The Lord of Dark/Script (2022)

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Forbidden lands lie beyond this marker
The following article contains story spoilers!

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(It is a beautiful, radiant day in the Kingdom of Lucrece, as the people gather at the castle for the final rounds of a tournament. The king and princess rest in recognition on their thrones, as the four semifinalists stand before one another. The kingdom's minister rises to speak.)

Minister: Rejoice, Lucrece, for patron gods part sky
To savor final day of king's contest!
At west... You, who stand firm and resolute.
Declare yourself that all may know and cheer.

(Default name: Oersted)

Minister: Oersted!
A youth brave and true! Against Armstrong,
A worthy adversary, to the last!
At east, noble Streibough, beloved lad,
'gainst Watt of Nabe, fearsome fearless brute!
Two by two shall they fall, fight, and triumph!
Spare no vigor, give no quarter! Begin!

(The combatants raise their arms and do battle. With ease, Armstrong falls to Oersted.)

Minister: Lucrece, yonder youth victorious cheer!
At east-

(Watt of Nabe falls before Streibough.)

???: My father! No!

(A young boy runs on stage, and begins to sob like a baby. The royal guard carries the losers away, and the boy gives chase.)

Minister: Streibough endures!
Before our final bout and winner crowned...
The king shall speak!

(The king rises from his throne. Oersted and Streibough kneel.)

King of Lucrece: Your strength and skill I praise.
Your courage honor- covet too, in truth.
And so, to peerless victor I will grant...
My Alethea- daughter's hand to wed.

Streibough: Know this, my friend. I will hold nothing back.
I've yielded much to you, but not this day.
Gods grant me strength- grant me glory deserved!

Minister: Comrades- blessed brothers in arms- make ready!
For king- for love everlasting! Now fight!

Heroic Struggle
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(The two friends duke it out on stage. Oersted's swordplay and Streibough's magics make for a awesome clash. In the end, Oersted is the one to triumph.)

Minister: Rejoice, Lucrece- your champion is crowned!

(Oersted comes to his friend's side.)

Streibough: So... so be it. Well fought and won, my friend...

Minister: Approach, youth and kneel before the king!

(Oersted does so.)

King of Lucrece: A magnificent duel! I salute you!
Come, Alethea. Have you naught to say?

(The princess rises.)

Alethea: Oersted...
Your name and deeds are known to me, sir.
Having witnessed your prowess first hand, I...
Am grateful for most thrilling spectacle.
Let us be wed. For king and for country.

King of Lucrece: The youth is deserving of reward great!
Let marriage unite- bonds of blood true bind!
And all know joy and peace forevermore!
My people! Come and join in our revels!
My table is open to one and all!

(A great cheer rises, ringing across the kingdom.)

Trouble with the audio sample?

(That night, Oersted and Alethea stand atop the castle balcony.)

Alethea: 'Twas a lovely feast. Full of light and life.
Long has it been since I saw Father so
Deep within his cups, the picture of bliss.
A happier man there has never been.
In you he sees a future bright. An heir,
A steward worthy of his legacy.
As do I, of course. Of course... husband dear.
Please. Look on me no more a maiden child.
For I am yours, and you are mine henceforth.
None holds a higher place within my heart.
Not Father... not any man. This, I swear.
In you alone I place my faith.

(The pair share a warm embrace, under the stars.)

(At that moment, a Dragunon descends from above and assaults the pair.)

Alethea: Dear gods!

(With blade quick, Oersted fends off the beast.)

Alethea: Oersted!

(Oersted turns to find his wife in the clutches of a larger demon, the Lord of Dark.)

Alethea: Oersted!

Epic of the Archon
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(The Lord of Dark swoops off with the princess. Oersted watches as the demon carries her away to a mountain in the distance.)

Narration: Atop eastern mount dwells the Lord of Dark.
Accursed, wicked wizard black of heart.
His twisted form reflection of his sin.
Incarnate hate, undying enemy.
Atop western mount stands the hero true,
One blessed, mighty, pure of heart and soul,
His powerful form providence's proof.
By hero's hand must fall the Lord of Dark.

The Middle Ages
The Lord of Dark

(The castle's throne room, the morning after Alethea's abduction. Oersted has informed the King of all that had occurred.)

King of Lucrece: I am undone. Too cruel, this morning is.
Awoken to familiar nightmare.
But can it be? The Demon Lord of Dark-
Dead and forgotten long years, now returned...
The hero Hasshe slew him. A mighty deed.
Might he again come in hour of need?
Yet, he has withdrawn deep into the wilds.
Far, far from kith and kin. In search, 'tis said.
Of solitude. A place apart from men.

(Oersted rises!)

King of Lucrece: My son! You will fight this fiend in his stead?
Happy day! You are indeed our hope-
Protector of the realm and our future!
Cast down the Lord of Dark and save my child!
Restore peace to the kingdom of Lucrece!
Show the people your true mettle. Show them,
My son, that you've the makings of a king!
Go! Prove yourself a worth successor!
Deliver Alethea from evil!
This map of all Lucrece- to you I give.
I pray it guide you well, young man. My hope.

Minister: Long, long ago... Some twenty years it was.
From blackest hellpit came the Lord of Dark,
To build his mountain fortress in the east.
Such terror he sowed. All Lucrece did weep.
Then, precious queen, yet heavy with sole child,
Dear Alethea yet unborn, stolen.
But saved, then, we- the hunter Hasshe did rise.
And with Uranus, goodly priest, defy
The Lord of Dark. Thus, 'gainst all odds, two men...
Laid low the fiend and delivered Lucrece.
My liege was overcome. The hunter cheered-
Our Hasshe named honored hero of the realm.
Alas, he came to loathe the praise, and those
Who heaped it upon him. Now, a hermit-
He lives apart, his whereabouts unknown.
Uranus too, gentle soul, has vanished.

(Oersted makes to the exit of the castle. The Royal Guard call to him.)

Royal Guard: "Please, I beseech you! Save our princess! Please!"
"'Twas from this very terrace, was it not?
Our princess, spirited into the dark..."
"Deprived of youthful radiance, of joy,
These halls grow cold in my lady's absence."
"'Twas by her loving grace our flowers bloomed."
"Should you have need of arms and armor, please
Avail yourself of our stock, I prithee."
"The smallfolk gather outside castle's gate
To wish you well and pray for your success."
"Pray spare a moment, friend. They've waited long"
To see their hero off on holy quest"

(The common people of Lucrece, men, women, and precocious children, crowd around their hero as he takes his leave.)

Smallfolk: "Oersted!
Our champion! I wish you good journey!"
"Take heart, champion- nay, our new hero!"
The king's chosen! Courage and strength to you!
"Pray, take this blade. My family's treasure,
Through generations passed down, yours to wield.
With my family's blade in hand, go forth!
With single thrust skewer fiend's blackened heart!"
"'Tis little, but I pray it serves you well.
You would have more? 'Tis no imposition."
"Friend, should your journey take you south and west,
Then I pray you visit Fugalia.
My sisters reside there, and speak fondly
Of the village and all who call it home."
"All know the Lord of Dark and his abode.
Fell archon's roost, black mount to south and east.
Yet he alone can enter there, I fear.
Aye, only Hasshe can hope to win the day."
"Seek you the mountain west, bitterly cold,
Forever wrapped in snow- the Hero's Rest.
"Young Alethea, she's our guiding light!
I... all Lucrece could not bear to lose her..."
"To take up arms and fight is beyond us.
And so we trust in you, our champion,
To be our sword and shield and salvation!"

Precocious Children: "He'll show that Lord of Dark what for! Huzzah!"
"Here- herbs from the southern woods. For your quest.
Pray free our dear princess and kill that fiend!"
"Oersted! Oersted!
Three cheers for the king's champion! Three cheers!"
"Hmph! I would fight! Had I your strength and skill...
But leave it to the heroes, Mother says..."
"I've but a single treasure to my name...
Nevertheless, your cause is just and true!
'Twas Father's gift to me- woodsman's blessing!"

Woodsman: Aye, I'm the woodsman. Father to the boy.
He told you what? The seed is sacred? Hah!
A token taken from the wood, naught more.

Woodsman's Wife: My husband works the wood for a living.
And on occasion I've brought him a meal,
For good and loving wife I strive to be.
With me he shared a story intriguing.
Pray lend and ear and I'll regale you now.
He said... What did he say that day...? Oh dear...
Forgetful I am, often. Silly me...
I will remember... Any moment now...
Pray humor me, for sleepless nights await,
If memory continues to elude...
The seed of nagging doubt, of lost detail...
Or was... was it the seed itself? That's it!
'Twas when he chanced upon the forest's gift.
In village near he spied a wizened man.
Familiar somehow, of that no doubt.
Beneath the blazing sun he basked, at peace.
Hmm? Where to find this village, and it's name?
'Tis on the tip of my tongue, oh so close...
So frustrating, to forget such a thing.
A rather longer story it became,
But thank you for listening- and good luck!
I shall go mad if I cannot recall...
Ah! Worry not for me! Be on your way!

Smallfolk: I've naught to offer you, sir. Save, perhaps...
Oh, very well! For her! For all Lucrece!

(The man removes his very shirt, and gifts it to Oersted.)

Unclothed Smallfolk: "Still more!? The clothes off my back, I've given..."

(At last, Oersted passes through the castle gates. As he prepares to begin his quest...)

???: Oersted...
Alone you'd face the Lord of Dark, my friend?

(Streibough emerges from the trees.)

Streibough: No need for heroics. I'll come along.
For magic foul and fearsome he may have...
But 'gainst we two who fought at contest's end...
No foe divine nor fiend profane can stand!

On Broken Wings
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(Together, Oersted and Streibough set forth on their quest.)

(As they travel through the Hallowed Wood, doing battle with ferocious wildlife, they first come to the village of Fugalia. As they look around, they happen across a young boy.)

Precocious Child: It's you!

(He runs into his home.)

Precocious Child: Mother! You'll never guess who's here!

(Oersted follows him in.)

Precocious Child: I recognized him from the tournament!

Doting Mother: We saw your fight. 'Twas most impressive, sir.
My son here cheered your every victory.

Proud Father: The herbs outside can soothe most any hurt.
You'll find more south and east, in the forest.

(Elsewhere in Fugalia, they meet a lone elderly man by the river.)

Old Man: A fine day it is... Shining sun above...
And below we toil in peace, forgotten.

(They leave Fugalia)

Streibough: I fear that yonder maw is shut to us.
Come. Let us see what Hero's Rest may yield.

(Wishing to confirm Streibough's fear, the duo travel to the Archon's Roost in the Forbidden Lands, only to find the entrance sealed.)

Streibough: It seems the way is closed to us for now...

(The duo departs the Forbidden Lands.)

Streibough: "By hero's blade alone shall roost be breached." The legend then and still. Let's make for Hero's Rest, then. See what truth there is to it.

Oersted and Streibough move to ascend the frigid Hero's Rest, fending off all manner of beasts who reside there. At the mountain's peak, they happen on a grave.)

"He who did fight and fell the Lord of Dark
The Hero Hasshe, forevermore he sleeps"

Streibough: ...
Amidst the snow a cottage sits, I've heard...

(The pair venture to this cottage, where they come across a lone hermit.)

Hollow-eyed Hermit: ...

(The hermit enters his cottage, with the pair following him inside. Streibough insists they do not leave without a thorough look around.)

Streibough: Hmm… Let us linger. There are secrets here...

(The pair find a lone shield, hanging on the wall.)

Streibough: A fine shield that is. Fit for a hero.

(They exit the cottage.)

Streibough: What craftsmanship, this shield. I wonder...
Never mind. Fugalia's where we should go.

(Returning to Fugalia, the pair find the Old Man once more, resting in his home.)

Old Man: Now rest your weary bones. Of flames partake
Such quiet warmth... To wash away the pain...

(Upon the old man's wall hangs a shield, the very same design as the one found in the hermit's cottage.)

Streibough: Mark you this shield? We've seen its like before...

(The old man is stunned.)

Old Man: Young man! Wherefore do you know of such things?

(Some time passes. Oersted, Streibough, and the old man sit together at a table.)

Old Man: Gods strike me down... the Lord of Dark returned.
Thus do you seek the hero Hasshe's aid.
As well you should. 'Twas by his mighty hand
That demon died and all was set to rights.
But weak, complacent good folk came to be
In vic'try's wake, reliant on our Hasshe.
So he, then weary, all but spent, withdrew
To respite deserved, midst the drifts of snow.
Themselves alone they loved, he'd realized.
In truth commanded and consumed by greed.
And celebrated hero of Lucrece
Sensed deep within his heart the selfsame sin-
The covetous contempt for others grow.
I envied, too, these men. Their simple lives.
The song that calls young fools to glory great
In due course condemns them to fall from grace.
Within obscurity's embrace, an end-
unburdened, nameless- aye, this was our dream.

Streibough: But nameless you are not. For yours I know.

Uranus: Indeed... with Hasshe I faced the Lord of Dark.
Then bold and brash... now simply Uranus.
To brave the mount, to risk one's life and limb
For Alethea is a noble aim...
But I would see Hasshe, and his heavy heart
Yet filled with hate for fellow man be cleansed.
Without love, without trust, without faith, I...
I fear for him, and his immortal soul.
So I will take up arms and join your quest.
And pray dear Hasshe, my friend, may yet be swayed.

(Before the group leaves, Oersted takes the Hero's Shield from the wall.)

Uranus: Aye, you'd do well to take that shield with you.
Strong, stout steel, she withstood the many blows
And missiles brought to bear 'gainst us by foes.

(The party returns to Lucrece.)

Smallfolk: "Excuse me, but... are you he? Uranus?"
"It's him! The faithful priest! Good Uranus!

Precocious Child: Wait! Isn't that Fugalia's old coot?

Royal Guard: The gods be praised! 'Tis Uranus the priest!
Would that the hero Hasshe were here as well.
We know not even if he still draws breath...

Minister: To seek an audience with honored king
Whilst wearing such bedraggled rags- what nerve!
Though... now I look closer... Uranus!?

King of Lucrece: Well met, good Uranus! Too long it's been.
Though longer'd be preferred. I know, I know.
My daughter taken, Lord of Dark returned...
You've cast aside your cloak of solitude.
A sacrifice most dear, but welcome, too.
For without Hasshe, 'tis but you and the youths...

(The group once more ascends the Hero's Rest, and make their way to the lone cottage, where they confront the hermit. The hermit jumps briefly on seeing Uranus, but turns away.)

Uranus: Hasshe. Hasshe... Will you not look me in the eye?
Will you not acknowledge a comrade true?
The Lord of Dark has risen! We must act!

(The hermit turns his back to Uranus.)

Uranus: O Hasshe... Defiant in your bitterness.
They're weak and petty. Fickle creatures, flawed...
And thus do they seek paragons of light.
The righteous few to shepherd them through dark!
They follow, learn, and grow. In time, they lead,
When heroes old give way to blood new.
But only if we trust. If we believe!
In their potential. Their better nature...

(The hermit does not respond.)

Uranus: Come. Let us quit this place. I've been a fool.
What good to treat with ghosts of heroes dead...
There's nothing for us here... naught save regrets.
O spiteful coward- misanthrope! Farewell.

(The group reconvenes, and Streibough comments on Hasshe's shield once again.)

Streibough: 'Twas with this shield in hand he faced the fiend...

(The group turn to leave- until the hermit rises from his stool. He walks to a nearby chest, from which he equips a set of regal armor.)

Uranus: O Hasshe!

Hasshe: Mistake not mine intent, good priest.
Know this. Their troubles are beneath me still.
But you who call me craven, weak of will,
I'd prove you wrong, for peace of mind and pride.
The peak is where we must needs go forthwith.
Before we climb the Archon's Roost, I'd claim
A relic- once forsaken, oldest friend.

(The party, Oersted, Streibough, Uranus and Hasshe, once more make for the Rest's summit, and again face the false grave. Uranus looks towards the shadowed horizon, at the near eastern peak.)

Uranus: The Archon's Roost... T'was here you buried it?

(Hasshe digs at the snow before the grave with his hands, in search.)

Hasshe: O Lord of Dark...

(He walks to the very edge of the highest cliff.)

Hasshe: Accursed fiend returned!

(Hasshe raises his quarry, his old sword, Brion, in the air; in an instant the miasma clouding the horizon is repelled, replaced with brilliant sunlight.)

Hasshe: By all the gods I swear, with sacred blade,
I'll slay you; send you back from whence you came!

(The party descend the mountain and return to Lucrece Castle.)

Smallfolk: "Is that not Hasshe!? Our savior! He yet lives!"
"I know that armor! Hasshe! It must be him!"

Precocious Child: The hero Hasshe, our new brave champion-
We've naught to fear! The Lord of Dark is doomed!

Royal Guard: The hero Hasshe? Alive!? Lucrece is saved!

Minister: An honor it is! Hasshe the hero great!
Your presence here today brings renewed hope;
Dispels black clouds that filled these halls with dread.
So... is there aught you require, good sir?
A meal perhaps? Or wine to slake your thirst?

King of Lucrece: Good Hasshe! Beloved hero! He is come!
The way within the Archon's Roost holds fast.
'Twill only yield to he of worthy stock.
'Twas true then, and now. Peerless you are, aye.
Deliver us this once more. This I beg!

(The party travel to the entrance of the Archon's Roost, yet sealed.)

Hasshe: Oersted- stand you back.

(Hasshe steps forward.)

Hasshe: This portal yields to none...
Save he who's earned the right to challenge hell!

(Hasshe raises Brion before the demonic gate, as it begins to glow. A tremor strikes the ground, and the party braces themselves as the way forward is blown open.)

The Archon's Roost
Trouble with the audio sample?

Hasshe: The seal is broken. Let's have done with it.

(The party step foot into the Archon's Roost. They persevere through the murky caverns and the cursed ruins, fending off all manner of beasts who beset them.)

(As the party travels yet closer to the Lord of Dark, they come across a room occupying seven unusual statues; a demonic head, a burly man, a slender man, a robed bird, a muscular man, a giant frog, and a scaly beast. With these depictions meaning nothing to the party, they bypass this collection and enter the very next room.)

(The final chamber, Hate's Promise. A foreboding armored statue affixes the chamber's center. The party prepares to fight.)

Hasshe: It ends this day, O Lord of Dark!

(The Lord of Dark manifests itself before the party.)

Lord of Dark: The hunter Hasshe, and Uranus the priest.
With righteous fervor they come, confident-
That all can be reclaimed. Redeemed. Absolved.
In death you'll understand my true design!

Battle Quotes: The Lord of Dark
Trouble with the audio sample?
  • The darkness I command is potent, pure!
  • I trust you've come prepared...
Using Molten Breath:
  • Relinquish your frail flesh!
  • Partake of my gift!
  • Nyaaah!
  • Gnah!
Using Thunderclap:
  • Just try to strike your lord!
  • None can withstand my might!
  • I tire of this charade!
  • Raugh!
Using Retribution:
  • I have you now.
  • The seed of dark is strong!
  • Roooaah!
  • Enough!
  • The darkness comes for all!
Using Beguiling Gaze:
  • Hm hm hm ha ha ha ha ha ha ha...
  • Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha...!
  • All-seeing is my eye!
  • Augh!
  • Well strike.
  • Uah...!
  • Impressive!
  • Ah!
  • Such strength...!
  • Aaugh!
  • A counter swift.
  • Aaugh!
  • A counter swift.
  • Is that how you intend to win?
  • Such tactics will not work!
25% 50%
  • You should know better than to doubt me, Hasshe.
  • We've made our introductions. To the dance!
  • No heroes live to save them now!
  • Behold. A Lord of Dark, reborn!
  • The Lord of Dark... will never fall.
  • I curse you... hero... curse and damn... you all...

Hasshe: Impossible... The fiend played us for fools.
'Twas false, this Lord of Dark!

(Hasshe falls to the ground.)

Hasshe: A shadow cast
By minion small. A trickster, nothing more...
<cough> <cough>

(Uranus runs to Hasshe.)

Uranus: Good Hasshe, your face... it speaks of sickness grave...

(Hasshe coughs up blood. Oersted and Streibough surround him as well.)

Hasshe: <wheeze> The hero... Hasshe... another shadow's lie.
For pride I donned my armor, but for fear
I'd shed it, aye. This broken shell, my prize.
Just deserts. Legacy of storied life.

Streibough: How now? This demon prince... no more than pawn?

Hasshe: Without a doubt. My enemy, I know.
He'd not give up so easily, this foe...

Streibough: And what of Alethea? Where is she?

(Streibough runs to the armored statue in desperation.)

Uranus: But why, Hasshe? Why feign strength and wager life?
A gamble lost, 'tis plain... God's damn you, why!?

Trouble with the audio sample?

Hasshe: My friend... Do you recall the man I was?
That day in distant mem'ry, when they sang...
Our hero, Hasshe. Our hero. And I was.

Uranus: You are.

Hasshe: And as a hero I'd greet death.
My sword I leave to you, boy. Wield it well.

(Hasshe imparts Brion to Oersted.)

Hasshe: She waits... She hopes that help is coming still...
By love and trust and faith will we be saved.
A single soul's enough, when 'gainst the world
We stand. Apart. Alone. Believe in me,
We plead. We pray. And answer they...

(Hasshe reaches out and takes hold of Uranus's arm.)

Hasshe: I will...

(Hasshe coughs blood a final time, and collapses.)

Uranus: O Hasshe...

(He and Oersted hang their heads. Streibough returns his attention to the statue.)

Streibough: Dear Alethea... she's not here!

(Suddenly, the sigils beneath the statue take a fiery glow.)

Streibough: Huh?

(An intense tremor strikes the room at that moment.)

Streibough: The mountain shudders. We must flee this place!
Before the tremors rend the roof o'erhead!

(Oersted can only stare at Hasshe's body.)

Streibough: Enough! He's dead! And we'll be too!

(The party is forced to flee the chamber, leaving Hasshe's body behind. Unfortunately, Streibough is the last in line.)

Streibough: Oh gods! Ahh!

(Streibough is left behind in the archon's chamber, as the quake magnifies and smoke flies. When the quake ends, the doors to the chamber are completely sealed.)

(With half their number lost, and Alethea still unfound, Oersted and Uranus have no choice but to return to Lucrece in failure.)

Smallfolk: "Say... where is Hasshe? Was he not with you too?"
"The hero Hasshe, cut down by minions dark!?"

Precocious Child: And what of noble Streibough? Where is he?

Royal Guard: Hasshe, dead? I dare not think it. But if so...

(Oersted and Uranus return to the King, and relay him the news.)

King of Lucrece: Let sun now set on tragic day. Good Hasshe,
The best of us, now gone. And Streibough, too.
His promise left unfulfilled. Tell me then.
Explain it. Where's the fiend that stole my child?
O dearest Alethea, does she live!?
A drowning man I am, at sea in grief
For tragedy known and a future feared.
I'll think on it no more today. The western
Room you'll have. Let sleep bring us solace.

Minister: The hero Hasshe is dead. The kingdom mourns.
His like we shall not see again... But wait.
Of course! In you his legend is renewed!
Why else entrusted with his sword, you've been?
I've faith restored. You'll save our princess yet!

(Oersted and Uranus retire to the western room, and soon fall asleep.)

(In a dream, Oersted witnesses Alethea face to face with the Lord of Dark. She backs away and falls to her knees.)

Alethea: Don't touch me!

(What appears to be Streibough stands beside Oersted's bed in the dead of night. The wizard turns and walks out the door. Oersted wakes just as soon as he takes his leave, and hops out of bed. He hears Uranus talk in his sleep.)

Uranus: No... please... Hasshe... Please forgive me.

(Oersted exits his chambers and follows the figure, entering the castle's throne room. Once there, he find the Lord of Dark himself, standing before the thrones. Oersted runs up to them and swings his sword a single time.)

(With the sole blow, the Lord of Dark is beaten. It fades away, only an illusion. In its place... the King of Lucrece, dead. Oersted steps back in shock. The Minister suddenly appears behind him.)

Minister: My lord...? My lord!

(Oersted turns to him.)

Minister: Why stand you here, blade drawn!?
Guards, guards! To me! To me!

(The Royal Guard appears.)

Royal Guard: "The king!" "He's dead!"
"And culprit caught red-handed! "'Twas the lad..."
"A plot?" "Then Hasshe and Streibough too... Murdered!"

Minister: This villany's his work... The Lord of Dark!

Odio, the Lord of Dark
Trouble with the audio sample?

Royal Guard: "The wretched fiend!" Deceiver! Monster!"

(Oersted attempts to approach them; the group steps back in fear.)

Royal Guard: Ah!

(Uranus enters.)

Uranus: What madness grips you men!?

Minister: The priest returned
From Archon's Roost in devil's company!

Royal Guard: Then Uranus...

(The Royal Guard surround the priest.)

Royal Guard: A pawn of devils too!

Uranus: O folly!

(Oersted attempts to intervene; the guards flinch away.)

Royal Guard: Stay back!

Uranus: Stay your hand, my friend!
Your violence will fuel their ire!

Royal Guard: Enough!

Uranus: Go, quickly! I will hold these fools at bay!

Royal Guard: The traitor shows his true colors!

Uranus: Before
They seize you, too, take flight and clear your name!

(Even after all, Oersted is still hesitant.)

Royal Guard: It's him! The Lord of Dark! To me, to me!

Minister: S... strike me down if you must, demon, prince...
But spare the innocents! 'Tis all I ask!

Uranus: Did you not hear me, boy!? Go, get you gone!

(Oersted flees the throne room, and hurries through the castle, past more guards.)

Royal Guard: Much shouting we've heard... What's the matter now?

(Another guard bursts through the doors, behind Oersted.)

Royal Guard: On your guard, brothers! That one's killed the king!
Go forth and spread the word! Lucrece must hear!

(The knights stationed at the door run off. Oersted continues to flee, making his way to the castle town.)

Royal Guard: The Lord of Dark! With me- and bar the gate!

(The knights retreat inside. Oersted runs throughout the village, hearing voices from inside homes.)

Smallfolk: "It's him! The Lord of Dark!" "Get inside, girl!"
"The demon comes! He stalks the town for blood!"
"Away from there!" "I'll keep it shut!" "Get back!"
"Please, please! Just leave!" "It's looking through the panes!"
"Oh gods above, show us mercy! Spare us!"
"Away! Leave us, fiend!" "Mother, make it stop!"

(Oersted runs through the castle gates. He is immediately seized by the gatekeepers.)

Gatekeeper: Your foul charade is ended. We'll not be
Deceived again. From all Lucrece... We cast
You out! Begone, and never dare return!

(The Royal Guards carry Oersted off, and throw him far away. Oersted is left to wander the Silent Wood on his own, chased by knights all the while.)

Trouble with the audio sample?

(Oersted returns to Fugalia Village. He lets himself into the home of the child who once cheered him.)

Precocious Child: The champion's returned! Oersted!

(The child runs up to him.)

Precocious Child: They say you killed
The king! Why do they spread these horrid lies!?

(The child's parents drag him away and protect him.)

Doting Mother: That man's a villain! Keep your distance, child!

Proud Father: A hero false- in truth, the Lord of Dark!

(The parents force their child into the house's rear.)

Proud Father: We have no quarrel with you, so be gone!

Doting Mother: Please... Leave my family be and get out!

Precocious Child: Our champion!? The Lord of Dark!? But why!?

(Oersted leaves, and travels instead to the peak of the Hero's Rest, where Hasshe's grave lies. He thinks back to his friend's death.)

Hasshe: My friend... Do you recall the man I was?
That day in distant mem'ry, when they sang...
Our hero, Hasshe. Our hero. And I was.
She waits. She hopes that help is coming still.
By love and trust and faith will we be saved.
A single soul's enough, when 'gainst the world
We stand. Apart. Alone. Believe in me,
We plead. We pray. And answer they... I will...

(Oersted returns to the Archon's Roost, attempting to explore more. No matter what, however, he cannot go any farther than Hate's Promise.)

(Leaving the Roost, Oersted comes face to face with a platoon of Royal Guardsmen at the entrance.)

Royal Guard: I-I knew it! Murderer- the Lord of Dark!

(They seize him.)

Royal Guard: Vile fiend! For regicide you'll pay with life!

(Oersted attempts to approach Lucrece Castle.) Gatekeeper: The kingkiller! (Almost instantly, the gatekeepers seize him.) Gatekeeper: The sheer audacity!
We'll seize the demon this time. All Lucrece
Will witness justice done and killer's death! (They carry Oersted into the castle.)

(Oersted is thrown into a cell in the castle dungeons by the gatekeepers.)

Gatekeeper: Your execution's set. At dawn's first light.
Enjoy your final night ere judgement comes!

(They leave. Roaming around his cell, Oersted hears a familiar voice in the cell beside his.)

Uranus: Who... Who goes there..?

(Uranus lies on the cell floor, weak.)

Uranus: Another questioner...
Fool. Ply your trade. Your irons and fire...
I've nothing to confess.

(Uranus attempts to lift himself.)

Uranus: Wait... You are not...
No... Why? Why render up yourself to them?
They asked... demanded... Secrets. About you.
"Is he the demon prince, or simple pawn?"
Such fear, such anger I see in their eyes...
In grief, their baser nature laid bare.
Fleeting glimpse of what good Hasshe did ware within.
In darkness dare not despair. 'Tis a test.
Do we succumb to sorrow and to hate...
Or rise above, and choose instead to trust
In one another? I would take the leap.
I'd wager life... what little I have left...
And plead your innocence to all who'll hear.

(Uranus approaches his cell door.)

Uranus: But that will not suffice, I think. Still young
You are, most capable and driven lad.
As once we were, myself and dearest Hasshe.
Inherit our cause. Keep the faith. Forgive.

(With the last of his strength, Uranus summons a spell of brilliant light, unlocking the door to Oersted's cell. Drained, he collapses. Oersted runs to him.)

Uranus: You've precious little time. And duty great.
Deliver her with love, and by her love
Be saved. Redeemed. Absolved and proven good.

On Broken Wings - Reminiscence
Trouble with the audio sample?

(Oersted falls back on thoughts of his princess. At tournament's end...)

Alethea: Oersted...
Your name and deeds are known to me, sir.
Having witnessed your prowess first hand, I...
Am grateful for most thrilling spectacle.
Let us be wed. For king and for country.

(On the balcony, where they embraced...)

Alethea: 'Twas a lovely feast. Full of light and life.
Long has it been since I saw Father so
Deep within his cups, the picture of bliss.
A happier man there has never been.
In you he sees a future bright. An heir,
A steward worthy of his legacy.
As do I, of course. Of course... husband dear.
Please. Look on me no more a maiden child.
For I am yours, and you are mine henceforth.
None holds a higher place within my heart.
Not Father... not any man. This, I swear.
In you alone I place my faith.

(At last, his dream, the princess victimized by the Lord of Dark...)

Alethea: Don't touch me!

(The scene returns to the dungeons)

Uranus: You see it clear, most surely. Where she waits.
The Archon's Roost, beyond the chamber sealed.
Where Hasshe fell. Would that I had died there too...

Epic of the Archon
Trouble with the audio sample?

(Uranus perishes. At once, Oersted bolts for the dungeon exit, where he is spotted by a guard.)

Royal Guard: Dear gods!

(He flees.)

Royal Guard: The Lord of Dark's escaped! He's killed
His cat's-paw priest, and now seeks vengeance! Run!

(Oersted escapes the dungeon, where he encounters an armed guard.)

Royal Guard: You'll go no further, demon! Draw your sword!

(Oersted fells the guard, as well as any other guards who stand against him, and continues his escape. In his haste, he finds the Minister, sitting on the former king's throne.)

Minister: What!? You! The Lord of Dark! How can this be!?
Nay... I misspoke! For you're no devil, no!
We've been misled! A hero true, that's you!
With no malignancy to malign! Yes!
Of course! Lucrece has need of ruler just!
Our king believed you worthy- as do I!
I, your loyal, obedient servant!

The Archon's Roost
Trouble with the audio sample?

(Oersted continues his pursuit, leaving the castle. He runs through the Hallowed Wood, as fast has his legs can carry him, until he reaches the Archon's Roost. He hurries through the caverns, until he is stopped by a voice.)

???: And so he came...

(Oersted is beset by a demon, Claustrophobia. He slays her, and presses on his path, until he is stopped again.)

???: The hero brave and true...

(Another demon approaches, Scotophobia. As she is bested, Oersted moves on.)

???: Impressive. Such a gift for violence...

(A horde of demons, Acrophobia, and their master, Acrothrall, are the next to attack and the next to fall to Oersted. He continues.)

???: You'll not fall here. The time is not yet right.

(Another battle, with the siren-like Hygrophobia. She too is killed, and Oersted charges forth, past the seven unknown statues, into Hate's Promise. On examining its staute, its sigils take the same glow they did before, and the statue slides back, revealing a secret passage.)

(Oersted hurries through the hidden cavern, until he reaches the very peak of the Archon's roost, Virtue's Reward. He ascends the steps to stand before a larger duplicate of the statue in Hate's Promise.)

???: A promise fulfilled. For king and country...

(A figure makes itself revealed from the statue's maw, the same figure who had tormented him all this while. It is Streibough.)

Streibough: "How now, Streibough?" This ghost- it lives and speaks!
For I was buried not by stone and fury,
But by inspiration driven to act...

(The scene returns to directly after the battle with the false Lord, in Hate's Promise. Streibough examines the statue.)

Streibough: The statue's secret. I found it. And then...
Stifled feeling overwhelmed! In that
Moment, I knew how I'd finally best you.
And rescue Alethea- my true love!
With magic I would win the day. A trap
I'd feign to send you running with the priest.

(Streibough is heard casting a spell- the true cause of the chamber's quake.)

Streibough: The mountain shudders. We must flee this place!
Before the tremors rend the roof o'erhead!

(Oersted and Uranus both turn and exit the room as they did, but Streibough is shown to have willingly stayed behind. He summons a stronger quake, then fakes a terrified scream.)

Streibough: Oh gods! Ahh!

(The scene returns to Virtue's Reward.)

Streibough: 'Twas simple... Heh heh heh... Easy...

Odio, the Lord of Dark
Trouble with the audio sample?

(Streibough throws his head back in maniacal laughter.)

Streibough: Hah hah hah... With such fear you fled! Ahahahaha!
The contest's champion, so strong and bold...
Abandoned good Hasshe- hero left to rot!
But blackest, final crime was soon to come.
When guided I your hand in murder just
Of thieving king who gifted you my love!
Disgraced... Yet still you came to ruin us!
As is your wont. A singular creature.
Insatiable destroyer! Selfish beast!
You've never been content to share your spoils.
I tried, friend. I believed that you could change.
But that competition in you cannot.
You'd never settle- never let me win!
Not even when I begged! For love! For love!
You've no idea how I wept that night...
You lustful wretch! How could you understand!?
You've never loved nor lost, nor known shame!
But that was then. I've newfound strength. You'll see!
A final bout to settle it, my friend!
To prove the faithful follower better,
And champion crowned champion no more!

(Streibough manifests a surge of intense, infernal power. He ascends into the air, his entire body glowing crimson red. Oersted braces his sword.)

Trouble with the audio sample?

Streibough: You will repay my loyalty- in death!

Battle Quotes: Streibough
  • You'll die for me this day!
  • No quarter, "friend". I'll have your heart!
Using Gale Force or Vermillion Aura:
  • I'll make you suffer!
  • Yaaaah!
  • Ha ha ha!
Using Sandstorm:
  • Yaaaah!
  • Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
  • Yaaaaagh!
Using Silver Fangs:
  • Take that! And that!
  • Hah!
  • Ha ha ha ha ha!
Using Amber Flurry:
  • Now fall!
  • Haaagh!
  • How does it feel!?
Using Black Abyss:
  • <crazed laughter>
  • I've many tricks!
  • Die, damn you! Die!
  • Oh, please!
  • A futile effort.
  • What?
  • Ugh!
  • No, no!
  • Oof!
  • I'll never yield to you!
  • Aaaagh!
  • Rgh, you bastard!
  • Don't think I'll die so easily!
  • Gods damn you!
  • How dare you!?
  • You'll pay for that!
  • Oh, what a shame!
  • I've waited long for this!
  • How dare you!?
  • You'll pay for that!
  • Ugh...
  • A stratagem... what rot!
25% 50%

You... you!

  • This will not end the way you think.
  • <maniacal laughter>
  • Was that our vaunted hero's best?
  • I. cannot fail! I will not...!
  • Waaah...! Augh... ugh...

Streibough: Again... You triumph... To the last... Such greed...

(Streibough's corpse plummets, landing heavily on the ground. A deathly silence pervades him.)

(From the statue's maw, another figure emerges. Alethea.)

Alethea: Streibough...

(Oersted runs to her.)

Alethea: Don't touch him!

(Oersted stops. She approaches Streibough's body.)

Alethea: Why... Why now, husband.
I waited. But you never came, husband.
In you I placed my trust. In you my faith.
For Father... Even though good Streibough, he...
And yes, despite that wrong, he loved me still!
He suffered... Dearly... For your sake. Your pride.
A hero's legend, built on sacrifice...
With victories hard won by better men.

(Alethea holds her head in her hands.)

Alethea: Anointed hero! Glory to his name!

(She returns her gaze to Streibough.)

Alethea: And Streibough... sweet and humble, be forgot.
But not by me...

(She produces a dagger.)

Alethea: I'll not betray our love!

(Before Oersted can stop her, Alethea plunges the dagger into her chest. Her body falls atop Streibough's. Oersted is left alone.)

(Oersted's mind flashes back to recent events. The tournament's conclusion...)

Alethea: Oersted...
Your name and deeds are known to me, sir.
Having witnessed your prowess first hand, I...
Am grateful for most thrilling spectacle.
Let us be wed. For king and for country.

(On the balcony, with Alethea...)

Alethea: For I am yours, and you are mine henceforth.
None holds a higher place within my heart.
Not Father... not any man. This, I swear.
In you alone I place my faith.

(The death of Hasshe...)

Hasshe: She waits. She hopes that help is coming still.
By love and trust and faith will we be saved.
A single soul's enough, when 'gainst the world
We stand. Apart. Alone. Believe in me,
We plead. We pray. And answer they... I will...

(Hearing Uranus's final words...)

Uranus: In darkness dare not despair. 'Tis a test.
Do we succumb to sorrow and to hate...
Or rise above, and choose instead to trust
In one another? I would take the leap.
I'd wager life... what little I have left...
But that will not suffice, I think. Still young
You are, most capable and driven lad.
As once we were, myself and dearest Hasshe.
Inherit our cause. Keep the faith. Forgive.

(The death of the king, the beginning of the end...)

Minister: My lord...? My lord! Why stand you here, blade drawn!?
Guards, guards! To me! To me!

Royal Guard: "The king!" "He's dead!"
"And culprit caught red-handed! "'Twas the lad..."
"A plot?" "Then Hasshe and Streibough too... Murdered!"

Minister: This villany's his work... The Lord of Dark!

Royal Guard: "The wretched fiend!" Deceiver! Monster!"

(At last, on Virtue's Reward, Oersted falls to his knees.)

Oersted: Naught remains. Alone. Utterly alone.
Cast out. Unloved. Outside the grace of gods.

(He falls to the ground in despair.)

Oersted: The Archon's Roost, they call this shrine of death.
Yet nowhere do I spy our Lord of Dark.
His throne sits empty, wanting for an heir.

(He rises.)

Oersted: Did I not do all that was asked? Did I
Not serve, and seek my fair and just reward?
And for my deeds they damn me. Name me demon.
And who am I to deny it? Demon,
Then! Renouncing former ties and titles!

Fugue for the Lord of Dark
Trouble with the audio sample?

(He walks towards the statue at mountain's peak.)

Oersted: And in their place, I claim... The Lord of Dark.

(The statue's eyes glow hellish red. The sky deepens.)

(The credits roll.)


Game Over

(In the Archon's Roost, the Lord of Dark bears over Alethea.)

Alethea: All fades and grows dark. All is lost, my love.
My Oersted...

Battle Quotes

Battle Quotes: Oersted
Using Bold Cut:
  • Hueh!
  • Yah!
  • Huah!
Using Valorous Slash:
  • Hueh!
  • Fuah!
  • Hah!
  • Ya!
Using Prismatic Whirl:
  • Have at thee!
  • Ha ha!
  • Take that!
Using Crushing Blow:
  • Hueh!
  • Huah!
  • For Lucrece!
  • I've got you!
Using Wave Slash:
  • Fuah!
  • Yah!
  • Hah!
Using Thousand Cuts:
  • Have at thee!
  • For Lucrece!
  • You're mine!
Using Moonrise:
  • Got you!
  • Haha!
  • Take that!
Using Mirrored Strike:
  • Hueh!
  • Yah!
  • Haha!
  • Huah!
Using Flourish:
  • Hueh!
  • Hah!
  • Ya!
Using Dragonsoul:
  • Nngah!
  • You're mine!
Using Shardfall:
  • Have at thee!
  • Ya!
  • Take that!
Using Heavenly Strike:
  • Have at thee!
  • For Lucrece!
  • Nngah!
  • I've got you!
Using Windbite:
  • For Lucrece!
  • Nngah!
  • Take that!
Using Archon's Mark:
  • Hyyah!
  • Nngah!
  • You're mine!
Using Attack Item:
  • Hrh!
Using Recovery Item:
Heal Self:
  • Urh!
Heal Group:
  • Take this!
Enemy Defeated:
  • Ha ha!
  • Take that!
Enemy Undamaged:
  • But how!?
Enemy Resists:
  • Huh!
Enemy Weak:
  • Take that!
  • Uh!
  • Uhh!
  • Oof!
  • Urgh!
  • Trade blows, will you?
  • Haha! I know your mind!
  • Ha, think I'm a fool?
  • What's this!?
  • Ugh, what trickery is this!?
  • Gods damn you!
  • You do too much.
  • I am restored!
  • I am saved!
  • I'm done for...
  • Urrghh...
  • Make ready!
  • My life I owe you, friend!
  • Alethea... my dear...
  • I can... still fight...!
Battle Quotes: Streibough
Using Red Ballet:
  • Ha!
  • Now, dance among the flames!
  • Hah!
  • Feel my rage!
  • I've got it!
Using Icebind:
  • Now freeze and shatter, fiends!
  • Hur... agh!
  • Hah!
  • Get out of here!
Using Freezing Shards:
  • You will fall!
  • Hur-ah!
  • Take this!
  • On silver wings we fly!
Using Gale Force:
  • Ha!
  • Hur... agh!
  • The mad azure, now roar and howl!
  • Hur-ah!
Using Crimson Eruption:
  • Hur... agh!
  • For none defy the flame!
  • You will fall!
  • Get out of here!
Using Purple Mist:
  • Hah!
  • You will fall!
  • Ha-ah!
  • In purple mists, we find our solace!
Using Blue Squall:
  • From purest blue come raging winds!
  • Hur-ah!
  • Away with you!
  • Get out of here!
Using Vermillion Aura:
  • Away with you!
  • Ha-ah!
  • Hur-ah!
  • In crimson we will rise!
Using Violet Daze:
  • You'll wander far, and lose your way.
  • Hur-ah!
  • Away with you!
  • Eat that!
Using Sandstorm:
  • Amidst the blinding sands they wander!
  • Get out of here!
  • Take this!
  • Get out of here...!
Using Silver Fangs:
  • With fangs of silver, strike!
  • Yes, that's the key!
  • Begone with you!
Using Amber Flurry:
  • I've got you now!
  • As roots divide the earth, light splits the sky!
  • Your price for foolishness!
Using Black Abyss:
  • I've got you now!
  • Enfold me in your darkness, I prithee!
  • Begone with you!
Using Attack Item:
  • I think you'll like this very much!
Using Recovery Item:
Heal Self:
  • <sigh> Yes, this will do.
Heal Group:
  • You may want this.
Enemy Defeated:
  • There's no escape!
  • Your end is nigh!
Enemy Undamaged:
  • Yet nary mark nor scratch!
Enemy Resists:
  • Huh! What is this?
Enemy Weak:
  • A massive blow!
  • Mah!
  • Ah!
  • Uh!
  • Agh!
  • Huuh!
  • A skilled riposte.
  • I'll not stand still and take it!
  • Ha!
  • Augh!
  • This could spell doom...
  • A curious attack...
  • Hmph, forgive my foolishness.
  • That's better.
  • Apologies, heh.
  • Hah!
  • Rejoice in victory!
  • Ah, I'll not be put to shame.
Level Up:
  • Hm, I thought I'd grown more...
  • Just wait, my friend. Surpass you soon I will.
  • Ah, I'll not be put to shame.
  • No! No...! ugh...
  • Aauh! Uh...
  • <gasp> You'll be repaid, I promise.
  • <sigh> I owe you much.
  • I've... let you down...
  • Gods... damn it... all...!
Battle Quotes: Uranus
Using Heavenly Succor:
  • May fortune favor you!
  • Rah!
  • Nrrah!
  • Heh!
  • Huah!
Using *Divine Providence:
  • Nagh!
  • Huah!
  • Yugh!
  • O blessed gods, defend us now!
  • Rrrrah!
  • Hah!
Using Godly Voice:
  • Hraaah!
  • Uah!
  • Rrraaah!
  • Hah!
  • Now hearken to the word divine!
Using Prayer of Healing:
  • N'eh!
  • F'rah!
  • Hah!
  • Deliver us, O heavenly host!
Using Sanctuary:
  • In purity divine will we be saved!
  • Haaah!
  • Ha-ah!
  • Huh!
Using Judgment:
  • T'was most effective!
  • Low in the balances you shall be weighed!
  • Rrrrah!
Using Attack Item:
  • A gift for you!
Using Recovery Item:
Heal Self:
  • A different tact.
Heal Group:
  • My friend, take this!
Enemy Defeated:
  • A fine performance.
  • You'll trouble us no more!
Enemy Undamaged:
  • Unharmed!? But how?
Enemy Resists:
  • Huh?
Enemy Weak:
  • Mislike that, do you?
  • D'ah!
  • D'egh!
  • Ehgh!
  • D'augh!
  • D'uurgh, I hate surprises!
  • D'aaah!
  • You've underestimated me!
  • Oh, please.
  • A grave mistake!
  • Well, this bodes ill.
  • Rrah...
  • Too close for comfort, that.
  • I'm in your debt.
  • I've made you worry.
  • Our contest ends.
  • Ah...
Level Up:
  • Ho, even now I find new power.
  • I've yet to reach my pinnacle.
  • Naaagh!
  • How reckless I've become!
  • My time is not yet come!
  • You've saved my life!
  • I've failed you all...
  • Once wise I was... but die a fool...
Battle Quotes: Hasshe
Using Bold Cut:
  • Gh!
  • Shyah!
  • Kyah!
Using Valorous Slash:
  • Sheh!
  • Grh!
  • Shyah!
Using Crushing Blow:
  • Gah!
  • Come at me!
  • Shyeh!
Using Heavenly Strike:
  • Gaagh, coward!
  • Attack me!
  • Come for me!
  • Your flaws are plain to see.
Using Shardfall:
  • Come at me!
  • Gaaah!
  • Ghhk-erghk!
Using Archon's Mark:
  • Gaagh, coward!
  • Why do you run!? Agh!
  • Gyah!
Using Dragonsoul:
  • Hrh-aaagh!
  • Gaaah!
  • Ghhk-erghk!
Using Flourish:
  • Gaah!
  • Gr!
  • Kheh!
Using Attack Item:
  • This one's for you!
Using Recovery Item:
Heal Self:
  • Ugh...
Heal Group:
  • I've got you.
Enemy Defeated:
  • Shyaah!
  • Shgraah!
Enemy Undamaged:
  • Gh...!
Enemy Resists:
  • Nrgh!
Enemy Weak:
  • Shhrraah!
  • Gah!
  • Urh!
  • Agh!
  • Oof!
  • Gkaugh!
  • Gkhh!
  • Gaah!
  • Mmph!
  • A wasted effort!
  • This will not do!
  • You needn't fear for me.
  • Huh...
  • Hmph.
  • Agh...
  • Ugh!
Level Up:
  • The journey's far from done.
  • Hmmph...
  • Hmph!
  • Geh! Ugh...!
  • Kheh-agh! Uh...
  • Not yet... not yet!
  • Hmph!
  • A death long overdue...
  • Gkah!... ugh...

The Middle Ages: The Lord of Dark
OerstedStreiboughHassheUranusAletheaKing of LucreceLord of Dark
Kingdom of Lucrece (Lucrece CastleHallowed WoodFugalia VillageThe Hero's RestThe Archon's Roost)
Armstrong • Dragunon • Outrider • Mandyne • Iron Beetle • Sineater • Sharpbeak • Frostvine • Faitheater • Frostbulb • Raging Bear • Flame Beetle • Spitbeak • Flamebulb • Lesser Dragon • Royal Guard • Green Knight • Cynophobia • Arachnophobia • Dracophobia • Entomophobia • The Lord of DarkThe Lord of Dark (Shadow) • Claustrophobia • Scotophobia • Acrophobia • Acrothrall • Hygrophobia
Epic of the ArchonOn Broken WingsHeroic StruggleThe Archon's RoostOn Broken Wings - Reminiscence
2022 (English) • 1994 (English, Japanese,)