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“What, you got something you want to say to me? 'zat so? Then do you have a Gold Topknot?”
—Amlucretia asking for a Golden Topknot before fighting the player

Amlucretia is an enemy and boss from the Final Chapter scenario. He is a god-like fish that has lived way longer than the Kingdom of Lucrece and resides inside the Trial of Instinct. He is the guardian of the Ariel Ring.


Amlucretia is a strong boss but unlike all the others you won't get a game over if you lose against him. In order to challenge him you must reach his room and give him a Gold Topknot. He can only attack those that stand close to him but due to his size he can cover a large portion of the battlefield. Try to leave your damage dealers away from him by pushing him back and blocking his way with other characters. He is mostly a damage sponge if you manage to keep him away. Once you are done fighting him, you will be able to ask him some questions and he give the Ariel Ring.


Who are you?

  • I am Amlucretia, and I am older than the history of Lucretia itself. I've lived so long I've become nearly a god myself. I'm not sure why, but all the humans disappeared from around here some time back. It's kinda weird, but at least it's quiet, y'know? I do feel some kind of presence in the southeast, but I don't know whether or not it's human.

Where am I?

  • This is the Dungeon of Instinct. Only those with a strong, wild nature may pass into it. There are also Dungeons of Power, Intelligence, Technique, Mind, Time and Keys. What do you mean, "how do I get in?" What a question! Use your loaf, lazybones! What do I look like, a strategy guide? C'mon, I'm sure you can do it. You found your way here, after all. Besides, your drive to achieve is what makes you human! Lose that, and you have nothing.

Who am I?

  • What the hell kind of question is that? How should I know if you don't?

Possible Encounters