Brow of Odio

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Brow of Odio (Odio Mole) is an enemy and boss from The Dominion of Hate scenario. It is part of the Odio final boss fight.


It is possible to defeat Brow of Odio and skip Purity of Odio, provided the player can do more damage than the Brow's ability to heal itself. This is easily done with Hong's Pork's Second Cooking move, as it deals set damage and doesn't trigger the Righteous Fervor counterattack.[1] In the SNES original, Brow of Odio takes damage equal to the number of steps + 1 due to Void Techniques inflicting LVL - 2 on it.[2] The Cola Bottle's Fast Fast Die technique deals 10 HP damage per hit in the original, but triggers Righteous Fervor, reducing the total damage to 9 HP.[3] In the remake, Attack Items no longer trigger counterattacks, but Brow of Odio is granted Resistances to every Element except for Void, reducing the damage from Fast Fast Die to 0.[4][5] Should Brow of Odio's defenses be lowered enough, Fast Fast Die will deal 1 HP damage per hit.[6]

Possible Encounters

See also
