Hong Hakka/Gameplay

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In Live A Live (1994)

Base Stats

These stats are Hong Hakka's stats without equipment bonuses counted or the Shifu's training.

  • HP: 240 (0-59 per level)
  • Power: 28 (2-5 per level)
  • Speed: 5 (1-2 per level)
  • Vitality: 43 (2-6 per level)
  • IQ: 7 (0-1 per level)
  • Immunities: None
  • Evade Ups: Charge

Strong and Weak points

Hong Hakka is a good defensive choice among the three Earthen Heart disciples. Among the other two he has the highest HP, Power and Vitality stats and has very low Speed and IQ. Hong also starts with more techniques than the other disciples and most of them their damage based on his Power stat. He is able of easily defeating enemies with his strong techniques and can endure attacks with his large HP amount. However, his main downside is that techniques that require IQ or Speed will have less offensive power such as Heavenly Peaks Descent. His low IQ also means that he is more vulnerable to magic attacks and status effects. Aside from that, most of his techniques have long charge times.


Technique Level Learned Element Description
Bear Hand 0 Martial Fist Tech/Slow and heavy punch
HuiGuoRou 1 Void Mind Tech/Strange dance
DouBanJiang 2 Martial Fist Tech/Shatter target's armor
BangBangJi 3 Charge Charge Tech/Spinning charge
Pig's Feet 4 Foot Leg Tech/Slow and heavy kick
QingJiaoNiuRouSi 5 Foot Leg Tech/Hit in a Circle
Long Hu Liang Po Wan 6 Martial Fist Tech/Vs. fist, req Power
BaiLiDaoYiBuJiao 7 Agile Leg Tech/Vs. leg, req health
Lion Hand 8 Thrusting Charge Tech/Vs. charge, req Luck
Monkey Fist 9 Slashing Slash Tech/Vs. blades, req speed
Squirrel Kick 10 Blunt Blunt Tech/vs rods, req Speed
LaoHuZhiWu 11 Grappling Hold Tech/Vs joints, req IQ
FushaNoSha 12 Projectile Shooting Art/Vs. missiles, req Wisdom
ManHanQuanXi 13 Earth Earth Kikou/Manyuanyulihengliequ
Onikuman 14 Thrusting Charge Tech/Belly bump
XuanYaLianShanQuan 16 Spirit Ultimate Technique/Inherited

In Live A Live (2022)

Base Stats

These stats are Hong Hakka's stats without equipment bonuses counted or the Shifu's training.

  • Level: 5
  • HP: 240 (12-39 per level)
  • Physical Attack: 28 (3-6 per level)
  • Physical Defense: 43 (2-6 per level)
  • Special Attack: 7 (1-3 per level)
  • Special Defense: 7 (1-3 per level)
  • Speed: 5 (1-3 per level)
  • Accuracy: 14 (1 per level)
  • Evasion: 13 (1 per level)
  • Damage Resistances: Blunt
  • Status Immunities: None

Strong and Weak points

Hong Hakka is a good defensive choice among the three Earthen Heart disciples. Among the other two he has the highest HP, Physical Attack and Physical Defense stats and has very low stats on all other areas. Hong also starts with more techniques than the other disciples and most of them their damage based on his Physical Attack stat. He is able of easily defeating enemies with his strong techniques and can endure attacks with his large HP amount. However, his main downside is that techniques that don't require Physical Attack or Defense will have less offensive power due to his low Special stat such as Heavenly Peaks Descent. Aside from that, most of his techniques have long charge times.


Technique Level Learned Element Description
Bear's Claw 0 Martial Batter enemies with a slow but powerful barrage of strikes.
Pork's Second Cooking 1 Void Bewilder enemies with baffling dance steps that leave them in pain.
Chili Bean's Fire 2 Martial Break through an enemy's defense with a fiery punch.
Fowl's Violent Caress 3 Charge Send a distant enemy flying with a charging spinning strike.
Pig's Feet 4 Foot Gather your strength to stagger enemies with a flurry of powerful kicks.
Pepper and Pork's Stir Fry 5 Foot Whirl in place while kicking surrounding enemies, but lose your balance in the process.
Tiger and Dragon's Rebuke 6 Martial Scold an enemy with strikes to hinder martial techniques and weaken them in all respects.
Traveler's First Step 7 Agile Humble an enemy with a swift kick that will leave them stunned.
Lion's Dismissal 8 Thrusting Surprise an enemy with a sudden forceful push to gain distance.
Monkey's Withdrawal 9 Slashing Toy with an enemy by executing a playful punch before retreating a few steps.
Chipmunk's Delight 10 Blunt Close the gap against a distant enemy and dazzle them with a somersault kick to the jaw before retreating.
Wise Fox's Grace 11 Grappling Misdirect enemies with flowing movements before executing a flurry of blows to hinder their martial and agile techniques.
Unseen Bow's Arrow 12 Projectile Punish enemies attacking from a distance with a strike of concentrated will.
Manchu-Han's Imperial Feast 13 Earth Become one with the earth, stomping the ground violently before sending visions of yourself
Pork Bun's Temptation 14 Thrusting Charge towards an enemy and crush them with your belly of steel, leaving them stunned.
Heavenly Peaks Descent 16 Spirit Harness the shifu's wisdom to execute his ultimate technique and bear down upon an enemy with the strength of mountains.