Lord Iwama

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“<splish> <splash>”
—Lord Iwama before attacking Oboromaru

Lord Iwama is an enemy from The Infiltrator chapter. It is a giant fish demon that guards the castle's moat.


Against Lord Iwama it is advised to be level 12 or higher before attempting to fight it. It is also recommended to have other party members such as The Prisoner as he can help with extra damage or tanking. Unlike the remake, you can bring Mimic Mammet to the fight if you wait in land since Lord Iwama will attempt to go to where the player is.

Focus on having Oboromaru as your main attacker, use moves like Shuriken Storm or Strength of Ninja. Shadow Mirror, aside from its high damage, has a chance to instakill the boss with the Stone status.

Its large size gives it an advantage as it gives it a larger attack range and blocks the player from moving around in certain areas. Stay below or above it, as that will make it use its weaker moves. Do not stay to its sides or Lord Iwama will use Water Call, creating water tiles in the field that will heal it for up to 128 health. Counter this with Blazing Firefly, as it will replace the water tiles with fire tiles. Do not stand in from of him or he will counterattack any attack against him with Writhe. Heal when you need to. It will drop a Suijin Scale when defeated, an item that can be used as an accessory or as a battle item which will use the move Timbre of the Watercall.


  • Its name is a subtle and complex reference to the superboss Omega in Final Fantasy V. The 岩 kanji in the name can be read as gan instead of iwa, which means that the whole name could also be pronounced as "Ganma-sama" or "Lord Gamma", gamma being a Greek letter like omega.

Possible Encounters