Death Prophet

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“A coward walks among us.”
—The Death Prophet warning the party

The Death Prophet is an enemy and boss from the final chapter, The Dominion of Hate. He is black saber-toothed cat that hunts cowards by turning them into stone. He is the guardian of the Cosmic Mail.


Death Prophet is a difficult boss only if you are not prepared to fight him. Should the player flee or teleport 95 times, the boss will call out your character, claiming them to be a coward and begin to count down from 5. Bringing the counter down to 0 through Flee or using Teleport will trigger the boss fight. He can cause the Petrification status with his attacks, mainly Orb of Petrification. Due to this, he can easily defeat a party that doesn't have protection so it is advised to get at least two of the other Cosmic armor pieces before fighting him. By the point you get to flee from 100 battles you should have most of your party at level 16 so at that point just rush him down with ultimate techniques. Otherwise, if you are not prepared, you can try to put him to sleep and attack his back so that he self-destructs with Not the Tail. After you defeat him, you will get the Cosmic Mail.

Possible Encounters

See also