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In Live A Live (1994)

Base Stats

  • HP: 144 (28-55 per level)
  • Power: 17 (3-6 per level)
  • Speed: 10 (1-5 per level)
  • Vitality: 17 (3-5 per level)
  • IQ: 4 (1-4 per level)
  • Immunities: None
  • Evade Ups: Evil

Ability: Smell

During The First, Pogo has the ability to smell, causing smell clouds to appear in the map. When walked into, they reveal what was causing the smell. If a deer icon is displayed, it means that an enemy is nearby and a fight may occur.

Strong and Weak points

During The First, Pogo can acquire experience and item drops from various enemies that respawn in the wilderness. This gives the option to level up Pogo up to a desired level and the item crafting can give the option to equip Pogo with full sets of gear. Secret items in the chapter such as the Rock of Rocks, Fang of the King and Cola Bottle can greatly increase his stats, he can also transfer these items into the final chapter by equipping them before the end of The First. His high HP and Physical Attack stats allow him to be a good physical fighter for the team with moves like Poke Bind and Bing Bang Boom, while supporting with moves such as Stench Poot and Sleep Trick. His main downside is that he has a very low Special Attack stat, which makes moves with secondary effects miss more often. His speed is also low, which means that he will take some time charging attacks suck as Big Shout.


Technique Level Learned Element Description
Bash Bash 0 Blunt Blunt Tech/Bang, bonk
Bang Bang 2 Agile Kick Tech/Smash, smashhh
Oo! Burp- 3 Wind Fart Tech/pbfrrrrt, Aaahhh...
Zzz Zzz 4 Spirit Mind Tech/(spin, spin) ... zzz...
PushPush 5 Grappling Close Tech/(spin,spin) urggh
Boom Boom 6 Projectile Jump Tech/Yaaaah!! Boiing!
Gotcha! 7 Thrusting Recover Tech/Ragh! Mrahr! Oooh!
RubSticks 8 Fire Flame Tech/Yeeh,Yeeh, Boh!
Ohh! Ohh! 9 Divine Mind Tech/Uuuoh! (dizzy)
Zdogeradein 11 Projectile Drop from head tech/Gon!
Dodegesden 16 Blunt Blunt Tech/Nraa! (bangbonkcrash)

In Live A Live (2022)

Base Stats

  • Level: 1
  • HP: 144 (28-39 per level)
  • Physical Attack: 17 (3-6 per level)
  • Physical Defense: 17 (1-5 per level)
  • Special Attack: 4 (2-4 per level)
  • Special Defense: 5 (1-3 per level)
  • Speed: 10 (1-5 per level)
  • Accuracy: 11 (1 per level)
  • Evasion: 9 (1 per level)
  • Status Immunities: None
  • Damage Resistances: Demonic

Strong and Weak Points

Pogo is a well balanced fighter. He excels with both HP and Physical Attack. This makes him a great tank and fighter in the frontlines. He also has a variety of elemental attacks and status afflicting techniques such as Stench Poot and Burn Spark; as well as some ranged attacks. He also has decent defense which further raises his status as a tank. His main drawbacks however are lack of support techniques meaning he will be dependent on items to heal himself or his allies. He also has low special attack and special defense which means he doesn't deal too much damage with magic attacks and takes quite some damage from magic. His speed is also underwhelming, which makes charging attacks such as Big Shout take a long time to deliver. His level 16 special, Big Bang Boom is also possibly the second strongest attack in the game barring Sundown's Hurricane in terms of how much damage is inflicted to a single target, and it requires no charge time. He debuffs himself when using that attack however. He can gather a wide variety of equipment and grind levels to defeat the superboss in The First. And he is often recommended as a possible starter candidate for The Dominion of Hate for his great survivability, strength, and balanced utility.


Technique Level Learned Element Description
Bang Bash 0 Blunt Hit one bad with axe.
Pow Kick 1 Agile Kick one bad with foot.
Stench Poot 3 Wind Turn back on many bad and hurt with big poot.
Sleep Trick 4 Spirit Make one bad go sleep with wave club.
Poke Bind 5 Grappling Hurt one bad with vines and poke.
Whee Jump 6 Projectile Hit one bad with big jump bash.
Yum Bite 7 Thrusting Bite one bad and heal HP.
Burn Spark 8 Fire Burn one bad with quick make fire.
Big Shout 9 Divine Hurt and scare all bad with big shout.
Fly Huge Boom 11 Projectile Big hit one bad with jump very high. Hurt self when miss.
Bing Bang Boom 16 Blunt Big hit one bad many time.