Saint Alethea

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—The 'Saint' screams

Saint Alethea is an enemy ability from Live A Live, used exclusively by Purity of Odio.


Saint Alethea can be used anywhere on the field within a 3x3 square. When used, it inflicts heavy damage with a chance to greatly lower affected characters' stats, as well as inflict intoxication, sleep, and most devastatingly, petrification status. The Cosmic Equipment is effective in protecting the party from petrification.


The face and arms of Alethea manifest on the field with a gentle aura. Alethea's visage suddenly twists into a malformed skull and emits an ear-piercing shriek, as the area is swarmed with power.

The full attack animation. Notice how the maiden's face morphs into a hag's face.
The attack as it appears in Final Fantasy Legends: The Space-Time Crystal.


  • Alethea's distorted face could be Oersted's twisted memories of her, the pain inflicted to him is thrown back at the heroes, causing as much damage as she caused him.
  • Saint Alethea's shriek is performed by Princess Alethea's voice actress: Miho Arakawa in Japanese, and Nicolette Chin in English.