The Sundown Kid/Gameplay

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The Sundown Kid initially fits into the archetype of the "glass cannon"; he can dish out a lot of damage, but can only take a few hits before going down. He has poor initial HP and defenses, but his high Speed enables him to pull off nearly all his attacks extremely quickly and move a lot in the battlefield. With subsequent levels, Sundown's low defenses will be remedied, though his HP will remain on the lower end of all the final chapter's playable characters.

All of Sundown's abilities are long ranged (in some cases, exclusively) and are good damage dealers, allowing him to easily keep his distance from enemies. On the other hand, his abilities are solely Projectile or Wind types, leaving him little type coverage and the inability to provide much aside from offense. Only his Hollow Point Shot and Piercing Shot could be considered as utility moves in certain circumstances.

However, when Sundown reaches level 16, he acquires possibly the strongest ability in the entire game: Hurricane. This attack can deal large damage to a group of enemies with up to 12 hits, and can easily inflict up to 999 damage on a single foe. While it comes with a large charge time, when stat buffs are applied, Sundown can easily become an unstoppable force against enemies and bosses alike.


Name Info Description Name Info Description
Single Shot
(Single Shot)
Default Fire a single round at an enemy. Double Shot
(Double Shot)
Default Fire two shots in quick succession at an enemy.
Hollow Point
(Hollow Point Shot)
Default Fire a bullet that expands on impact and sends an enemy reeling. Through and Through
(Piercing Shot)
Default Fire a jacketed bullet that will pass through an enemy and hit others behind them.
Default Draw and fire in a practiced motion in response to any attack. Triple Twist
(Triple Shot)
Level 10 Fire a three round burst faster than the eye can follow at an enemy.
(Shot Storm)
Level 11*
Level 13**
Fan the revolver and send a hail of bullets at enemies. Four-in-One
(Quad Shot)
Level 13*
Level 11**
Send four bullets downrange before an enemy has time to even blink.
(Neo Shot Storm)
Level 14 Fan the revolver even faster and shower enemies in lead. Hurricane
(Hurricane Shot)
Level 16 Bring a raging storm of bullets down on a host of enemies.

*In the 2022 remake
**In the 1994 Super Famicom original

Base Stats

2022 1994
  • Level: 9
  • HP: 176 (4-25 per level)
  • Physical Attack: 27 (2-6 per level)
  • Physical Defense: 21 (2-4 per level)
  • Special Attack: 34 (3-7 per level)
  • Special Defense: 28 (2-6 per level)
  • Speed: 50 (3-9 per level)
  • Accuracy: 20 (1 per level)
  • Evasion: 19 (1 per level)
  • Damage Resistances: Projectile
  • Status Immunities: None
  • Level: 9
  • HP: 144 (0-29 per level)
  • Power: 27 (3-4 per level)
  • Speed: 42 (6-9 per level)
  • Vitality: 21 (2-4 per level)
  • IQ: 34 (5-9 per level)
  • Immunities: None
  • Evade Ups: Firearm