The Strongest/Script (1994, Fan Translation)

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Script (1994, Fan Translation)
Script (1994, Japanese)

Note: All of the protagonist's names are rendered as the default.
Due to naming limits in the SFC version, his surname is always Takahara.

His Dream

Masaru: Once, I told everyone in the gym my dream...
-Strongest on Earth-

Main Character Design
Ryouji Minagawa

Training Montage

BGM: Ultimate Strength -VICTORY ROAD-

Masaru: Today is the day that my journey begins.
My journey to stand on top of the world...
To learn all of the fighting skills of every martial art...
I must be adaptable.
If I am not, I will not survive.
Nobody has ever attempted anything like this. I am the first.
I will let my fists do the talking...
I will learn much from each fighter.
... And with each battle, I will grow stronger.
Let the games begin! Bring it on!

(After a name is entered...)
-Masaru Takahara-
The world shall hear me roar!
I look forward to the coming battles!

(Title card.)

Select Your Opponent

BGM: Martial Arts Masters... during selection and if Masaru wins, Versus! pre-fight, KNOCK YOU DOWN! in battle, Defeated... if Masaru loses


[Bio] An incredibly flexible warrior who fights using the Muay Thai style. His ashiwaza high kick is considered to be absolutely devastating.
[Pre-Fight] Hah, you've come all the way from Japan to face me? Too bad you won't be able to so much as bruise my pretty face!
[Masaru loses] Gaze into my beautiful face as I pummel you flat!
[Masaru wins] You... you damaged my beautiful face!

Great Asia

[Bio] A Japanese wrestler who has mastered the techniques of the Mexican Lucha Libre champ, El Rudo. His moves are considered to be extremely rough, and he has been called the Dark Angel.
[Pre-Fight] Hah, Masaru, you puny freak! You obviously have no skill! I'm gonna chop your head off!
[Masaru loses] You’ll never be able to knock my head off!
[Masaru wins] Ugh... my neck...

Tula Han

[Bio] Trained by a special paramilitary fighting unit, Tula Han is a master of close quarters combat. He fights with both mind and body as one, and can bend both to extreme measures.
[Pre-Fight] Hey, kid! Think you can hit me? Let's see how strong you really are...
[Masaru loses] You cannot win if you don’t use your brain!
[Masaru wins] Looks like... you managed to outthink me...

Moribe Seishi

[Bio] Enlightened in the ancient Japanese technique of bare-handed killing, Moribe's strikes can pierce even the toughest armor, yet can damage internal organs without breaking the skin.
[Pre-Fight] If you wish to truly become the strongest... I hope you have studied well of the Art of War!
[Masaru loses] My ancient Japanese martial arts have never been defeated!!
[Masaru wins] Heh. How old is your technique, I wonder?

Max Morgan

[Bio] America's number one wrestler, Max has made a name for himself as a Hollywood star. He's grown bored, however, and is seeking a challenger who can provide him with a new thrill.
[Pre-Fight] Okay! Come on, boy! Max Bomber Number 1!
[Masaru loses] IIIIII’M NUMBER ONE! You’ll always be playing second fiddle, chump!!
[Masaru wins] YOU'RE NUMBER ONE! I'll always be playing second fiddle, eheh.

Jackie Iaukea

[Bio] Heading the call of the sumo, Jackie traveled to Hawaii to become the greatest ever. Unfortunately, he failed, and instead uses his sumo skills in international wrestling.
[Pre-Fight] I won't be defeated by your Japanese wrestling moves! My Sumo skills will crush you!
[Masaru loses] You’ll never knock me out of the ringside rope!!
[Masaru wins] Ugh... the ringside rope!

A Challenger Approaches

BGM: The Demon King Odio

(Suddenly, the six opponents' portraits turn grey and vanish, before being replaced by Odie's.)

Life And Death

(Masaru and Odie confront each other by the riverside)
Odie: Not bad, Masaru...
You are such a... tiny man. Your determination is admirable, if not misplaced.
I am not impressed, though. The competition was not exactly stellar.
I gave them... quick deaths.
First was that amateur, Namcat...
and the Lucha wimp...
I twisted Tula's joints in ways nature never intended!
Then Max, and that fatass, Iaukea...
And the geezer, whatever his name was.
They were weak... so they died!
Now, you fight me!
Odie Oldbright!

Masaru: You son of a bitch!
You didn't fight them...
You just slaughtered them!
Namcat's ashiwaza...
Great Asia's lucha...
Tula's armlocks... Jackie's strength...
Morgan's power...
Seishi's technique!
And... my anger!
I'll crush you!

[Masaru loses]
BGM: The Demon King Odio
Odie: Now we see who the strongest really is!
(A timer counts down from 9. Should it reach 0, the screen transitions to File Select, implying Masaru's life was all but cut short...unless the player chooses to continue.)

Title Defended

(Masaru knocks Odie onto the ground)
Odie: The title... passed on, until it reached me...
I, the great one! The invincible!
It is my... destiny... to be the best there... ever was...
You... can't be... human...
[Masaru] I am Masaru Takahara...
[Challenger] If I knock you down... I will be the strongest!
(Masaru turns towards the Challenger and grins. Credits roll.)