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“O Lord of Dark... Accursed fiend returned! By all the gods I swear, with sacred blade, I'll slay you; send you back from whence you came!”

Hasshe is a major character and party member from the Middle Ages chapter, The Lord of Dark. He is the former hero of the Kingdom of Lucrece who slew the Lord of Dark twenty years ago, now living as a hermit after forsaking his duty.



Hasshe is an older man with long brown hair and a matching mustache. He wears an ornate set of silver and gold armor along with a blue cape. He is depicted carrying Brion, a powerful ornate sword.


A misanthropic and bitter man, Hasshe was a once-proud warrior who grew cold with the passage of time. Hasshe carries a deep pessimistic outlook towards his fellow man, viewing humanity as an ungrateful and manipulative species. The only person he held any regard for was his old friend Uranus, with whom he fought the Lord of Dark with together. Deep inside him, however, the pride that came with being a hero and protecting the innocent was not truly lost to Hasshe, even if he could not admit it.


The Middle Ages: The Lord of Dark

Twenty years ago, Hasshe was a simple hunter in the Kingdom of Lucrece. When the Lord of Dark appeared and kidnapped the queen, Hasshe rose to the challenge. Fighting alongside his good friend Uranus, Hasshe vanquished the demon with his mighty sword Brion, and rescued the queen. For his noble deeds, he was celebrated as the kingdom's hero.

As time went by, Hasshe came to loathe the people he once fought to protect. He begun to see people as naturally selfish and uncaring, relying on great men to fight battles they could not. Eventually, the jaded hero turned his back on Lucrece, and abandoned it's people. He would retire to the Hero's Rest, where he sought to live out his days as a nameless hermit. A false grave bearing his name would come to be set up on the mountain's summit.

When the Lord of Dark returns twenty years later, two new heroes, Oersted and Streibough, seek the old hero's aid. They are led to Hasshe's mountain cabin at the behest of Uranus, who hoped to heal his friend's heart. At first, Hasshe turns his back on his old friend, ignoring his pleas. When Uranus denounces him and makes to leave, however, Hasshe rises and chooses to join the party, claiming a proud desire to prove his friend wrong.

Hasshe recovers Brion from the mountain grave, and with it, unseals the entrance to the Archon's Roost. The party ventures into the wicked lair, and once more manage to slay the Lord of Dark. After it's defeat, however, Hasshe declares the demon they fought was a mere impostor, before falling to the ground and coughing up blood.

Unbeknownst to the party, Hasshe had been suffering from a grave illness, one that, exacerbated from the fighting, was finally taking its toll. He confesses his true reason for joining the party: to relive the warmth of being a trusted hero one more time. Hasshe imparts Brion to Oersted, urging the boy to hold to hope so long as one person believes in him, before he collapses and dies. When the demon's lair seemingly begins to collapse, the party is forced to leave his body behind.

Final Chapter: The Dominion of Hate

In the Trial of Heart

Hasshe's spirit can be found in the Trial of Heart in the final chapter, in the chamber holding the Guts and Glory Glove. He laments how Oersted's misanthropy has exceeded even his own.



For the time he's in the party, Hasshe is the chapter's most powerful character in terms of strength, whose powerful techniques more than make up for his low speed. Hasshe starts with all of his skills, all of them being shared with Oersted's later moveset. However, Hasshe only has eight skills as opposed to Oersted's fourteen, and his most powerful abilities carry a large charge time, which is bogged down by his slow speed. To get the most out of Hasshe, it is recommended to place him at the head of the party's formation, so that he always has the initiative in battle.

Due to his aging, weakened body, Hasshe cannot increase almost any of his stats by leveling up. In the 2022 Remake, however, both his Agility and Evasion will increase by 1 per level.


Name Info Description Name Info Description
Bold Cut
(Cut One Way)
Default Slash at an enemy without fear or hesitation. Valorous Slash
(V Shine)
Default Focus and strike an enemy with a single powerful blow.
Crushing Blow
(Hammer Power)
Default Deliver a mighty overhead strike that disorients an enemy. Heavenly Strike
(Jump Shot)
Default Leap high into the air towards an enemy and bring your sword down upon them.
(Razor Sonic)
Default Call down a flurry of blades to rend the flesh of enemies in an area. Archon's Mark
(Death Trail)
Default Bring to bear against an enemy a legendary demonic art once used to defeat the Lord of Dark.
(Dragon Sword)
Default Harness the fiery power of a dragon to unleash a jet of concentrated flame at an enemy. Flourish
Default Unleash a whirling strike to punish nearby enemies, knocking back and disorienting them.


2022 1994
  • Level: 10
  • HP: 288
  • Physical Attack: 54
  • Physical Defense: 47
  • Special Attack: 36
  • Special Defense: 41
  • Speed: 40
  • Accuracy: 19 (+1 per level)
  • Evasion: 18 (+1 per level)
  • Status Immunities: ?
  • Damage Resistances: ?
  • Level: 10
  • HP: 228
  • Power: 54
  • Speed: 40
  • Vitality: 40
  • IQ: 36
  • Immunities: Drunk
  • Evades: Sharp, Dull, Ranged,
  • Back, Water, Earth



  • Hasshe's artwork for the mobile game "Holy Dungeon" depicts him channeling Archon's Mark on Brion.
  • Considering how most of his basic techniques are those that Oersted learns at higher levels, it could be assumed that he taught Oersted his techniques.
The Middle Ages: The Lord of Dark
OerstedStreiboughHassheUranusAletheaKing of LucreceLord of Dark
Kingdom of Lucrece (Lucrece CastleHallowed WoodFugalia VillageThe Hero's RestThe Archon's Roost)
Armstrong • Dragunon • Outrider • Mandyne • Iron Beetle • Sineater • Sharpbeak • Frostvine • Faitheater • Frostbulb • Raging Bear • Flame Beetle • Spitbeak • Flamebulb • Lesser Dragon • Royal Guard • Green Knight • Cynophobia • Arachnophobia • Dracophobia • Entomophobia • The Lord of DarkThe Lord of Dark (Shadow) • Claustrophobia • Scotophobia • Acrophobia • Acrothrall • Hygrophobia
Epic of the ArchonOn Broken WingsHeroic StruggleThe Archon's RoostOn Broken Wings - Reminiscence
2022 (English) • 1994 (English, Japanese,)