Technique Guide

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Technique attributes


The type indicates what kind of behavior a technique has, these are Attack, Reaction, Healing, Absorb, Area and Self Damage.

  • Attack: Deals damage to the enemy.
  • Counter: Counterattacks if the user is hit by certain elements.
  • Healing: Heals allies to recover HP or cure detrimental status effects.
  • Absorb: Deals damage to the enemy and drains a portion of the damage dealt.
  • Self Damage: Causes damage to the user when they miss. Only three exist in the game: Fly Huge Boom, Frankensteiner and Tornado Press.

Targeting Type

The hit type indicates the behavior an attack takes after being used.

  • Normal: The technique will hit the tile selected by the player and only that tile.
  • Directional: The technique will move through the general direction selected by the player until it hits a target.
  • Penetrating: The technique will move through the general direction selected by the player penetrating and hitting all targets in it's path.


The techniques used by both allies and enemies have elemental affinities. Elements have the following properties:

  • Triggering a Weakness or Resistance
  • Activating a Counter-Attack

The are 15 elements in the game:

Technique Damage

It is the base power of the technique. It influences the average damage or healing a technique does. The higher the technique power, the higher the average damage/healing.

Number of Hits

It is the number of hits a technique can do to a single enemy or a group of enemies. For example, if a technique does 8 hits and is used against a single target, those eight hits can go to that one target. If it were to be used against 2 or more enemies, the hits would be distributed randomly along with the damage dealt between the targets.

Charge Time

It is the time that a technique takes to charge. Some techniques have no charge time, meaning that they are instant. Charge time is displayed by the yellow bar known as the ATB bar. When a technique is charging, this bar will turn red and slowly fill up as actions pass.


It is the range in which a technique can be used in relation to the position of the user. Each move has its own set range.


It is the area of effect a technique has, it also determines how many enemies can be targeted in a single move.

Technique effects

Position changes

  • Recession/Pushed back: The target is pushed back in a diagonal direction. Recession is the term for player characters while Pushed Back is the term for enemies. An example of these effects are the moves Monkey's Withdrawal (Recession) and Lion's Dismissal (Pushed Back).
  • Turn around 90°: The target is turned around 90°, exposing their sides.
  • Turn around 180°: The target is turned 180°, exposing their back.

Chance of Stat changes

This percentage of 25%, 50% or 100% indicates the probability for that stat to go up or down. These changes in stats only stay during battles and never go away, meaning that buffs and debuffs permanently strengthen/weaken allies or enemies.

Field creation

Techniques can create fields of four types: Electric, Fire, Poison and Water. The fields work the same as they all damage allies or enemies that stand on top of them unless they have immunity to the field type. If an ally/enemy has immunity to a type of field tile it will heal the ally/enemy instead of damaging it. Some enemies are completely unable to interact with field tiles, meaning that they can't get damaged or healed by them. The area in which these fields are created is the same as the Area a technique has. Each technique can only create a field of one type.

  • There is a bug in the game regarding damage/healing done to big enemies. If an enemy is bigger than 1x1 tiles and gets damaged/healed by Field Tiles, the damage/heal displayed will be only of that equal to one tile instead of the value for one tile multiplied by the amount of tiles an enemy takes. For example, Mammoth King has a size of 3x3, meaning that he takes 9 tiles in the battlefield. If the King Mammoth gets healed by a Fire Field Tile, the heal displayed by the game will be of 24. However, because he occupies 9 tiles in total, the heal would be of 216.

Detrimental Status effects

Techniques can cause (or cure in the case of Healing Type techniques) a variety of status effects that are detailed in Detrimental Status Effects.