Sin of Odio

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Sin of Odio
Arm of Odio (Right)
Arm of Odio (Left)

“I am Odio... Undying hate... Unyielding rage! ”
—Sin of Odio

The Sin of Odio is the final boss in the Remake's True Ending of The Dominion of Hate. After the heroes defeated all seven of Odio's incarnations, a furious Oersted absorbs the hatred and darkness of the world, creating this monstrosity.

It is ultimately defeated through the combined efforts of the heroes, and Oersted who after remembering his name and who he was breaks free of the Monster and slays It sealing his redemption .


  • Absolute Condemnation
  • Lament of the Damned
  • Fetters of Hate
  • Torment's Draught
  • Roiling Disdain
  • Vengeful Smite
  • Contemptuous Claw
  • Thunderous Despair
  • Glimpse of Madness
  • Arm of the Vortex