Odie O'Bright

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“Each lay dead at my feet when I was finished. For true triumph is found only in death. In the extinguishing of a life and its legacy.”
—Odie O'Bright

Odie O'Bright is the main antagonist of the Present Day chapter, The Strongest. The incarnation of Odio in the modern era, he is a murderous warrior that seeks to earn the title of "greatest warrior" by killing all competition.



Odie O'Bright is a tall muscular mountain of a man, with a bald head and tattoos on his arms and back. The tattoos on his shoulders are those of dharmachakras or wheels of karma, a major representative symbol of Buddhism, while tattoo on his back is that of an Asura, semi divine beings within Buddhism and Hindu religion who represent powerful but violent entities that are always symbolic of never-ending conflict. His attire makes him slightly resemble a Buddhist monk, while hybridizing a modern outlaw and punk styled flair with biker gear like leather gloves and metal leg protectors, further giving him a dangerous looking image akin to a disgraced monk.


Odie O'Bright is a cold-blooded and callous person, seeing no tragedy or cruelty in the death he deals to his opponents. He is also very arrogant, boasting about his strength and skill for murder. His personal philosophy holds that only through taking the life of a person can one truly dominate them. As a result, he looks down on his counterpart Masaru Takahara, failing to acknowledge the skills Masaru developed throughout his journey, and instead discrediting him for failing to "secure" his status as the world's greatest warrior.


Present Day: The Strongest

Like Masaru, Odie O'Bright embarked on a quest to prove himself the world's greatest warrior. He imitated Masaru's journey exactly, travelling around the world and challenging the same masters. Where Masaru desired to learn from each of the masters, however, O'Bright merely sought to kill them to prove his own superiority. With his overwhelming strength and barbarous tactics, O'Bright successfully slew the six masters Masaru had faced: Namkiat, the Great Aja, Tula Han, Moribe Seishi, Max Morgan, and Jackie Iaukea all met their ends at his hands, earning him the title of world's greatest warrior in his eyes.

At last, Odie approached Masaru himself as he stands at a riverbed. He sadistically brags to Masaru of how he killed the prior champions, claiming true victory can only come from death, and introducing himself as the greatest warrior. His actions drive Masaru to fury, and the two engage in an ultimate battle. Even with his brutal techniques, Odie cannot overcome Masaru's righteous anger and versatility, and is soundly beaten. As he lay dying, Odie continues to taunt Masaru, warning him that as the world's greatest warrior, countless hopefuls will chase him relentlessly to take his title, just like him. He finally perishes, a red cloud of smoke emitting from his body.

Final Chapter: The Dominion of Hate

A statue of Odie O'Bright is found in the chamber of statues inside the Archon's Roost, alongside the other incarnations of Odio. He is fought once more with Masaru in the true ending route, as part of a gauntlet of every incarnation. If Oersted is selected as the protagonist, Odie is briefly playable in an alternate outcome of his duel with Masaru.


The battle against Odie O'Bright can vary in difficulty depending on which techniques Masaru Takahara has learned during the chapter. Remember to use Focus first in order to boost your stats and heal when needed. Celestial Palm and Fleetfoot are the best moves to use against him, as the first can lower his stats and the second has a high chance to change his direction, cancelling all his actions in the process. If Masaru Takahara hasn't learned Fleetfoot, you can use German Suplex to deal a lot of damage and a chance to paralyze Odie or Aloha Slap to interrupt him from a distance.

He will use Bonebreaker at a 2 tile distance, this attack deals low damage. He also has an attack called Reaper's Scythe which he will use often when Masaru Takahara is near him, this attack deals a slightly higher amount of damage than Bonebreaker. Do not stand to his sides, as he can use a devastating attack called Diving DDO from that range. If you see him charging an attack, that means that he is about to use Diving DDO, so make sure to move in order to avoid the massive damage. Since this attack requires a charge time, you can interrupt him with any of the previously mentioned moves.


Unlike the previous six opponents Masaru has fought, Odie O'Bright has no weaknesses whatsoever. As described above, Masaru must rely on a combination of techniques from all the masters to put Odie in his place.


  • In pre-official English translation patches, his last name was spelt as Oldbright, rather than the Anglo-Irish inspired surname given to him in the official remake and release of the game.
  • His name was inspired by Gary Albright, a wrestler that was best known for his work in Japan and unfortunately died after one of his matches.
  • Odie O'Bright is among the more enigmatic main villains and is merely encountered as the final boss without any introduction, similar to most fighting game final bosses of the 90's.
  • His design was probably inspired by the characters Sagat from Street Fighter who uses Buddhist imagery and SNK's Geese Howard use of Japanese clothing, sharing the trait of an antagonistic character as powerful martial artists who use their craft for evil.
Present Day: The Strongest
Masaru TakaharaNamkiatThe Great AjaTula HanSeishi MoribeMax MorganJackie IaukeaOdie O'Bright
The Strongest - Victory RoadWorld WarriorsWorld Warriors - RematchVersus!Knock You Down!
2022 (English) • 1994 (English)