Tula Han

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“Fools and children fight with their fists. Come. I'll show you how civilized warriors make their opponents submit.”
—Tula Han

Tula Han is a character from the Present Day chapter, The Strongest. A Russian Special Forces operator with extensive military training, he is one of the six masters faced by Masaru Takahara on his quest to become the greatest warrior.



As a member of the military, Han wears a green spotted camouflage military uniform with no sleeves. He has a scar down his right eye and has a short military haircut. He also wears metal kneecaps and black boots.


Han is a disciplined and stoic individual. Unlike most of the masters Masaru faces, who blend their techniques with their own personal flair, Han takes a more pragmatic approach to combat, preferring to debilitate his opponent before finishing them off.


Present Day: The Strongest

Trained by a special paramilitary unit in one of the world's great superpowers, Tula Han is a master of close-quarters combat and assassination, particularly in the art of sambo. He is most known for his flexibility and skillful use of limb locks to cripple his opponents. He demonstrates these tactics in his fight against Masaru; his Armlock and Cross Heel Hold greatly restrict the wrestler's options in the frigid ring. Upon defeat, Han commends Masaru for outwitting him.

Soon after his fight with Masaru, Han is murdered in combat by Odie O'Bright, who sought to become the greatest warrior through the path of death. Calling upon Han's guile, Masaru fights O'Bright and strikes him down, avenging his death.


Both of Han's learnable techniques, Armlock and Cross Heel Hold, are special among Masaru's potential repertoire. Armlock can inflict the Restrain status, inhibiting an opponent's martial techniques, while Cross Heel Hold inflicts Snare, forbidding agile techniques and preventing movement. Both of his abilities are very useful, as they can prevent opponents from using certain deadly moves, and also act as counters. As often as they may be useful, however, they can also be a detriment; since baiting your opponent into attacking is key in The Strongest, a counter that restricts their moveset and whittles down their health can be problematic.

Combat-wise, Han has relatively high HP, but his attack range is universally short. In addition to his learnable techniques, Han's Gut Punch may inflict Paralysis, allowing him time to unleash his limb locks. As both of Han's techniques are counters, simply attacking him is an easy way to learn his moves. If afflicted with Restrain or Snare, Masaru may simply use Focus to cure himself, as it is unaffected by both statuses.


Tula Han is a decent starting point, since he can be easily beaten with no new learned abilities. Though his moves may bring Masaru's HP dangerously low, simply healing and attacking should be enough to take him down.


In the remake, Tula is given a weakness in Projectile-type attacks. This makes both of the Great Aja's techniques, Frankensteiner and Tornado Press, particularly effective at knocking him down.


  • His name and appearance are likely based off Volk Han, a Russian pro wrestler and former military officer mostly known for his sambo technique.
Present Day: The Strongest
Masaru TakaharaNamkiatThe Great AjaTula HanSeishi MoribeMax MorganJackie IaukeaOdie O'Bright
The Strongest - Victory RoadWorld WarriorsWorld Warriors - RematchVersus!Knock You Down!
2022 (English) • 1994 (English)