Mammoth King/1994

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King Mammoth is an enemy from the Contact scenario. He is a golden adult mammoth and is the King of all mammoths, meaning that he is the strongest.


Before attempting this battle the player should be at level 16 with Pogo, he should have somewhere around 700 HP when attempting with the best equipment available. First, position Pogo near the bottom right side of the mammoth. After that have Pogo use Zzz Zzz on the mammoth in order to put it to sleep. Then have Gori move to the bottom right of Pogo. The King Mammoth will be more likely to use weaker moves like the Trunk Whip, or Flamethrower if Pogo and Gori are postitioned this way since his stronger moves have lower priority.

Have Gori use Eeeh! to put poison tiles on the mammoth to prevent it from healing from fire field tiles it can create with both Huge Explosion and Great Eruption. Then spam PushPush and use Dodegesden for the killing blow with Pogo.

PushPush will rotate the mammoth, meaning that it has to turn towards you if it wants to attack, wasting it's turn. Dodegesden should only be used when it has around 300 health since if you use it earlier you will be debuffed and your damage will be lower. You may need to use Zzz Zzz in order to heal or if PushPush keeps missing. The King Mammoth has a chance to drop a Cola Bottle after defeat and you will always find the King's Fang after battle.

Possible Encounters