Mammoth King

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Mammoth King is an enemy and secret boss from the The First scenario. He is a golden adult mammoth and is the King of all mammoths, meaning that he is the strongest. This boss is the strongest enemy of the chapter and one of the strongest in the whole game. His health and defense exceeds that of O-D-O, the chapter's final boss.


Before attempting this battle the player should have a level equal or higher than 12, preferably level 16, as Pogo with the best equipment available. Have Pogo use Sleep Trick on the mammoth in order to put it to sleep. Gori should replace the fire tiles with poison tiles from Poop Throw, preventing the mammoth from healing himself with the fire tiles, and heal Pogo with Huge Haunch of Meat when possible. Otherwise, pass his turns to Pogo. With Pogo, spam Poke Bind. Poke Bind will rotate the mammoth, meaning that it has to turn towards you if it wants to attack, wasting it's turn. You may need to use Sleep Trick in order to heal or if Poke Bind keeps missing. If you are level 16, use Bing Bang Boom for the killing blow as it should only be used when the mammoth has around 200-300 health since if you use it earlier you will be debuffed and your damage will be lower. The King Mammoth has a chance to drop a Cola Bottle (infinite use item that insta kills enemies) after defeat and you will always find the King's Fang (huge damage buff item) after battle.

Possible Encounters