Masaru Takahara/Gameplay

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During The Strongest, Masaru has the innate capability to learn abilities from his opponents through being hit by them. Each opponent has at least two moves that Masaru can learn. Learning the large variety of different moves during the chapter can give Masaru an edge in battles. If any abilities are missed, they can also be learned via leveling up during the Final Chapter.

Masaru's techniques are primarily close-range, with a few exceptions, requiring him to get closer to his opponents than most other characters. He also has a distinct lack of AOE attacks, being mostly able to target one enemy at a time. Most of his abilities also function as counterattacks, allowing him to dish it out as as much as he can take it. His most notable techniques are those of Seishi Moribe (the debilitating Celestial Palm and the long-ranged Fleetfoot) and Tula Han (Cross Heel Hold and Arm Lock). His ultimate ability Worldbreaker's Wrath has a wide range, but carries a large charge time, and doesn't deal as much damage as other characters' ultimate moves

During The Dominion of Hate, Masaru starts at Level 2, with minimal equipment, but fairly good base stats. Masaru's most noticeable strength is his HP growth, the highest of any character in the game. By the end of the chapter, Masaru will likely be brushing the maximum 999 HP, while other characters remain in the 3-to-4 hundreds, allowing him to act as a tank. His strength and speed stats also carry high growths, but his defensive growths are minimal, and his Special Attack/IQ can't increase at all, meaning that moves that rely on it (Arm Lock, Frankensteiner and Tornado Press) are less effective. Ultimately, Masaru is unable to reach the high highs of other characters in the chapter, but still stands on his own.


Name Info Description Name Info Description
Gale Strike
(Blazing Fist)
Default Punch an enemy with enough force to shatter thirty tiles. Rolling Wheel Kick
(Roundhouse Kick)
Default Disorient an enemy with a whirling kick to the head.
(Battle Cry)
Default Clear your head to restore a small amount of HP, remove all detrimental status effects, and harness your strength. Max Bomber
(Max Bomber)
Level 3 (Max Morgan) Spin with outstretched arms to send enemies reeling.
German Suplex
(German Suplex)
Level 4 (Max Morgan) Drive an enemy into the ground to knock the wind out of them. Arm Lock
(Arm Lock)
Level 5 (Tula Han) Grapple an enemy and limit their ability to execute martial techniques.
Cross Heel Hold
(Cross Heel Hold)
Level 6 (Tula Han) Grapple an enemy and limit their ability to execute agile techniques. Lookpanjama Kick
(Panchama Kick)
Level 7 (Namkiat) Leap into the air and knock an enemy back with a spinning kick.
Spiral Knee
(Spiral Knee)
Level 8 (Namkiat) Charge an enemy and deliver a flying kick to the face. Frankensteiner
Level 9 (The Great Aja) Backflip onto an enemy's shoulders and drive their head into the ground-- but don't miss!
Tornado Press
(Tornado Press)
Level 10 (The Great Aja) Leap high into the air and crush an enemy with the weight of your whole body-- but don't miss! Aloha Slap
(Aloha Clap)
Level 11 (Jackie Iaukea) Slap an enemy with the force of a hurricane to send them flying.
Mano Toss
(Ogre Grip)
Level 12 (Jackie Iaukea) Hurl an enemy into the air and send them flying. Fleetfoot
Level 13 (Seishi Moribe) Surprise an enemy with a sudden and disorienting kick.
Celestial Palm
Level 14 (Seishi Moribe) Strike an enemy's pressure points and weaken them in all respects. Worldbreaker's Wrath
(Earth-Rending Fury)
Level 16 (Jackie Iaukea) Strike the earth with unbridled rage to bring a barrage of boulders down upon enemies.

Base Stats

2022 1994
  • Level: 2
  • HP: 320 (+26-38 per level)
  • Physical Attack: 50 (+5-6 per level)
  • Physical Defense: 36 (+1-2 per level)
  • Special Attack: 25 (+0 per level)
  • Special Defense: 25 (+1-4 per level)
  • Speed: 31 (+4-5 per level)
  • Accuracy: 12 (+1 per level)
  • Evasion: 10 (+1 per level)
  • Damage Resistances: None
  • Status Immunities: None
  • Level: 2
  • HP: 320 (+36-53 per level)
  • Power: 50 (+5-6 per level)
  • Speed: 31 (+4-5 per level)
  • Vitality: 31 (+1 per level)
  • IQ: 25 (+0 per level)
  • Immunities: None
  • Evade Ups: None