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“O children, out of time and out of place. Your wanderlust will lead you unto death!”
—Odio sent the Headhunter after encountering the party

The Headhunter (or Head Plucker) is an enemy and boss from the final chapter, Dominion of Hate. He is a ghostly knight that inhabits the void of darkness and is set to kill anyone that crosses his path. He is the guardian of the Cosmic Boots.

If you attempt to re-enter the tunnel you came from when Odio appears near the end of The Dominion of Hate, you will be placed in a black void. When trying to walk around/interact with stuff, this boss will appear and attack you. You will be able to save the game a few moments before the attack, though be warned this boss is extremely dangerous and you may not want to end up back here over and over if defeated.


The Headhunter is a very strong enemy and should only be challenged with a full well-equipped party. He has high stats and immunity to all status effects. He only has one attack which is the deadly Wizenblade, as it deals extremely high amounts of damage. However, each time he uses Wizenblade he will be debuffed in all his stats, weakening him as he uses it. You can get him to target a character and let it receive the hits from his Wizenblade. Use a healer like Cube or Akira in order to keep the target character alive. While the Headhunter is locked in place attacking the target, hit him with the other two characters of your party. You can also try to rush him with a team of strong ranged attackers like Sundown or Oboromaru since he is only able to hit one target at a time. After you defeat him, you will get the Cosmic Boots.

Possible Encounters