dialogue what so ever. Instead, the story is portrayed by having the characters use various icons and body motions to show the story. The only piece of dialogue in the chapter is at the very end where Pogo learns and invents his first word. It is also much more comedic than the others.

Tracking Smell Feature

Pogo and Gori can smell the air around them to find either enemies or food by pressing the Y button. Once that is done, cloud icons will show up on the map and when walked into various icons will pop up to tell the player what the smell is. He can use this ability to hunt in the overworld and identify different characters.

Secret Items

Rock of Rocks
This item can be obtained outside the safe cave Pogo has been exiled from, by interacting with a face rock near a tree pressing A while facing it exactly 100 times, and no more than that or the cave will close up (a sound can be heard when reaching 100). After pressing the rock exactly 100 times, a cave will open on the very left. Inside the cave is a metal block, a Bone item must be selected to interact with it. This process must be done after defeating the Kuu Tribe members just before fighting Odo. This item should not be missed and helps greatly on characters such as the Earthen, Heart, Master or Akira who have attacks that rely on Special Attack for damage. 
Fang of the King
This accessory will be obtained after slaying the King Mammoth.
Cola Bottle
This item is a drop from King Mammoth. It has a ⅓ drop chance. It can be used as an accessory or used as an infinite attack item which always deals 999 damage.

Secret Boss

The secret boss of this chapter is the King Mammoth which can be found out in the area where Pogo got kicked out at by returning just before the fight with the chapter boss. King Mammoth is hard to track and moves very fast and must be caught be pressing the A button on him unlike the other enemies. His smell cloud always shows a mammoth.


The boss of this chapter is O-D-O, the last living Tyrannosaurus Rex that is worshipped as a god by the Kuu Tribe. During this battle, you have control of PogoBeruGori and Zaki, who joins enraged after seeing that Odo killed the chief. The difficulty of this battle depends on how much you've leveled up your party up to this point. However, the battle can become trivial if you've leveled up Beru to level 7 and use Laa Laa.

Chapter Endings

Bad Ending

Gotten after getting a game over at any point. Pogo will get a look of shock on his face and pass out on the ground which causes Gori to laugh.

Normal Ending

The only other ending to this chapter, the two tribes set aside their differences and join together. Meanwhile Pogo takes Beru to his room and Gori tries to enter but gets kicked out and is picked up by the six Female Gori he saved earlier and taken to the other room. The screen then turns a pink shade implying that they are sleeping together and Pogo then begins to utter his first word and screams "Love".


Music Tracks


  • According to "Live A Live Complete Strategy Guidebook", the chapter was based on anime 'First Human Giatrus', a gag show about a cave boy Gon and his gorilla companion Dotechin.
  • It was stated to use only katakana in the Japanese version.