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Some Information 'bout meh:


Heya! It's me, Kalil. I'm actually 10 (haha, you didn't see that coming), and I'm brazillian (haha, you didn't see that coming too). I mostly like ARPGs, but sometimes I play normal RPGs, mostly of those whoisthisgit had featured in one of his videos. Srsly, I'm grateful for finding him on YouTube. I actually can't put my eyes out of my computer or my tablet (I wanted to do so :()

Gamez I like:

  • Live-A-Live (thank whoisthisgit for building my interest on the game!)
  • Undertale (not so much, I'm losing my love for it :()
  • Pokemón (I actually don't play so much of it)
  • Work-based Quick-Turtle games (like Don't be fired and Workemon)
  • Fire Emblem (I only played 6... and I can't get past Chapter 3)