Cogito Ergo Sum

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“A commercial spaceship that ferries shipments to and from Earth.”
—Gamplay Tips, Transport Freighter Corgito Ergo Sum

The Cogito Ergo Sum is a large cargo spaceship in The Mechanical Heart chapter. It is where Cube was created, and where all the events in the chapter take place.


The Cogito Ergo Sum's main purpose is to transport interstellar cargo to and from Earth, and to facilitate this the ship has large cargo holds in the third floor. The crewmates of the ship all reside in the second floor of the ship, where they have access to private personal chambers and cryogenic stasis units. All ship functions are kept in check by Decimus which resides in the first floor. Other more standard features include a bridge, a medical bay, an airlock, and a recreation room for the crew. The ship is outfitted with two large antennae for communication purposes.

At the chapter's start, the ship is on its way back to Earth after picking up a special cargo requested by the military: the Xeno-biological specimen known as the behemoth. A member of the military, Corporal Darthe, was invited as a guest to supervise this mission. During transit, several inexplicable errors occur on board. Vital equipment begins to malfunction; helmsman Kirk's spacesuit malfunctions during a spacewalk, and the main antenna breaks off. The Behemoth breaks loose from its cage, leading to the deaths of several crew members. Succumbing to paranoia, the remaining crew begin to turn on each other.

Eventually, the survivors discover that the Control AI itself is the culprit, having arranged the execution of the bickering crew to ensure the stability of the mission. The robot Cube is able to hack into the Computer's mainframe and neutralize its logic circuits; the behemoth is killed in the struggle. In the end, the Cogito Ergo Sum and its survivors return to earth, its mission failed and with great damage, but nonetheless intact.

In the game's ending, several scientists can be seen analyzing and repairing the Main Computer on board.

Crew Members


  • The name "Cogito Ergo Sum" comes from a Latin philosophical proposition by Rene Descartes, a French philosopher. Cogito, ergo sum, translated to English, means "I think, therefore I am".
The Distant Future: The Mechanical Heart
CubeCaptain SquareYoshiyuki KatoKirk WellsRachel KleinHuey TrumbullCorporal DartheHor BishopThe BehemothOD-10
Cogito Ergo Sum
Captain Square (Clickarock • Headbert • Waterspout • Firewhirl • Teil Pup • Teil Broodmother • Cosmotroller • Gemparapet • Pymli • El Mirage • Lalu • Lala • Polka-Dot Q • Polka-Dot R • Polka-Dot X • Polka-Dot Z) • Stabilizer
Unseen SyndromeCaptain SquareCaptain of the Stars
2022 (English)