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“You must be tired, having come all the way from Japan. Don't worry, I'll end it quick. You won't even have a chance to lay a finger on me.”
—Namkiat, pre-battle

Namkiat is a character from the Present Day chapter, The Strongest. A Muay Thai prodigy of great renown and resplendence, he is one of the six masters faced by Masaru Takahara in his journey to become the world's greatest warrior.



Namkiat sports a slim build and black hair tied into a bun. His outfit consists of red boxers and socks, along with blue fingerless gloves. His entire body is adorned with jewelry, from necklaces to bracelets to earrings. He also has a red tattoo on his forehead.


Namkiat is an exceedingly proud and egotistical fighter. He pays little respect to his opponents, fancying himself untouchable with his superior speed. In addition, he takes great care of his appearance, considering himself a thing of beauty.


Present Day: The Strongest

Born with great agility and flexibility, Namkiat has trained relentlessly in his homeland of Thailand to hone his body so that he might become a Muay Thai champion. He pays little heed to Masaru as they spar, unleashing his famed "divine" right foot through his dazzling Lookpanjama Kick and Spiral Knee techniques. Upon defeat, Namkiat panics over the injuries to his face, but nonetheless concedes victory to Masaru.

Sometime soon after his fight with Masaru, Namkiat is murdered in combat by Odie O'Bright, who sought to become the greatest warrior through the path of death. Calling upon Namkiat's speed, Masaru strikes O'Bright down and avenges his death.


Namkiat has two techniques to learn, both of which are kicks. His Lookpanjama Kick shoves his opponents out of their range, where he may follow it up with a long-range Spiral Knee. Both kicks can be somewhat difficult to deal with and much care should be taken with standing far away from him as his Spiral Knee can do great amounts of damage.


It may be best to use Masaru's Focus for some turns in order to increase his stats, and then proceed to learn Spiral Knee before getting close to him and finish the fight with whatever moves you have learned.


On account of his weaknesses, Namkiat is made easier in the remake. His weakness to Grappling moves makes Tula Han's moves, Armlock and Cross Heel Hold, very effective. However, his additional weakness to Earth allows his fight to be completely trivialized by Worldbreaker's Wrath should Masaru have acquired it, draining his entire HP bar in one attack.



Possible Encounters


  • Namkiat is based off Napa Kiatwanchai, a Thai boxer and former strawweight champion.
Present Day: The Strongest
Masaru TakaharaNamkiatThe Great AjaTula HanSeishi MoribeMax MorganJackie IaukeaOdie O'Bright
The Strongest - Victory RoadWorld WarriorsWorld Warriors - RematchVersus!Knock You Down!
2022 (English) • 1994 (English)