Captain Square

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Captain Square is a playable character from the Distant Future chapter, The Mechanical Heart. He is the hero of the video game Captain Square, where he travels across the solar system and fights all sorts of alien creatures.



Captain Square appears to be some sort of interstellar hero. He wears an orange jump suit with a star on the back and a metallic chest piece. He wears a flowing blue scarf around his neck with a green visor. He has blonde hair


Captain Square is the main character of his eponymous video game, Captain Square, which Cube has the chance to play. In the game, the player controls Captain Square as he travels across all eight planets of the solar system (and Pluto), fighting all manner of alien creatures along the way. Upon beating the game's final stage, Captain Square removes his visor and grins at the player as the credits roll, before flying off into the cosmos.

Later, when the Captain Square arcade cabinet is used by Cube as an access point to interface with OD-10, the game is corrupted and the Captain is replaced with Cube.



Captain Square is only playable during the Captain Square minigame. He has a varied arsenal of abilities that each can use to great advantage during the nine stages of the game. However, Captain Square is still quite vulnerable to the powerful enemies he will face, so strategy is needed in order to beat every stage.

Captain Square cannot level up or increase his stats in any way. However, information about his stat growth rates is still present in the game's data.


Name Info Description Name Info Description
Tachyon Sword
(Tachyon Sword)
Default Slash at an enemy to reduce their speed and restore your HP. Spinning Star
(Spinning Star)
Default Spin in place and slash at surrounding enemies to send them flying.
Plasma Charge
(Plasma Charge)
Default Draw upon the energy of the cosmos to restore a small amount of HP and enhance your attributes. Supernova
Default Release a powerful blast of fiery energy to burn nearby enemies and set the field aflame.
Plasma Ball
(Plasma Ball)
Default Fire a burst of concentrated plasma at an enemy to injure and electrify the field beneath them. Spacephage
Default Unleash a stream of hazardous particles to poison and stun an enemy.
Pi Meson Shot
(Pion Bomb)
Default Detonate an advanced bomb to vaporize enemies. Extended charge time required. Quark Sword
(Quark Sword)
Default Slash an enemy with the ultimate sword that can cut through anything. Extended charge time required.

Base Stats

2022 1994
  • Level: 7
  • HP: 240 (+4-7 per level)
  • Physical Attack: 37 {+2 per level)
  • Physical Defense: 50 (+3 per level)
  • Special Attack: 15 (+2 per level)
  • Special Defense: 15 (+2 per level)
  • Speed: 32 (+2 per level)
  • Accuracy: 18 (+1 per level)
  • Evasion: 18 (+1 per level)
  • Status Immunities: ?
  • Damage Resistances: ?
  • Level: ?
  • HP: 240 (+4-7 per level)
  • Power: 37 (+2 per level)
  • Speed: 32 (+2 per level)
  • Vitality: 32 (+2 per level)
  • IQ: 15 (+2 per level)
  • Immunities: None
  • Evades: Sharp, Ranged and Mind


The Distant Future: The Mechanical Heart
CubeCaptain SquareYoshiyuki KatoKirk WellsRachel KleinHuey TrumbullCorporal DartheHor BishopThe BehemothOD-10
Cogito Ergo Sum
Captain Square (Clickarock • Headbert • Waterspout • Firewhirl • Teil Pup • Teil Broodmother • Cosmotroller • Gemparapet • Pymli • El Mirage • Lalu • Lala • Polka-Dot Q • Polka-Dot R • Polka-Dot X • Polka-Dot Z) • Stabilizer
Unseen SyndromeCaptain SquareCaptain of the Stars
2022 (English)