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Hello there I am Naglfar94 you have probably seen me in other places too as I hangout on various websites but mainly wikia and youtube.. I am a very nice person very shy and quiet but I can be friendly so no need to be afraid to approach me with anything I won`t bite don`t worry. I really like Live A Live and have just only recently gotten into the game thanks to my friend Thirteen1355 big thanks there to him and so I ended up editing here on this wiki I am hoping we can get this place to be the best info source ever for Live A Live I know we can do it with time!

I am admin of the SaGa wiki and the Girl Friends wiki and I am founder of the Inukami Wiki and Nage Libre wiki so feel free to drop in on those as they really could use the help badly. Anyway nice to meet ya and if you wanna talk with me feel free to message on my message wall.