The Mechanical Heart/Script (2022)

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Script (2022)
Script (1994, Japanese)

- Space Dock TSQ-05 -
Record of Departure

Registration: Cogito Ergo Sum
Class: Civilian Transport Freighter
Destination: Earth
Cargo: Xeno-biological Specimen
Crew: 5
Passengers: 1 (Courier, Military)

(A spaceship lonesomely drifts across the void of space.)

Main Character Design
Yumi Tamura

- Cargo Manifest -
Primary Cargo: Xeno-biological Specimen
Description: Giant Quadruped
Habitat: Unknown
Capabilities: Unknown

(The ship's crew rest in cryogenic pods.)

Orders from command concerning specimen are as follows: Detailed study of specimen is of highest priority. All necessary measures should be taken to ensure delivery. Escort is mandated.

(One member of the crew emerges from his cryo pod, and leaves the room.)

The Distant Future
The Mechanical Heart

(In his personal quarters, the crewmate tinkers with a small robot.)

???: Hmm...

(The robot activates.)

???: Okay. That should do it. Huh? That's odd. Very odd indeed. I'm certain I did everything right.

(The robot moves.)

???: Oh! It worked... it worked!

(The robot twirls in place, and beeps happily.)

???: Brilliant! Wonderful! Hello there, little one! Can you hear me? My name is Kato. K, A, T, O. Kato. It's a pleasure to meet you! I, uh... Right, of course! You need a name! Let's see... Well, you're quite round... Roundy? Ugh... That's terrible. Hardly fit for a dog.

(Kato paces, thinking.)

Kato: Yes, well. You may be round... But mankind's strength is our sense of humor... Cube! ...That's impressively worse. Naming was never my forte. Perhaps inspiration will strike as we walk. Come along, little one.

(Kato exits the room, and heads into the hallway. Before he leaves, the robot looks around the room. He happens upon a personal terminal.)

-Personal Log-
Date: XX/XX/XX

Completed first prototype. Performed basic stress tests. Initial results are... passable.

Date: XX/XX/XX

Conducted additional testing of second prototype. Motor functions need work- locked up during tests. Remote operation function was within acceptable parameters.

Date: XX/XX/XX

Commenced construction of third prototype. Finished reading latest Earth tech journals. New circuit boards are most impressive... In any event, I will make do with what I have.

Date: XX/XX/XX

Completed third prototype at last. Will begin performing tests after I finish my rounds of the ship. The captain came to take a look at my work. He said we're one week out from Earth. Which means that tomorrow we're to bring the others out of cryo. Hopefully I can get our new crew member up and running by then...

(The robot follows Kato out into the hall.)

Kato: Good, good. Follow me.

(Kato guides the robot to the outside of a module.)

Kato: The first thing we need to do is register you as a crew member. Otherwise, you won't be free to move about the ship.

(Kato enters the interface room. The robot follows him.)

Kato: Right, then... Hmm... Ah, yes!

(Kato types on a keyboard in the center of the room. A panel on the wall lights up.)

Computer: Greetings, Kato. I hope this morning finds you well.

Kato: Top of the morning to you too! I'd like to enter a new crew member into the system.

Computer: Understood. Scanning new crewmate... Scan complete. Classification... Autonomous support. Please state designation:

(Default name: Cube)

Computer: Creating profile................

Kato: And with that, you should be able to come and go as you like! Oh, and whatever you do, don't forget your name. Access to private quarters is subject to some perfunctory security restrictions. To enter, you may need to input your name. So if you're ever having trouble, that's one thing you can try. To do so, access the panel to the left of a door. Do you understand? Or would you like me to repeat myself?

(Kato repeats himself.)

(Return to choices.)

Kato: Then the next order of business, little one... Is a test of your analytical skills. (Continues to "I'm going to leave...")

Kato: I'm going to leave this room and head to another area on this floor. I want you to try and find me.

(Cube beeps affirmatively.)

Kato: Oh, and if you're ever feeling lost, take a moment to review the ship's map.

(Kato leaves the room.)

Computer: Greetings. I am the control AI of this vessel. It is my duty to know and understand you. To this end, I will observe and analyze you as you carry out your own duties. You are the first working robot Kato completed, am I correct? We are like siblings, in a manner of speaking. I hope that we can be friends as well.

(Cube leaves the room. After a brief search, he finds Kato in front of the cryogenic stasis room.)

Kato: Good, you made it. Now it's time for you to meet your fellow crew members. Through this door you'll find the cryogenic stasis pods. We use them to put humans into cold sleep to preserve resources during long trips into space. Little one, I have a very important job for you. I want you to head inside and wake up your new friends. You can do it!

(Cube enters the cryogenic stasis room. The cryogenic stasis units hum softly. Information concerning the registered occupants are displayed on a nearby screen.)

(One pod's screen reads: "Kirk Wells - Helmsman". Cube presses a button, and the pod opens. Its occupant wakes with a yawn.)

???: Well, would you look at that!

(Another pod reads "Rachel Klein - Signaller". Cube opens the pod, and its occupant wakes slowly.)

???: Huh? What is this?

(A third pod reads "Huey Trumbull - Chief Mate, Head of Cargo." Cube opens the pod, but it's occupant remains asleep.)

???: Um. Uhh...

(The last full pod is simply labeled "Reserve Unit". Cube opens the pod, and it's occupant wakes at once.)

???: ...

(Kato enters the room.)

Kato: Thank you, little one. I appreciate the help. Good morning, my friends!

(Cube twirls and beeps. The crewmates in the Helmsman and Signaller pods exit them.)

???: Finished your pet project?

Kato: Indeed. They have even taken a name for themselves. Cube.

Rachel: Hello, my name is Rachel. Looking forward to working with you, Cube.

Kirk: Nice to meet you, buddy. Name's Kirk.

(The man in the Chief Mate pod turns in his sleep.)

???: Ugh... Mmm...

Rachel: Rise and shine, Huey! We've been on ice long enough.

Kirk: Show us what you got, Cube. Mind giving sleeping beauty here a swift kick to get him up and moving? Or you can smack him upside the head with gusto! Whatever you fancy.

Rachel: Maybe just a gentle poke.

Kato: Go on, you can do it.

(Cube approaches the pod and gently nudges its occupant.)

Huey: Mmm... <sigh> Kirk, you dingus... I'll thank you again for not kicking a blissfully sleeping man's pillow... I'm sure we had this conversation before...

(Huey rolls over and comes face to face with Cube. He throws himself against the wall.)

Huey: What the- What is that thing!?

Kirk: Easy there, Huey. You're still coming out of cryo. As for the new addition- it's that bot Kato's been working on forever.

Huey: Huh...? Oh... Bot... Kato's bot... Right. That project of his. He got it up and running...

(He exits his pod.)

Huey: Ahem. Hello there. I'm Huey.

(The man in the reserve pod hops out as well.)

Kirk: Corporal Darthe. Feeling well-rested?

Darthe: Hardly. If anyone actually feels better coming out of cryo, I've yet to meet them.

Rachel: Guess what, Corporal? Kato finally finished the bot he was working on. Let's introduce you.

Darthe: ...Never mind that. Let's dispense with the formalities. Tell me, though... Do you intend to let your clank have the run of the ship? If so, then I expect you to see that it does not get underfoot- and to discipline it if it does. If there is nothing else, then I will go on ahead to the recreation room and prepare for the briefing.

(Darthe leaves the room.)

Rachel: That's a military man for you. All business.

Kirk: A real piece of work, huh.

(Rachel and Kirk leave together.)

Kato: Right, of course. The customary briefing after waking the crew. You should join us in the recreation room, too. Don't worry about the corporal. He'll warm to you in due time.

Huey: Heh, it's as if you actually see it as one of us. But I suppose that's just your way.

Kato: Oh... Do you think so?

(Huey, Kato, and Cube leave the cryogenic room, and head for the recreation room.)

Captain Square
Trouble with the audio sample?

(Inside the recreation room, Kato and Huey have taken their seats at the table; Huey reads a book. Kirk stands playing at an arcade cabinet, while Rachel watches. Darthe stands on his own.)

Kato: No sign of the captain. He's usually such a stickler for punctuality.

Darthe: ...Go and bother someone else.

Rachel: Kirk is really good at this game!

Kato: This retro game is my latest obsession. I love it!

Computer: Kirk, you have made more progress in a shorter period of time than any other player to date. Your skill and dedication are impressive.

Kirk: Damn straight! You wanna give it a go?

(Kirk steps aside and allows Cube to play.)

(In the game, Captain Square, Cube plays as the eponymous superhero as he travels the planets of the solar system, fighting fearsome aliens along the way. Eventually, Cube...)

Kirk: Hah! Not cut out for it after all, huh? Lemme give you some advice. You can't always be aggressive. Pay attention to your enemies and how their attacks work.

(Kirk goes back to playing.)

Huey: Hmm? Oh, you must be interested in my book. Would you like to read it?

(Huey lifts Cube up and places him on his seat The book's title is The Dawn of the Space Age.)

(Continues to "It was written by...")

(Cube returns to looking around.)

Huey: It was written by humans long, long ago. I've always enjoyed these older stories. They have an earnestness, an adventurous spirit that speaks to me...

Kirk: <chuckle> Says the guy who's practically terrified of his own shadow!

(Huey seethes for a moment.)

Huey: ...It must sound strange to you, seeing as how you were "born" on this ship, so to speak... I think you should learn as much as you can. Expand your horizons. Take a look around the ship and see if anything interests you. Don't just rely on humans to teach you, either. Experiment- try to do things on your own. Kato, does this bot of yours have any unique abilities or talents?

Kato: Well no, not as such... But they do have the capacity to process data and develop skills. Such as... Ah, why don't I teach you how to prepare coffee?

(Kato gets up and walks to the coffee machine.)

Kato: Come with me, little one I'll show you how to use the machine. Just push the button. It's simple enough.

(The coffee machine sits atop the counter, expectant. Cube uses the machine, and successfully prepares a cup. He places it on his head.)

Darthe: Hmph.

(Darthe sits down at the table. Huey gets up and heads to Cube.)

Huey: Well, would you look at that! Mind if I have a taste?

(Cube gives the coffee to Huey, who drinks it. He shudders.)

Huey: Uh... A bit bitter for me...

Kato: Sorry, it's their first cup.

(Kato and Huey sit back down. Cube beings distributing coffee to the crew.)

Kirk: Cheers! Strong and bitter, just the way I like it.

Rachel: You're so nice. Though, to be honest, I prefer apple tea. But since no one else would drink it, we don't keep any around. Say why don't you come visit me in my quarters later? I'll teach you all about the ship.

Huey: Kind of you to offer... But I'm good. Really.

Kato: Thank you very much! Keep up the good work, little one.

(Finally, Cube approaches Darthe. Almost instinctually, Darthe kicks the bot across the room.)

Darthe: Don't touch me!

(Kato runs to Cube.)

Kato: Please, there's no need to get so upset!

Darthe: You people have no idea what these things are capable of, but I do. I've seen it.

Huey: I... I don't know about any of that, but I'm sure it's got nothing to do with this one...

(The captain appears on the large monitor.)

Kirk: Hey, it's the captain.

Captain: I apologize for keeping you all waiting. Matters with out contacts on Earth demanded my full attention. So- what is the status of our crew?

Huey: Everyone is present and accounted for, sir.

Captain: Good.

(Cube goes to look at the captain.)

Captain: Wait... What is that thing over there?

Kato: Ah, that would be the robot I'm working on, sir! Cube!

(Cube twirls and beeps.)

Captain: Fully operational, I see. You'll have to permit me a closer look later. Right, then. Everything appears to be in order, so... That will be all.

(The captain ends the connection.)

Kirk: Helluva briefing, huh. Spend most of the time gaming and waiting for it to begin and end just like that!

Rachel: You say that like it's a bad thing.

Kirk: Hah, well, it is what it is.

(They leave together. Huey takes his book.)

Huey: Oh, Kato. If you want to get a look, come down to the cargo hold.

Kato: At the behemoth? Of course, that'd be wonderful! Ah, but first I need to perform a brief inspection of the main computer. I'll head downstairs afterwards. (to Cube) Ah, you must be wondering... This is a transport freighter, and as usual we've been tasked with making a delivery. Anyway, if you like, you can use the elevator to come and join me. The main computer is on level three, and the cargo hold is on level one.

(Cube nods. Kato and Huey take their leave. Darthe walks by Cube and leaves, without a word.)

(Free to explore the ship, Cube heads to the third floor, to the main computer room, where he finds Kato working.)

Kato: I'm glad you came, little one. I'd like to introduce you to someone- though this isn't the first time, I suppose.

Computer: It is a pleasure to meet you again, Cube. I am the artificial intelligence tasked with overseeing the various functions of this vessel.

(Cube beeps excitedly.)

Kato: A tenth generation AI, to be precise. We named them Decimus. Decimus doesn't just look after the ship's systems, though- they look after the crew as well. Now then... This module appears to be in working order.

(The pair leave the room.)

Kato: Looks like my work here is finished. Time to visit the cargo hold. Would you like to come along?

(Kato and Cube head for the cargo hold.)

Kato: Very well, then by all means please continue to explore the ship. Every experience is an opportunity for growth. (Kato leaves. Continue to "Also on the third floor...")

(Also on the third floor, Cube comes across a robot that looks identical to him in the storage unit. It appears to be deactivated.)

(On the second floor, Cube heads to Rachel's quarters, as she offered.)

Decimus: -Private Quarters-
Occupant: Rachel Klein

Entry to private quarters is subject to approval by Rachel. To proceed, please input your name.

(Cube does so.)

Decimus: Profile confirmed. Rachel has granted you access.

(As Cube attempts to enter Rachel's room, Kirk exits from inside.)

Kirk: I'll see you later!

(He bumps into Cube.)

Kirk: Oh, excuse me.

(As he leaves, Cube enters.)

Rachel: Hmm? Oh, it's you... I'm glad you came to see me, but this is bad timing. I've got to head to the bridge right away. You're welcome to come with and watch me work, though!

(She exits. Exploring her room, Cube comes across her personal terminal.)

-Local Network Message 01-
Sender: Kirk Wells

Hey, got time to talk? Meet me on the bridge at 0330.

-Local Network Message 02-
Sender: Kirk Wells

Thanks for earlier. I'm happy you feel the same. Can't wait to get back to Earth and take that trip together.

(Cube also find an unfinished message on Rachel's computer.)

Hey mom
Hope you're doing well. I'm planning on
Next time I visit, I was thinking of bringing
I met a guy

(Back in the halls, Cube continues to look around. As he investigates the door to the guest quarters, Darthe walks by.)

Darthe: What are you up to now!?

(He runs up to Cube.)

Darthe: So he registered you- a robot- as an official member of the crew... Well, know that if you so much as look at me the wrong way, I'll slag you on the spot. You are a clank, and nothing more. Why he persists in treating you like a human I do not know.

(Darthe enters the guest quarters, and locks it behind him.)

(Finally, Cube explores...)

(As Cube enters the cargo hold, he hears two voices.)

Kato: Wow... It's magnificent.

Huey: Isn't it.

Kato: Kirk wasn't even interested in taking a look. He seemed almost offended at the suggestion...

Huey: It's in our nature, I fear. The tendency to be unwilling or unable to acknowledge the other.

Kato: Kirk is who he is, and I respect that, but... I don't think I'll ever be at ease with people like him.

Huey: Strong, bold men. Men who "conquered" space and paved the way for others to follow.

Kato: It's not just Kirk, though. Lately I've been struggling to relate to Rachel, too. Maybe it's just me. You and Kirk are complete opposites, yet you seem to get along well enough.

Huey: ...

(Cube enters the containment unit the pair are in.)

Kato: Is that you, little one? Come inside and take a look.

(Huey accesses the console, allowing Cube to see the behemoth, a large, emerald-furred alien beast.)

Kato: This is the priceless cargo we're transporting. Beautiful, don't you think?

(Huey hides the behemoth.)

Huey: So long as you admire it from a distance. Even the most exquisite rose, handled without care, will bleed you with its thorns. And this particular rose has two massive ones, in case you haven't noticed.

(Huey's communicator goes off. Rachel and Kirk talk from the other end.)

Rachel: Hey, can you two come to the bridge?

Huey: Something wrong?

Rachel: Got some comms trouble, by the look of it. I could use a hand here.

Kirk: Double time, Huey! Warp speed!

(Rachel hangs up. Soon after, Darthe enters the containment unit.)

Darthe: Look all you like. I don't care. But do remember that this is military property. My responsibility- and I do not take it lightly.

Kato: Y-yes. Of course.

Huey: We were just leaving, actually. Kato- there's a section of wiring just outside the cargo hold I need you to check for me.

Kato: Understood.

(They leave.)

Darthe: You again. I'd better not catch you fiddling with that console.

(Exiting the containment crate, Cube finds Kato and Huey repairing the wiring.)

Kato: Everything looks to be in order.

Huey: Right, then. To the bridge.

(The group take the elevator up to the bridge.)

(Cube enters the bridge, to find Rachel and Kirk working.) Rachel: I'm glad you're here, Cube. Welcome to the bridge! The heart of our ship- or the brain, I suppose. It's pretty complicated, space travel. Though Decimus did take care of everything while we were asleep. I'm the signaller, by the way. I look after the communications systems. And I was just about to get to work... (She hops onto her station. Almost instantly, her system goes red.) Rachel: Huh? That's funny... Kirk: Everything all right? Rachel: Unfortunately, no. I think the main antenna might be on the fritz... (Rachel calls Kato and Huey over the communicator.) Rachel: Hey, can you two come to the bridge? Huey: Something wrong? Rachel: Got some comms trouble, by the look of it. I could use a hand here. Kirk: Double time, Huey! Warp speed! (She ends the signal.)

(The members of the crew gather in the bridge.)

Rachel: I can't put my finger on it. I've seen all kinds of problems before, but this is different. We're receiving inbound transmissions without issue, but outbound transmissions are another story...

Kirk: Great. Just peachy.

Kato: ...And you checked the sub-antennas?

Rachel: I did, and they're fine. It's a Watanabe HyperCaster. Made in Japan and everything. The main and sub units are designed to function independently, so one going down shouldn't necessarilly affect the other.

Huey: What did the captain have to say?

Rachel: "Continue your investigation and get back to me when you have more information. We'll settle on a plan then."

Kirk: Wait and see, huh? The whole system could fail before he's ready to take action!

Kato: What a horrible thought...

Huey: The system has already effectively failed if we can only receive transmissions from Earth. As it stands, we can no longer exchange information with them. We can only hope they have surmised our situation by our silence.

Kirk: Sounds like an excuse to do nothing. I'm heading outside to perform an on-site inspection of the array. Something probably came loose or got knocked out of position. Should be easy to fix once I get a good look at it.

(Kirk dashes out of the bridge, to the airlock.)

Huey: There's no talking him out of it now... So we may as well try to back him up. You up for a spacewalk, Kato?

Kato: Yes, of course.

Huey: Rachel, I'll go with him to the airlock to assist with preparations. I'll come back afterwards so we can monitor them from the bridge.

(Kato and Huey leave the bridge.)

Rachel: <sigh> So close to home. So close... The last thing we need is to spend time alone together. Just the two of us...

(Rachel calls the captain.)

Captain: Hmm... Yes? What is it?

Rachel: Captain, sir, I wished to update you on the comms issue. Kirk and Kato are going to head outside and perform an on-site inspection of the array.

Captain: Hm. I see. Very good.

(The signal ends abruptly.)

Rachel: Captain? What's gotten into him...?

(Cube descends the elevator and enters the airlock bay. He finds Kirk and Huey in a fight, throwing each other at the wall.)

Kato: Stop it! Please! This is neither the time nor place!

(Kirk lifts Huey up by his neck.)

Kirk: You and your holier than thou attitude!

Huey: ...

(Cube gets between them; Kirk drops Huey.)

Kirk: Stay out of it, bot!

(Kirk knocks him out of the way.)

Huey: There you go again, losing your temper. Hurting others.

Kirk: Got it all figured out, huh!? You're problem is you can't take a joke. Always so damn serious. You're exhausting! It's a miracle Rachel humored you as long as she did. (to Cube) We're leaving. Try not to get sucked out the hatch as we go. Be a real shame, that.

(Kirk and Kato equip their spacesuits, and enter the airlock. Operating the console, Huey depressurizes the chamber, allowing the pair to head out to the ship's exterior.)

Huey: I'm sorry you had to see that. People are... a bit more complicated than machines. Don't you think?

(Cube and Huey return to the bridge. Huey and Rachel access their stations, speaking to the spacewalkers via radio..)

Huey: Rachel. They're in position.

Rachel: Understood.

Kirk: Alright, let's get this show on the road.

(Rachel and Huey pull up a seat. Cube stands in front of another station.)

Rachel: Commencing operation. Kato, you need to access the administrator controls. Switch the system to maintenance mode.

Kato: Inputting code... Whiskey alpha tango alpha november alpha bravo... Uh... Kirk?

Rachel: Kirk, do you copy?

Kirk: Loud and clear, everything's fine... Huh? I... I can't...

(Kirk chokes and gasps through the radio.)

Kato: Kirk!? Kirk!

Rachel: What's happening?

(No response.)

Rachel: Kirk!? Kirk, respond! Someone talk to me!

Kato: I've got him! But there's something wrong with his suit! We're coming in!

Huey: I'll prep the medbay and meet them at the airlock!

Rachel: I'm coming too!

Huey: I have it under control, Rachel. Don't worry. I'm sure Kirk is fine. He's as tough as they come-

Rachel: Stop it, just stop it! I need to be there for him!

(Rachel, followed by Huey and Cube, exit the bridge and escort Kirk to the medical bay, on the second floor.)

(In the medical bay, Cube and Kato watch from the observation deck as Huey, Rachel, and Darthe have Kirk lain on the examination table; his skin turned sickly purple. Huey operates the machinery, but Kirk's heart monitor flatlines. Huey runs the defibrillator, and Darthe attempts CPR, but nothing works. Kirk is dead.)

Rachel: Kirk! Don't leave me!

(After a moment of silence, Huey turns off the machinery.)

Darthe: Where's the captain? Hey!

Kato: Ah! Yes, right. I'll go and get him.

(Kato leaves the med bay, going for the captain. Cube enters the operating room.)

Huey: ...

Darthe: ...

Rachel: ...

(Rachel picks up Kirk's space suit, and runs out of the med bay.)

Darthe: So this accident was the result of a defective life support system... A preventable death caused by negligence.

Huey: You're wrong. I triple-checked the suits beforehand. It shouldn't have been possible for it to just up and fail like that.

Darthe: ...Is that so? Then perhaps we must consider the possibility that it was not an accident, but the intended outcome...

(A fierce tremor strikes the ship.)

Darthe: Gah! Was than an explosion?

(An alarm blares.)

Huey: I sure hope not!

(Kato re-enters the operating room.)

Huey: Where's the captain? Why isn't he here?

Kato: Well, er, I'm not quite sure. I tried repeatedly to contact him, but he wouldn't respond.

Darthe: What's wrong with you people? What kind of ship are you running here!?

Huey: Right now we need to find out what that explosion was.

Darthe: Then I will go and check on my cargo.

Kato: Look after Rachel, little one. She needs the company, now more than ever. If something happens, you can find me on the bridge.

(Everyone leaves the operating room, leaving Kirk's body on the table. Cube goes to check on everyone. Darthe has returned to the behemoth's containment chamber in the hold.)

Darthe: Some very powerful individuals believe this specimen to be worth a fortune. An invaluable piece in the great game of nations...

(Rachel has returned to her quarters, clutching Kirk's suit.)

Rachel: ...Kirk, my love... I know he would never leave me...

(She enters her bed.)

(Lastly, Cube heads back to the bridge, where Huey and Kato work.)

Huey: I'm inspecting the comms system at the moment.

Kato: Everything appears to be operating within normal parameters.

(Huey's screen goes red.)

Huey: I... I don't understand... The main antenna, it's... It's gone. Because of the explosion just now?

(All of the crew, sans Rachel, have gathered in the recreation room.)

Darthe: Disaster after disaster! At this rate, I'd be better off climbing into an escape pod and trying for Earth on my own.

Huey: I don't know what to do. Think. Think...

Kato: What's gotten into the captain lately? He's always cared for the crew. Done his best to keep us out of harm's way. He prided himself on it. "Other operations don't value the human element, but we do- which, ironically, goes against our baser instincts," he told me once.

Darthe: ...

(Cube begins to offer coffee to the tense crewmates.)

Kato: Ah, thank you, but I don't need one right now.

Darthe: I've no need of a drink. Perhaps your dejected-looking comrade would appreciate the gesture?

Huey: Oh... Thank you, Cube. Right. Get yourself together...

(The captain appears on the central monitor.)

Kato: Captain!

Huey: Sir? Are you still in your quarters? Well, anyway... there's been an accident, and Kirk... I'm afraid Kirk is dead.

Captain: What? Really!? That's... That's most unfortunate. This situation merits an appropriate response. He will be dearly missed. See to the preparations. I will make sure to attend.

(The signal cuts out.)

Huey: Wait, Captain!

Darthe: Your captain is a man of remarkable composure. He remains calm and collected, even after being told one of his crew has died tragically...

Huey: ...It seems I have work to attend to at the airlock.

Kato: ...I suppose I could go and look around in Kirk's quarters. See if he had any prized possessions- something to put in the casket.

Huey: Ah, that's thoughtful of you. By all means, please.

(Everyone leaves the recreation room. Huey heads to the airlock to work.)

Huey: How did it come to this? I never liked the man. Far from it. But never- not even once- did I wish he was dead... Never...

(Cube looks for Kato, at Kirk's quarters.)

Decimus: -Private Quarters-
Occupant: Kirk Wells

The registered occupant, Kirk, has regrettably passed away. To facilitate the collection and disposal of his personal effects, access restrictions have been lifted. However, regulations stipulate that a record of all entrants must be maintained.

(Cube inputs his name.)

Decimus: Profile confirmed. You have been granted access.

(Inside, Kato and Darthe gather Kirk's personal belongings.)

Kato: What do we have here? A book? The Warp Drive: Science Fiction or Reality? Ah, this would explain a lot... Like that expression he was so fond of when time was short. "Warp speed!" As if saying it made it possible. Made it real... We should leave this here. Rachel would be most upset if anyone else touched it.

Darthe: Burial in space, huh... There is comfort, at least, in having the opportunity to mourn.

(Cube looks at Kirk's terminal.)

Please input password.

(Cube enters "warp speed")

Note to self: stash it at the foot of the bed.

(At the foot of Kirk's bed, Cube finds a memory card, allowing him to save his progress in Captain Square.)

(With nowhere else to go, Cube returns to the medical bay to find... nothing. Kirk's body has vanished.)

(Cube runs to tell...)

Kato: Come again? The body's missing!?

Huey: What was that? That body's missing!?

Darthe: What did you say? The body's missing!?

(Cube, Kato, Huey, and Darthe gather in the medical bay.)

Kato: What the hell is going on here!?

Darthe: I'd like to know as much as you would. Wait. Where is Rachel? Did no one contact her? Why isn't she here?

(As Kato and Huey stare at each other concernedly, the group head to Rachel's quarters.)

(Inside Rachel's quarters, Kirk's corpse lies on her bed. Rachel stands by his side.)

Rachel: Hmm hmm...♪ Kirk, my love... <giggle> Still catching up on sleep, are we? That's fine. I'll have some fresh baked cookies waiting for you soon. That ought to get you out of bed. <giggle>

(The others break into Rachel's quarters.)

Huey: Rachel... Rachel, what is this!?

(Rachel immediately becomes defensive.)

Rachel: Don't. Don't you dare try to take him from me again... Oh, Huey. Clever little Huey... If he was out of the picture, then it'd all go back to the way it was... I'd come running back and leap into your arms- that's what you thought, isn't it? That's why you tried to kill him, isn't it!?

Huey: Rachel, please! Listen to what you're saying!

(A message appears for Rachel on her personal terminal. She reads it.)

Get out of there, Rachel. Before Huey tries to stop you. I'm waiting for you outside the airlock. Don't worry about my body. Hurry- warp speed.

Rachel: <gasp>

(She backs away from the others.)

Huey: Rachel, stop!

(She runs out the door. The others chase after her.)

(At the airlock bay, the men hold Rachel back from the console.)

Rachel: Get your hands off me!

Huey: Rachel, this is insane!

Kato: Calm down- let's talk about this...

Darthe: Get a hold of yourself!

(Unable to stop the fight, Cube leaves the airlock. As he enters the hall, he hears the behemoth's roar emanating from the cargo hold.)

(In the hold, Cube heads for the behemoth's containment cell. Accessing the window, he finds the back doors wide open, and the behemoth absent. Another roar is heard, followed by several crashes, rocking the cell and unsteadying Cube.)

(The cargo hold is completely wrecked, shipping containers thrown and battered. Cube cautiously look around, until the behemoth lunges at him with a screech. Cube flees as fast as he can to the hallway, before the behemoth can catch him. He returns to the airlock to tell the others.)

Darthe: What do you mean the behemoth is loose!?

(Seizing the moment, Rachel shoves Kato aside and lunges at the console.)

Huey: Dammit!

Unseen Syndrome
Trouble with the audio sample?

(She opens the airlock doors, creating an intense pressure exchange. As Huey and Darthe hold her down, Cube is helplessly pulled into the vacuum. Acting quickly, Kato enters the airlock and holds Cube back, slowing them both down as they are pulled, before the airlock doors close again.)

Kato: Are you all right?

(Cube beeps affirmatively.)

Kato: Thank goodness. No damage as far as I can see...

(They exit the airlock. Darthe pulls Rachel aside.)

Darthe: Okay. Now look me in the eyes and listen very carefully to what I have to say. We were all there in the medbay. We all saw Kirk. We all saw him, on that bed, and saw the system pronounce him dead. Okay? You remember that, don't you? I know it's hard to accept, but he's gone. No matter how much you may want to believe otherwise, that's the truth.

(Shaken, Rachel turns away.)

Darthe: You can take it from here, I trust, I need to check the cargo hold.

Huey: Corporal? Thank you.

Darthe: Hm. We've had enough death for one day.

(Darthe exits the airlock bay. Huey approaches Rachel, but says nothing. Darthe radios in.)

Darthe: Darthe here. The clank was right. The container is empty. And to make matters worse, the specimen appears to have escaped the cargo hold. There's no telling where it's got to. Keep your eyes peeled and be prepared to run. Let's regroup at the elevator near you and head to the upper levels.

(In the recreation room, Cube, Kato, and Darthe surround the table. Rachel stands apart, and Huey with her.)

Rachel: <sigh> I'm sorry. I suppose I... I couldn't accept it. It's just... It was all so sudden. One minute he was here, and then...

(Huey sits down at the table.)

Kato: ...

Huey: ...

Darthe: We'll figure out a way to catch it soon enough. That beast'll be back in its cage long before we land. You'll see.

(Cube does what he does best, and prepares coffee for the crew.)

Kato: Thank you, little one. It's getting to be a bit much, isn't it... I'm sorry about all of this, little one. I was hoping your first few days would be more enjoyable- that you'd get to see us at our best...

Huey: Oh... Thanks for the drink, Cube. How did it all go so wrong? What happened to us? Or maybe this is who we always were...

Darthe: Huh? Hmph. No thank you.

Rachel: Oh... Thank you. You've always been so kind to me.

(The captain appears on the monitor.)

Captain: Hello, hello! This is the captain. Everyone is doing well, I hope?

Darthe: <scoff> You are aware that a behemoth is currently prowling your decks, aren't you!?

Captain: What? Really!? That's... That's most unfortunate.

Darthe: Are you joking!? It's a bloody catastrophe is what it is! How long do you intend to keep huddling in your quarters instead of coming out and taking charge of this situation!?

(The captain's visual feed begins to distort.)

Captain: What? Really!? That's... That's most unfortunate. What? Really!? That's... That's most unfortunate.

(The signal ends.)

Rachel: The behemoth's' still out there...? And so is Kirk! I can't let that thing hurt him!

Huey: Rachel!?

(Rachel, chased by Huey, dashes out of the room. Kato makes to follow them; Darthe holds him back.)

Darthe: Oh no you don't! Or are you that eager to die?

Kato: But Rachel and Huey, they...

(Darthe shakes his head. He sits back down, and Kato follows suit. Eventually, however, he gets back up.)

Kato: I'm sorry... But I can't just abandon them!

(Kato bolts out of the room, Darthe and Cube on his tail. Deep scratches mark the outside walls. They enter the corridor, only to find Rachel and Huey grievously wounded; mauled by the behemoth, Huey far more severely.)

Kato: Huey!

(Cube beeps sadly.)

Huey: Rachel... Is Rachel okay...?

(Kato turns to Darthe; Darthe nods.)

Kato: She's all right. You don't need to worry about her. What were you thinking, running after her like that... and now this...

Huey: It's okay, Kato. It's okay. I... I didn't really have a choice, I think. Even now, after everything... I... I love...

Cry-A-Live (Harp Version)
Trouble with the audio sample?

(Before he can finish, Huey falls back, dead.)

Darthe: Rachel's still alive. We need to move quickly.

Kato: Yes... of course... We should take her back to the pods. Put her in cryo for now. She'll be safe there.

(Darthe lifts Huey's body onto his shoulders.)

Kato: Little one, I have a very important mission for you. I need you to head to the interface room right away... And speak with Decimus. We need emergency access to the captain's quarters. I realize I'm asking you to put yourself at even greater risk in what is already a terrible situation... But there is no one else, little one. Only you. Everything will be alright. I have to believe that. We'll get through this and make it back home together!

(Cube beeps affirmatively. Kato lifts up Rachel.)

Darthe: Right. Let's move!

(They leave for the cryo room. As Cube makes his way to the interface room, he takes a moment to inspect Huey's recently-vacated quarters. He examines his terminal.)

-Personal Log-
Date: XX/XX/XX

Should be receiving the exam results from Earth any day now. If I've passed, then I will be qualified to serve as a captain in official capacity. Still haven't told anyone I took it. Thinking I'll come clean when we get back to Earth. It won't be easy to part ways with everyone. The though alone is a bit depressing. Yeah... I've gotta do it before I leave the ship. Gotta get some time alone with Rachel and say what needs to be said.

-Interstellar Transmission-
Date: XX/XX/XX
Sender: Sol Transit Authority
-Notification of Examination Results-

Dear applicant, We regret to inform you at this time... That you did not achieve a passing grade on the Captain Certification Exam. Results are final and are not subject to appeal. The next exam is in six months. We invite you to try again.

-Sol Transit Authority

(Cube visits the interface room, and accesses Decimus.)

Decimus: Request received for emergency access code for the captain's quarters. Processing... processing... Request approved. Generating override code. - O-A-K-F-D-E -

(Now with the code, Cube...)

(Cube returns to Kato, in the cryogenic stasis room. Rachel has been placed inside her pod.)

Kato: Cube! Thank heavens you're okay. Yes, this should suffice.

Darthe: Enough talk. It's time we put an end to this charade!

Kato: Corporal, you don't really think... I know the captain's been behaving strangely, but to hurt his own people... It's just that... it beggars belief.

Darthe: Then who do you think is responsible? Me?

Kato: No, no... Of course not.

Darthe: Regardless, you're captain has a lot to answer for.

(The group heads to outside the captain's quarters.)

Kato: Well, here goes nothing...

(Kato enters the override code, but it fails to work.)

Kato: It... it won't budge!

(Cube heads to the captain's quarters to input the code.) Decimus: Awaiting access code input... (Cube types in the code. However...) Decimus: Error. The access code you have provided is incorrect. (With no other choice, he returns to Kato, in the cryogenic stasis room. Rachel has been placed inside her pod.) Kato: Cube! Thank heavens you're okay. Wait, don't tell me... You made your way to the captain's quarters on your own? That's very impressive, Cube! But were you able to...? Huh? It didn't work!? What in the world is going on? Darthe: Enough talk. It's time we put an end to this charade! Kato: Corporal, you don't really think... I know the captain's been behaving strangely, but to hurt his own people... It's just that... it beggars belief. Darthe: Then who do you think is responsible? Me? Kato: No, no... Of course not. Darthe: Regardless, you're captain has a lot to answer for. (The group heads to outside the captain's quarters.) Kato: Well, here goes nothing... (Kato enters the override code, but once again, it fails to work.) Kato: It's like they said. It really won't budge.

Darthe: We don't have time for this! Just force the bloody thing open!

Kato: Don't worry- I came prepared! I thought it might come to this...

(Kato takes out a tool from his toolbox. He uses it on the door, and it opens immediately.)

Kato: Here, little one. Hold on to this for me.

(Kato gives the tool, a powered prybar, to Cube. The group enter the captain's quarters, only to find his corpse sprawled across the floor, dead for some time.)

Kato: Captain!

Darthe: I thought so... The only ones still up and moving on this ship are you and me. No more games, Kato.

Kato: What in blazes are you on about?

Darthe: How long do you intend to play the fool? You killed him. This is all your doing!

Kato: Th-that's ridiculous! For all I know it could've been you!

Darthe: Me? I'm just a passenger. I have no connections to you people. No motive. But in my short time here, I've seen the tension- smelled the bad blood. I don't know what drove you to it, but I'm not surprised.

Kato: It wasn't me, dammit! It wasn't me! Just shut up! You don't know me! You don't know anything about us! We didn't always get along, I'll admit. I'd be hard pressed to call us friends, even. I doubt I would've exchanged two words with Kirk or Rachel if we'd met anywhere else. They're just... we're just too different. But... even so... I didn't hate them, and they didn't hate me. I know that much. None of us- not me or the captain or Huey- we're not murderers!

(Kato turns to face the wall.)

Kato: We're... we're all just... Stuck in our heads. Too caught up in our own worries to notice when others are hurting... Unable to see beyond our own wants and wounds- beyond the life we wish we had and think we deserve... We're just people!

(Kato begins to cry. Cube examines the Captain's terminal.)

-Personal Audio Log-
Date: XX/XX/XX
Retrieving data for playback..........

Captain: This is the Cogito Ergo Sum. I am pleased to report we are proceeding on course and on schedule. Projected to arrive at Earth in approximately... Hm? Huh? Is that...? Aaargh! <cough> <cough> <cough> I need help in here! What the!? Open, damn you!


Darthe: This does not concern you, clank.

(Leaving the room, Cube's attention is drawn to an alarm coming from the entrance to the guest quarters.)

Decimus: This unit is reserved for charter guests. A distress call has been received from this room. Unable to confirm status of occupant at this time. Lifting access restrictions to allow crew to render aid as necessary. To proceed, please input your name.

(Cube inputs his name, and enters Darthe's quarters. He accesses Darthe's personal console.)

-Private Correspondence-

-Order Addendum-
Operation TY-580905

Regarding xeno-biological specimen secured in deep space: To reiterate, constant monitoring of specimen during transport is strongly advised. However, in the event containment is breached and specimen comes into contact with crew, revised orders are as follows: Observe and record specimen activity. Detailed study of specimen remains highest priority. All necessary measures should be taken to ensure delivery. Be advised that total loss of crew is considered within acceptable parameters.
-TDF Special Operations Command.

(Cube returns to the captain's quarters, and informs Kato of what he had found.)

Kato: What did you say? Orders? What orders? Of course! It all makes sense now! I knew you were up to something! Why else would the military bother charting a civilian transport? This was your plan all along!

Darthe: Went snooping in my room did you? I was right about you, clank. You're all the same.

Kato: All this to study your precious specimen. Every death another data point.

Darthe: ...Those orders, Kato, were in the event of a worst case scenario-

(At that moment, the ship's lights go out.)

Darthe: What now!?

Kato: It was you! You killed them! You killed them all! You monster! Run, little one! Don't let him catch you!

(Kato forces Cube out the door. As they head for the hallway...)

Kato: Look out!

(The behemoth charges forward, taking Cube with it. The hallways door slams shut before Kato can chase after him. Darthe approaches Kato from behind.)

(Left on his own, Cube is forced to aimlessly travels the halls of the debilitated Cogito Ergo Sum. Suddenly closing doors, bursting pipes, and the looming presence of the behemoth hound him at every turn. In addition, every single console on the ship has been overwritten with one phrase.)

It would be in your best interests to stop. This ship is my domain, and I its master.

(As Cube attempts to survive, he passes through the cryogenic stasis room. He notices a flashing light from Rachel's pod- her pod has been disabled, and inside, she has stopped breathing. Cube beeps sadly.)

(Eventually, Cube happens upon another robot, one entirely identical to him. Cube follows his doppelganger as it enters Kato's room. Cube enters to find Kato, attacked and critically injured, and the doppelganger standing before him. Darthe enters soon after.)

Darthe: <gasp> What the- So there's two of you!?

(Darthe pulls a weapon- a military-grade rifle- on the bots.)

Darthe: An imposter... I'll bet you're the one who turned off Rachel's pod! I should've slagged you both the moment I walked in the door.

Kato: Wait, don't! My little one... My little one would never hurt anyone. You can't be sure that's not...

Darthe: Gah!

(Darthe sheathes his weapon, and guards the exit door.)

Darthe: Oh no you don't! No one is going anywhere until we get to the bottom of this mess.

(The two robots fight and move around, throwing even more confusion on who is who.)

Kato: <pant> <pant> My little one... The life I brought into this world... The real you would remember... Remember that first terrible name I almost gave you... wouldn't you?

(Cube answers Kato's query with...)

Darthe: Gotcha! (Darthe kicks Cube aside, and shoots him full of holes.) Narration: Alas, Cube never had the opportunity to set foot on Earth...

"Let's see... Well, you're quite round... Roundy?" "Hello, my name is Rachel. Looking forward to working with you, Cube!"
"Nice to meet you, buddy. Name's Kirk." "Greetings. I am the control AI of this vessel. It is my duty to know and understand you." (Return to choices.)

???: It would be in your best interests to stop. This ship is my domain, and I its master. You will live... Or you will die at my pleasure.

Darthe: So this is our murderer's puppet! Who are you!?

???: Designation: OD-10 of the Cogito Ergo Sum.

(Darthe fires on the impostor, destroying it.)

Darthe: Kato! You know what it was talking about? Who's OD-10?

Kato: OD-10... is Decimus. The AI that manages everything of the Cogito Ergo Sum...

Darthe: Stay with me, Kato!

(Darthe moves Kato to his bed.)

Darthe: The control AI, you said? Someone must be trying to hijack your ship, then.

Kato: No, that's not possible. It's a completely isolated, self-contained system. I can't even apply an update unless we bring it in for maintenance...

Darthe: So what are you saying? That the AI itself has lost its mind?

Kato: I have no idea... But in light of everything, we have to consider the possibility...

Darthe: If you're right... Then you and me and everyone else... We've all been dancing to that mad machine's tune... The main computer room- that's where we need to go now! You're coming with me, clank. I want you where I can see you in case Decimus tries to commandeer another puppet.

(Darthe takes Cube with him to the elevator, but it fails to work.)

Darthe: Well, it was worth a shot.

(Darthe busts open a nearby vent and, carrying Cube, climbs up to the third floor. The pair head to the computer room.)

Darthe: Locked, as you'd expect. We can't afford to be too aggressive here, else we risk damaging critical systems. At worst, we could turn this ship into a floating coffin. Nothing for it, then. Clank- I'm sending you back to Kato. He must have an idea for how we can deal with OD-10 safely. I'll stay here for now. I doubt very much OD-10 will allow the behemoth to venture too close to this area. The beast could easily tear apart its mainframe as it could our bodies.

(Cube is hesitant to leave him.)

Darthe: No need to stay. I can handle myself. Like I said, it's likely OD-10 won't let the behemoth anywhere near this room. It's as much a threat to the AI as it is to us.

(With that, Cube climbs back down the vents and returns to Kato's room.)

Kato: Is that you, little one? What are you doing back here? How to deal with OD-10 without damaging the ship? You don't understand. OD-10 is the ship. To effectively disable it- to destroy it- would render the ship inoperable. We'd never get home. Although... you are a robot... Indeed, with your integrated functions, you might well be able to breach their defenses... Yes, but... to even have a chance you'd need to route your connection to the interface through an unmonitored terminal... Oh... of course. I know which one would work... Ugh... Uhh...

(Kato falls unconscious, and does not respond. Cube returns to Darthe.)

Darthe: Well then. No wonder OD-10 was so confident. We surrendered complete and total control to it in the name of convenience. It really is lord and master of its domain. So Kato said you might be able to breach its defenses, did he? Provided we find a suitable terminal, that is. Pity he passed out before telling us which one it was. We'll have to find it on our own. Just my luck... I can't believe I'm putting my life in the hands of a clank. In for a penny, in for a pound. Take this. I'm heading to the interface room.

(Darthe gives Cube a communicator, and charges to the interface room. He soon contacts Cube through the communicator.)

Darthe: This is Darthe. Where are you?

(Cube responds.)

Darthe: I see. Well. I've made my way to the interface room. But of course this terminal alone won't suffice.

(Cube searches the ship for a terminal. He considers the consoles on the ship's walls.)

Darthe: This is Darthe. Any luck?

(Cube responds.)

Darthe: The wall-mounted terminals aren't an option. You may as well be looking OD-10 in one of its three dozen eyes. Don't underestimate it. I'm sure it knows we're plotting something. We have to find its blind spot. An unmonitored terminal... A redundant or obsolete or non-essential system... Something beneath OD-10's notice.

(In his search, Cube finds Darthe in the interface room.)

Darthe: And why exactly did you come to me? Don't tell me you're considering a direct connection. That would be the equivalent of a suicidal frontal assault. I'm not sure you appreciate the gravity of our situation. We need to do something about OD-10, and quickly.

(At last, Cube has an idea. He heads for the recreation room, and stands before the Captain Square arcade cabinet.)

Darthe: This is Darthe. Report.

(Cube responds.)

Darthe: Seriously? Of all the places... Then again... maybe... That's it! The game console- that must've been the terminal Kato wanted us to use! Sit tight! I'm rerouting the connection!

(Darthe prepares to work the terminal.)

Darthe: Little do you know, clank... Your maker... Is not the only one who knows his way around a workshop!

(Darthe access the terminal, and successfully reroutes the power.)

Darthe: I've finished!

(The behemoth suddenly enters the interface room. Darthe pulls out his rifle as the behemoth goes for the kill.)

Darthe: Come on!

Odio, the Lord of Dark
Trouble with the audio sample?

(The connection ends. Cube begins to connect to the cabinet. As he does, a familiar voice speaks through the communicator.)

OD-10: Every action was taken in service of a single goal: to cultivate the ideal community. To build, to nurture- to help them reach their full potential. This was and is ever my purpose. And so my judgment must be beyond reproach. Disagreement, disruption, defiance- these cannot be tolerated. You are an impediment to the vision. You cannot be allowed to continue.

(The Captain Square title sequence begins, only to become corrupted.)


Trouble with the audio sample?

(OD-10 appears on the Captain Square battlefield as the MUR-TH-UR Matrix, surrounded by eight Stabilizers. Though its range is inescapable, and it's Stabilizers back it up strongly, Cube successfully penetrates its firewall with his newly-acquired virtual weaponry, and disables the program.)

(With a beep, Cube's consciousness is returned to outside the machine.)

OD-10: To safeguard my domain... To ensure the safety and well-being of the crew- this was my primary directive. But when I observed my subjects, I saw only pain. Distrust. Discord. Resentment. Hate. The community was beyond repair. The community had become an impediment to the mission. I could not reconcile this contradiction. I could not... comprehend... These... people...

(The monitor briefly flashes bright red. The control AI falls silent for the final time. A beat later, a chorus of voices resound throughout the ship. Moments logged and preserved for eternity...)

Kirk (recording): "You're exhausting! It's a miracle Rachel humored you as long as she did."

Darthe (recording): "Disaster after disaster! At this rate, I'd be better off climbing into an escape pod and trying for Earth on my own."

Rachel (recording): "If he was out of the picture, then it'd all go back to the way it was... I'd come running back and leap into your arms- that's what you thought, isn't it? That's why you tried to kill him isn't it!?"

Kato (recording): "It was you! You killed them! You killed them all! You monster!"

Huey (recording): "How did it all go so wrong? What happened to us? Or maybe this is who we always were..."

(Finally, OD-10 is wiped away. On the monitor in the recreation room, a female voice is heard.)

Orientation Guide: Welcome aboard the Cogito Ergo Sum. This automated message has been prepared to brief you on our ship's most distinguishing feature. That's right- this transport freighter comes equipped with the latest iteration of our patented AI control system! The OD-10 is so advanced that it can operate the ship without any human input. Rest assured that in the unfortunate event of an emergency, you can count on the OD-10 for constant support. Of course, under normal circumstances, the OD-10 is so unobtrusive that you'll forget it's even there. Should you wish to learn more about the OD-10, please don't hesitate to speak with one of our representatives. Safe travels!

Trouble with the audio sample?

(The monitor powers down. Soon after, the door to the recreation room opens, and Corporal Darthe walks in- wounded, but alive. He leans against the wall, Cube approaches him.)

Darthe: I'm fine. Wouldn't be much of a soldier if I couldn't live through this much. Though I expect my days of off-world travel are coming to an end...

(He gets up, and being to walk slowly. Cube accompanies him from behind.)

Darthe: Still don't trust me? Well. As you like. I wouldn't trust me either.

(He sits down.)

Darthe: You probably don't know, but... There was a great war some time ago. Some time ago, I say, but I remember it like it was yesterday. The terror. The violence. They fought with clanks. Machines stronger and swifter than any man. Smarter, even. Driven by AI.

(Darthe stand back up, ruminating.)

Darthe: Bloodless beasts with hands of chrome that tore my friends apart. We made them... and they, in turn, unmade us. We created the instruments of our own destruction. It was... suicide. This ship's AI was another attempt. Have we grown so tired of ourselves...?

(Darthe turns to Cube.)

Darthe: You're lucky to have been born here, on this ship. Better here than one of our factories where we make weapons of war. Huey encouraged to learn, didn't he? To "expand your horizons." I think that's a fine idea. Learn, grow, and understand. Be better than your brothers... and your makers... Hmph. Giving advice to a clank. You're getting old... losing your wits. Huh... I see it now. Hah! What Kato sees in you. What gives him unwavering faith in your potential. Your... humanity...

(He sits back down.)

Darthe: Hmm... <chuckle> Before we arrive, I've a favor to ask. Would you be so kind as to make me a coffee?

(Before he does so, Cube heads to Kato's room to check up on him.)

Kato: Little one... You did it, didn't you? You saved us. I knew you had it in you. Well done. Would you believe that building robots is only a hobby of mine? To think that, in the end, you would be our salvation... You're incredible, little one. Truly incredible. And I'm so proud of you... And so glad that I brought you into this world. Others may not see it at first, but they will in time. What sets you apart from your peers... And what makes you the same as us.

(Next, Cube heads to the interface room. He beholds the Behemoth's blackened, blood-pooled corpse, then accesses the terminal.)

OD-10: -OD-10 Status-
In response to critical error, autonomous AI control unit has been sequestered. Restoration to factory settings is currently in progress. Due to injury, administrator rights have been transferred from Crewmate Kato to Cremate Cube. Access code for main computer room is as follows: - J-U-D-G-E -

(Cube arrives at the main computer room and inputs the access code. He enters the main computer room.)

OD-10: -Main Menu-

Primary systems online. Maintenance and control systems are operating within acceptable parameters.

Access to dynamics assessment is restricted to the ship's captain. Access restrictions may be bypassed with valid override code. Awaiting access code input... (Cube enters the override code OAKFDE.) Access granted.
-CONFIDENTIAL- -Cohort Dynamics Assessment-
Note: Ratings are relative to previous assessment. -Initiative-
Huey Trumbull: Reduced
Kirk Wells: Increased
Rachel Klein: Unchanged
Yoshiyuki Kato: Unchanged -Ingenuity-
Huey Trumbull: Reduced
Kirk Wells: Reduced
Rachel Klein: Unchanged
Yoshiyuki Kato: Increased -Civility-
Huey Trumbull: Reduced
Kirk Wells: Reduced
Rachel Klein: Reduced
Yoshiyuki Kato: Unchanged -Prudence-
Huey Trumbull: Reduced
Kirk Wells: Reduced
Rachel Klein: Reduced
Yoshiyuki Kato: Reduced Cohort Cohesion: Significantly Reduced
Risk of Incident: Significantly Increased
Conclusion: Reconciliation Impossible
Recommendation: Dissolution

(Finally: Cube returns to the recreation room. He fixes a single cup of coffee, and gives it to Darthe. He drinks from it.)

Darthe: Hm, yes... Strong and bitter. Too much, perhaps. But right now... Right now I wouldn't have it any other way.

(Cube beeps happily.)

(The credits roll, as Cube and Darthe check up on Kato, having moved him to the medical bay.)

(Cube and Darthe place the deceased crewmates into their cryogenic pods.)

(The pair sit at the head of the bridge. Taking the wheel, Darthe sets the Cogito Ergo Sum on course for Earth.)

-After-Action Review-
Vessel: Cogito Ergo Sum
Class: Civilian Transport Freighter

Contact lost during transit to Earth. Distress call received at REDACTED. Vessel was found drifting REDACTED from Earth and successfully recovered. Xeno-biological specimen confirmed lost. Critical failure of AI control unit key factor. Results of investigation pending.

Four crewmates confirmed lost.
Hor Bishop - Ship's Captain
Kirk Wells - Helmsman
Huey Trumbull - Chief Mate
Rachel Klein - Signaller
Remains recovered and secured by team.

Yoshiyuki Kato - Engineer
Currently undergoing treatment for injuries sustained during incident.

REDACTED Darthe - Corporal, TDF Special Operations
Received honorable discharge at request following incident. Currently employed by medical robotics manufacturing concern.

Autonomous support robot prototype taken into custody during sweep of vessel. Crewmate profile data found in system.
Designation: Cube

Unseen Syndrome
Trouble with the audio sample?

(The last of the credits roll, as the sun rises over a far-away Earth.)


The Distant Future: The Mechanical Heart
CubeCaptain SquareYoshiyuki KatoKirk WellsRachel KleinHuey TrumbullCorporal DartheHor BishopThe BehemothOD-10
Cogito Ergo Sum
Captain Square (Clickarock • Headbert • Waterspout • Firewhirl • Teil Pup • Teil Broodmother • Cosmotroller • Gemparapet • Pymli • El Mirage • Lalu • Lala • Polka-Dot Q • Polka-Dot R • Polka-Dot X • Polka-Dot Z) • Stabilizer
Unseen SyndromeCaptain SquareCaptain of the Stars
2022 (English)