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Odo is the main antagonist of the Prehistory chapter, The First. The incarnation of Odio in the prehistoric era, it is a ferocious dinosaur that subjugates the Kuu Tribe into sacrifice.



Odo is an adult Tyrannosaurus rex. It has dark brown scales with pale tan stripes on it's body and tail while it's underbelly is of a pale gray color. It's left eye is completely orange and it's right eye is crossed by a big scar. Judging by the shadow it casts and its remains as seen in the ending, it is far larger than a normal Tyrannosaurus.


Odo is a reckless and violent creature, demanding constant sacrifices from the tribe who worship it in exchange for their survival. It is seen to show no mercy to any creature that enters its domain, killing and eating the chief of the Kuu Tribe. A feral animal, it has no concept of patience or kindness, only the desire to eat.


Prehistory: The First

Odo, seemingly the last living dinosaur on Earth, is seen as a deity by the Kuu Tribe. In exchange for their prosperity and continued survival, Odo demands regular human sacrifice from the tribe. Beru was one such intended sacrifice, but manages to escape before the ritual and is found by Pogo, who vows to protect her. Desperate to appease their god, the Kuu dispatch a group of warriors led by Zaki to reclaim Beru. They succeed, delivering Beru to Odo's sacrificial altar just in time for the ritual.

As the ritual is set to begin, Pogo and Gori burst into the scene to rescue Beru. As Pogo and Zaki partake in a final fight, an enraged Odo destroys the altar, sending everyone on it plummeting into the dinosaur's domain. The Kuu Elder attempts to run, but the emerging Odo devours him, making its presence known to Pogo, Gori, Beru, and Zaki. Although terrified by its size and fury, Pogo and his allies steel their resolve and fight back against the beast. With the combined efforts of the four, Odo is finally slain, freeing the Kuu from its enslavement. Its body is used for food for both the land's tribes.

Final Chapter: The Dominion of Hate

A smaller statue of Odo is found in the chamber of statues inside the Archon's Roost, alongside the other incarnations of Odio. It is fought once more with only Pogo in the true ending route, as part of a gauntlet of every incarnation. If Oersted is selected as the protagonist, Odo is briefly playable in an alternate outcome of its battle with the four cavepeople.


The player begins the battle with Pogo, Gori, and Beru, with Zaki joining the fray before anyone can take actions. Pogo is the only one strong enough to reliably survive Odo's attacks, so it is advisable to place him next to Odo and have him use melee attacks. Attacks with a charge time are discouraged, since Odo may cancel them with "Throw Down/Trample". Gori should be used to create Poison field tiles, as Odo cannot avoid tile damage. Keep Beru away from Odo and use her to heal with either items or "WaveWave/Sing Heal". If Pogo and Gori are at a low level, the player might have to rely on Zaki to deal most of the damage while using Pogo and Gori as distractions as long as possible. If they are defeated, use Zaki's "Baritank!/Whee Butt" as a last resort since it can knock Odo back, preventing it from attacking. This is the last battle of the chapter, so liberal usage of healing items is advised if necessary.

If the player has obtained the Cola Bottle, a single use of it as an item will defeat Odo. This is not advised if playing the Super Famicom version, however, as if the Bottle is not equipped on Pogo, it will not be carried over to the final chapter; either way, a team strong enough to defeat the Mammoth King will likely not struggle with Odo. In the 2022 remake, all inventory items will carry into the final chapter, regardless of equipment.

If Beru has reached level 7/6 and thus has learned "Laa Laa/Sing Hurt", the fight will be made much easier. Position Pogo, Gori, and Zaki to distract Odo's attacks while having Beru use "Laa Laa/Sing Hurt". It does exceptional damage and will defeat Odo in two or three uses. In the remake, the damage is spread out over 10 hits, all of which have a chance to miss, though it is still one of the most powerful options at the player's disposal.

Odo has no affinitive weaknesses or resistances in the remake, so attacks should be primarily chosen by strength.


  • Alongside O. Dio, Odo is the only animal incarnation of Odio, though O. Dio is at least capable of assuming the appearance of a human.
  • The bones of what seem to be another Tyrannosaurus Rex adorn the grounds where Pogo first learns how to hunt. According to a loading screen tip, the tribe's Elder slew it.
  • In the Super Famicom game manual, Odo is referred to as the Odiosaurus. (オディオザウルス, Odiozaurusu?)
Prehistory: The First
Safe Cave • Wild Lands • Kuu Village
Feral Pup • Mammoth Calf • Playful Mole • Trihorn Stag • Trihorn Doe • Longtusk Hog • Longtusk Sow • Bison Bull • Bison Cow • Moa Cock • Moa Hen • Sabertooth Tiger • Sabertooth Tigress • Elephant Cow • Elephant Bull • Scaleback Bull • Scaleback Cow • Bighorn Bull • Bighorn Cow • Terror Bird Cock • Terror Bird Hen • Mammoth Bull • Mammoth Cow • Kuu Warrior • Mammoth King
Native LifeFine WeatherLovely EveningKiss of JealousyFeast for the Sacrifice